Internet Backdraft/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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** Also UC related, go on a forum and ask whether or not {{spoiler|Char and Amuro died}} at the end of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Chars Counterattack (Anime)|Chars Counterattack]]''. This seems to be a particular [[Berserk Button]] on MAHQ, mainly because [[Never Heard That One Before|they're tired of hearing it]].
** Mentioning ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Age]]'', especially on /m/, even before the show started ''airing''. Prepare for diatribes about [[Merchandise-Driven|toy commercials]] and how Hino and Level 5 make [[Inazuma Eleven (Video Game)|"poorly written schlock"]] that is [[Danball Senki|"written for little kids."]]
** On the other side of the fence, there will be someone wanting to make it like New ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' or "Insert cynical science fiction here". That tends to drag out a burning debate as there are also people who think trying to be "mature" is bad for gundam.
* The great "is downloading fansubs immoral/evil/going to destroy the animation industry as we know it?" debate in anime fandom. Especially dangerous to mention at [[Anime News Network]]. And while you're at it, it's also better that you don't mention [[Geneon]] or [[ADV Films]] as well.
** And for an entirely different subject concerning fansubs: Mention OtaKing when discussing (the quality of) fansubs then run, run away unless you're a masochist.
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** Just mention the fight between Sasuke and Deidara. The resulting inferno will have Deidara praising you AS A GOD!!!!!
** [[The Reveal]] that the Rinnegan, the eyes that were exclusive to Nagato at the time {{spoiler|was yet another Sharingan upgrade}} didn't sit well with a lot of fans.
* You won't get very far in a ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh]]'' forum without meeting someone who thinks one of the following things ruined the franchise: [[Game Breaker|Chaos]], Heroes, Synchros, ''GX'' [[Executive Meddling|season 4]], ''GX'' period, ''5D's'' period, too much [[Ho Yay|gay subtext]], not enough gay subtext, Scaling, not Scaling, Netdecking, not Netdecking, Cyberdark Impact, [[Four Kids4Kids! Entertainment]], all of the above, or everything else. Mentioning the Abridged Series, however, is A-okay.
** Don't ever pair your [[Original Character]] with any canon character. EVER.
** Go to any forum that talks about ''GX'' and ask if Yubel was a boy or a girl when he/she was human.
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* ''[[Hellsing (Manga)|Hellsing]]'' TV series. Just say those 3 words on a ''Hellsing'' forum, and wackiness ensues. Try saying that it's better than the [[OVA|OVAs]], that there should've been a second season, the characters were better and the other media ruined them, etc. There used to be a very vocal TV fanbase, but most of them disappeared after OVA III (the series split its continuity before that part).
** Oh, and say that [[Bifauxnen|Integra]] is a nice guy, but a bit too feminine for a man. It always divides fans between humorous and irate. Mostly irate.
** Also, just casually mention [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Alucard/Integra VS Seras/Integra VS Alucard/Seras]] and see what happens. On second thought, don't.
** Do NOT under any circumstances ask if ''[[Hellsing (Manga)|Hellsing]]'' could be considered a direct sequel to ''[[Dracula]]''. Just. Don't. Some fans will say "yes" and point to all the similarities between the two, while others will say that it's an AU storyline, but not a direct sequel to the novel...and then others will just say that the only thing in common are the characters. No two fans will fully agree with the other on this.
** If you're really brave, compare ''[[Hellsing (Manga)|Hellsing]]'' to ''[[Vampire Hunter D (Manga)|Vampire Hunter D]]'' and wait for the imminent fan base explosion on both sides to happen.
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** Special mention goes to "[[Memetic Mutation|those]] [[Useful Notes/South Korea|Koreans]]!" Since some Korean netizens have been ''very vocal'' about their hatred of it, many Hetalia wanks are tinged with anti-Korean sentiments.
** Or bring it up to someone who plays in panfandom journal-style RPs, regardless of whether they like Hetalia or not. Unless they play a Hetalia character themselves, be prepared to sit back and listen to a lot of ranting and raving about how Hetalia has totally taken over/ruined their game.
** The [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] is getting bigger and bigger. With the expected [[Flame War|flame wars]]. America/England vs. Russia/America vs. France/England vs. England/Japan vs. England/Portugal? Greece/Japan vs. Greece/Turkey? Hungary/Austria vs. Hungary/Prussia vs. Hungary/Turkey vs. Hungary/Romania vs. Hungary/Poland? Russia/Lithuania vs. Poland/Lithuania? Poland/Lithuania vs. Poland/Ukraine? Germany/Prussia vs. Germany/North Italy vs. Germany/Austria? China/Japan vs. China/Taiwan vs. Taiwan/Japan vs. Taiwan/Hong Kong? Spain/Romano vs. Spain/Belgium vs. Spain/Netherlands? France/Canada vs. Prussia/Canada vs. Canada/Cuba? Sweden/Finland vs. Sweden/Denmark? Denmark/Norway vs. Norway/Iceland vs. Hong Kong/Iceland? America/England vs. EVERY other ship? Pick your poison. (The last one in particular has caused more wank than all the other combats put together.)
** Then there was the ''tsunami'' of internet outrage when a group of Germany, Prussia and Austria cosplayers did a Nazi salute just ''minutes'' from a Holocaust memorial. [[Fee Fi Faux Pas|On Passover]]. This is not helping ''anyone's'' case any AT ALL.
*** Evidence on this can still be found on [[Live Journal]] in the Hetalia community, since this happened at the start of April 2009.
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*** On that note, Vic in general can be a rather... controversial topic. Either he's an absolutely awesome voice actor who should be revered and is always right even when he's not, or he is an absolutely horrible gayhater of a monster who should die and NEVER touch the [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]]' fandoms. Try to [[Take a Third Option]], such as explaining that people are allowed to ship (and do in [[Real Life]]) whatever they want, he just always chooses to interpret his characters as straight, and enjoy being eaten alive by both sides.
*** Once the dub voice of England was released, the [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|outrage over the dub voices grew]], along with rage against liberties in the script and FUNimation calling him "Britain" (by request of the Japanese publisher), which is technically correct, but fandom has gotten used to calling him England. Asking about his voice or the name change will only generate more of a [[Flame War|flamewar]].
*** The dub itself has become a [[Rated "M" for Money|controversial subject]] of discussion due to its massive script rewrites which FUNimation claimed were necessary and [[Crosses the Line Twice|"purposely offensive"]] to reach a wider audience. The results of bringing up this subject are a lot more loaded than any [[Shipping]] debate; The Hetalia fans that love the dub, the fans that hate the dub, and even the haters of Hetalia itself will tear each other to shreds.
** Even within the fandom, the question of where to draw the line can get heated. When it comes to real warfare, natural disasters, political strife; what is or isn't appropriate cosplay attire; even the shipping of nations with especially bloody histories (such as Germany/Poland, China/Japan), there is no easy answer.
* Go to a ''[[Berserk (Manga)|Berserk]]'' [ forum populated mostly by guys] and declare that you think Griffith is gay or bisexual and prepare to have people defend his manly honor (and don't even ''think'' about mentioning Guts). Mention that you think Griffith ''isn't'' gay on a [[Live Journal|forum populated mostly by girls]] and watch the heads roll as they accuse you of being homophobic and/or hating yaoi as a whole, no matter what your stance on [[Real Life]] LGBT businesses are.
** Call Casca a whore, and declare your own death to such people.
* Talk about [[Four Kids4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]]. Period. If you have a death wish, mention that you don't think the dub of [insert any show that 4Kids worked on here] was all that bad and/or that the [[Fan Dumb|fans are dumb]] for getting so worked up over something so stupid. Even the most civilized board or chat room will dogpile you.
** God forbid if you even mention you like the dubs even for nostalgic sentimental value.
*** Out of all of those, there is one in particular that even the mentioning of can be considered a form of suicide. Say that you like the 4Kids dub of ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]''. You. Will. DIE.
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** In some places, if you dare to mention you like Misa Amane, you'll be eaten alive by her haters and the "feminist fans". (Who coincidentally [[Double Standard|forgive all the shit that L and Light pull on others]] while screaming that Misa is a dumb whore who must die.)
* Depending on the Yuri Forum you're in, mentioning ''[[Kannazuki no Miko]]'' can lead to the internet reaching through your computer screen and slapping you.
** This is specially huge if you ask people their opinion on [[Wham! Episode|Episode 8]] (where {{spoiler|Chikane rapes Himeko right before her [[Face Heel Turn]]}}) and the [[Grand Finale]] (where {{spoiler|we learnt that she "only" raped Himeko as a part of a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to nullify her [[Virgin Power]] and "save" her from being erased of existence}}) Either you think her overall intentions gave her an at least understandable reason to reach such an extreme, or you believe it's said intentions were just an [[Ass Pull]] to give her a [[Karma Houdini]] over something that a male (like {{spoiler|Souma}}) would surely get slammed to death for.
* Go to virtually any ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' Forum and just bring up the slightest hint of Yuuno and Nanoha, half the board will cheer you, half of it will attempt to murder you over the Internet.
** More like 99% will attempt to murder you over the Internet.
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* [[Bleach (Manga)|Ishiruki, Ishihime, Ichiruki, and Ichihime all equally]] just some not as loudly as others, all the ships are wanktastic. Or any pairings that don't really fall nice in certain fans' ears. See the flamewars between each coupling's fans, and heavily bashing. BTW, to the most hardcore ones, any pairing might make these throw raging fits. Oh, and say Chad is the worst character you've ever seen, and that he should be more of a pervert, and even some people that ''don't'' like ''Bleach'' will want to burn you alive.
** Orihime- even beyond whether she should be with Ichigo- is quite a touchy subject, as any post about her is liable to anger either the part of the Bleach fandom that thinks that she is a wonderful person who has endured so much, who can't do anything wrong (even when she acknowledges herself as flawed) and whom no one should ever dare question, or the part that sees her as a [[Damsel Scrappy]] who is unable to do anything without Ichigo and should be killed for the sake of "feminism", uhm, the story. Say something like that you think Orihime is a good person, but is deprived of opportunities to prove herself or help her friends, and you're likely to offend both.
*** We also dare you to suggest that [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|she and Rukia aren't OMG RIVALS for Ichigo's heart.]] See the [[Vocal Minority|most rabid Rukia]] [[Straw Feminist|fangirls]] unleash their anger at the mere suggestion that their [[Possession Sue]] version of Rukia isn't 1000 times better than the "anti feminist", "stupid", "slutty" and "big breasted" Orihime bitch. And if you remind them that Rukia and Orihime are ''friends'' in canon and care for each other very much ([[Les Yay|or more, according to some]])... you're deader than dead.
** Likewise, say anything at all about Ulquiorra. If you say you hate him, then his rabid fangirls unleash ALLCAPSRAEG about how he's just a lonely, sensitive soul and kicks a lot of ass. Say you like him, and the haters spell out how he's an emotionless jackass that mentally tortures Orihime for the evulz. And God help you if you say you love/hate Ulquihime.
** Head to a mainly male board and express how you think Zaraki is secretly screwing Byakuya, or suggest the possibility of an Eleventh Company-wide orgy. They will go mad. Extra points if you say that Kenpachi and Nnoitra would make a good couple.
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* Want to start a [[Flame War]] amongst the ''[[Soul Eater (Manga)|Soul Eater]]'' fans? Just mention you don't like/hate [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Death The Kid]].
** [[Viewer Gender Confusion|"Is Chrona]] [[Ambiguous Gender|a boy or girl?"]] And...cue the ensuing flame war.
** Speaking of Kidd, the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|shipping wars]] that ensue whenever someone asks who he should pair up with certainly applies. Some say he should be with Maka, others claim he'd be best with Chrona (which brings up the split of boy!Chrona vs girl!Chrona), and still ''others'' claim he's best with either Liz/Patti (or possibly both). Add in [[Ho Yay|people who ship him with Black* Star and/or Soul]] and you're pretty much in a metaphorical land mine on this one.
** And, for heaven's sake, ''don't'' bring up the possibility he's asexual. Don't. Just... Don't, more like symmetrisexual.
** And what about {{spoiler|his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}? ... [[Tempting Fate|Whoops.]]
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* ''[[Tenchi Muyo]]''. Whatever you do, ''never'' mention that you liked the 3rd OVA. Or ''[[Tenchi Muyo GXP]]''. Or ''[[Tenchi in Tokyo]]''. Or the movie ''Tenchi Forever''. Or any of the ''[[Pretty Sammy]]'' spinoffs. Come to think of it, just don't ever mention ''Tenchi Muyo'' on any kind of message board.
** Go to any decently active ''Tenchi'' web community and mention [[Mona Marshall]]'s name. People will come at you with hot plasma pitchforks saying she's either not the real Ryoko or that she ruined Ryoko and/or ''Tenchi'' forever.
* Try posting images of [http://en.[ Gagarin|the first Cosmonaut in outer space]] on any [[Girls Love]] image boards and call them "Yuri Pictures". You'll get some tittering, then a whole lotta flame.
* In regards to ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Anime)|Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'', {{spoiler|Kyuubey's reasoning that involved science.}} Just mention anything about ''entropy'' in /a/ would cause an argument. Even if {{spoiler|two characters just died in that episode.}}
** And be ''very'' careful in debating pairings in the series. In example: Does {{spoiler|Sayaka and Kyouko}}'s relationship count as prospect [[Yuri]]? Were {{spoiler|Kyouko}}'s feelings and her willingness to {{spoiler|go through an [[Heroic Sacrifice]] for Sayaka}} a show of either explicit or potential romantic lesbian love, or just born from a motherly/sisterly instinct? Is {{spoiler|Sayaka}}'s crush on Kamijou detrimental or not for her character as a whole? You're crazy, {{spoiler|Sayaka}} would never be a lesbian, she's too in love with {{spoiler|Kamijou}} and would never ever return a girl's crush on her! You stupid homophobe, {{spoiler|Sayaka}}'s crush on {{spoiler|Kamijou}} is antifeminist and heterosexist and makes her weak, she'll only be cool by falling for a woman and not for an icky man! 14-year-old girls are way too young to know ''anything'' about lesbianism, you sick fuckers! WHY DID YOU ASK THAT YOU IDIOT, SEE THE FLAAAAAMEEEEES!
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** And now that the series has ended, there is already much heated debate about {{spoiler|the ending, in which Madoka ''literally'' becomes a God.}} Talk about this in forums and '''boom''' goes the dynamite.
** "Is Madoka Magica a [[Deconstruction]] or not in the end?" NOOOOOO! YOU BIIIIITCH! YOU BIIIIIITCH!
* Go on any ''[[Black Butler (Manga)|Black Butler]]'' forum and say you prefer [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Ciel and Lizzie to Ciel and Sebastian.]]
** If you say you'd rather [[Take a Third Option]] and ship [[Foe Yay|Ciel and Alois]] instead? ''No. You're not safe, either.''
*** Alois, Claude and the whole second season are also very, '''very''' hot topics. And by hot, we mean "'''''FIERY'''''"!
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** When you bring up a certain scene from episode 14, be careful. If someone leans in favor of either {{spoiler|Shouma}} or {{spoiler|Ringo}} in there, a [[Flame War]] will likely erupt.
** Episode 18 (more specifically, how {{spoiler|Kanba managed to not lose his arms}} and {{spoiler|Tabuki changing his mind and saving Himari from falling to her death}}) shall not be mentioned on /a/ unless you DO want a flamewar.
** [[Wham! Episode|Episode 19]] may become a new point of contention, what with the somewhat always present animosity between Shouma fans and Kanba fans being take [[Up to Eleven]].
** Even better, we dare you to say that you like ''[[Mawaru Penguindrum (Anime)|Mawaru Penguindrum]]'' better than ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]''. Pray you make it alive.
* Never talk about pairings in ''[[Ranma One Half]]'' fandom. EVER. These [[Shipping Wars]] have carried on for '''almost one and a half decades'''.
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*** Speaking of LGBT matters, discussing the characters' sexual orientations can be a messy affair. (Is Utena straight, bisexual or lesbian? Is Touga straight or bi? Could Shiori ever reciprocate Juri's feelings for her? And so on.) Wherever you stand, blood is gonna fly.
*** Anthy Himemiya herself is the biggest [[Base Breaker]] in the fandom. There's '''''no''''' middle ground on a character as complex as she is, specially on {{spoiler|her relationship with Akio}} and {{spoiler|her stabbing Utena at the end}}. Is she a person who is broken beyond belief after {{spoiler|a millenia of pain and abuse}}, or a [[Manipulative Bitch]] who played everyone as fools as {{spoiler|her revenge for said millenia of pain and abuse}}? Either way, don't ask: the mere mention of Anthy can send everyone into hategasms or lovegasms.
** Do ''not'' bring up a certain scene from [[Recap Episode|episode]] [[Wham! Episode|33]] on Tumblr. You'll regret it.
** And as mentioned above, if you say you like ''[[Mawaru Penguindrum (Anime)|Mawaru Penguindrum]]'' better than ''Utena'', you shall be marked for a painful death.
* [[Fate Stay Night|Shirou]] vs [[Tsukihime|Shiki]] or can Shiki kill X.