Internet Backdraft/Fan Works: Difference between revisions

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* Mention the fanfic ''[[All He Ever Wanted]]'' to the [[Axis Powers Hetalia]] fen. The fandom will be split among fans who tout it as [[Better Than Canon]] and anti-fans who hate it to death. And it looks like this has been going even ''in this very wiki''. From the [[Your Mileage May Vary|ymmv]] page:
** "If you don't like it? Either you don't appreciate 'True Art' (which is [[True Art Is Angsty|always angsty and contrived and what not]]), you're a butthurt Prussia or England/Japan fangirl who cannot stand their less-than-stellar portrayals, or [[You're Just Jealous]] of Mith and/or Puel's "online stardom" so you want to 'slander' them."
** "If you like it? You're a [[Professional Butt -Kisser]] who want to look good by saying you like their stuff, a pompous Jerk Ass who looks down on the average fandom and think you're superior because of your tastes, or you MUST be one of these fans that relentlessly bully those who dislike it."
* About the only other Hetalia fanfic that's even more controversial than this one is a certain infamous fill over at the Hetalia [[Kink Meme]] - if you're familiar with the kink meme at all, you'll instantly know which one we mean. Said fanfic is so immensely popular that it has spawned numerous spinoffs and related requests, but its...shall we say...[[Rape Tropes|controversial]] [[Revenge Fic|subject]] has caused ''many'' anti-fans to call it [[Canon Rape]] that should never, ever have been made, even as the fic's fans attack them for getting so uppity about a work that was created just for [[Fetish Fuel]] purposes.
* Mentioning Phyrriccomedy's ''The Chosen End'' is like throwing fish in a barrel. You have discussions about characterization of the leads ([[Draco in Leather Pants]] Russia and [[Uke]] America) about the [[Die for Our Ship|bashing of England]] supposedly "based" on "historical canon" (only applied to ''him'' and not to Russia or USA), the wanky and holier-than-thou behavior of the author (shown in the [[Hate Fic]] in which she makes England a crazy [[Yandere]] who ''rapes and tortures America''), the fangirls who can't [ TOLERATE] any criticism of TCE...