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* ''[[F-Zero]]'''s Leon, [[Retcon|depending on the game]] (although both examples still fit). In ''X'', he's adopted by Mrs. Arrow and her husband Super Arrow, a [[They Fight Crime|crime-fighting]] [[Superhero]] [[Battle Couple|couple]]. According to ''GX'', however, he was instead adopted by Fable, a soldier belonging to the race that attacked Leon's homeworld twelve years ago (which led to the poor kid [[Parental Abandonment|losing his parents]] and [[Eye Scream|his left eye]], [[War Is Hell|as well as Zou becoming an economical dump]]) who [[Heel Face Turn|rebelled]] [[Defector From Decadence|when he became disgusted by their tactics]]. Leon's a bipedal cat-like alien, the Arrows are human, and Fable is another species of extraterrestrial being.
* After the [[Time Skip]] in ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'', {{spoiler|the [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-human, half-Esper]] Terra is shown [[Promotion to Parent|to have adopted some children from Mobliz]] whose parents were killed by [[Big Bad|Kefka's]] [[Light Is Not Good|Light of Judgment]].}}
* At the end of ''[[Final Fantasy IV: theThe After Years]]'', {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Life|the last remaining Maenad]] is adopted by Rydia and christened Cuore.}} This is a bit of an ambiguous example as {{spoiler|the Maenads are a race of [[Artificial Human|Artificial Humans]] made in Rydia's image by [[The Man Behind the Man|The Creator]].}}
* After her parents were killed by [[Space Pirates]], [[Metroid|Samus Aran]] was adopted by the [[Perfect Pacifist People|Chozo]], an ancient race of bird-like creatures that raised her and trained her to be [[Bounty Hunter|what she is]].
* In ''[[Devil May Cry]] 2'', [[The Reveal|a big deal is made out of]] {{spoiler|Lucia being [[Artificial Human|a flawed demonic construct]] of [[Big Bad|Arius]] instead of Matier's biological daughter. After going through a [[Heroic BSOD]] and [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|struggling with the ramifications of her true nature for a bit]], Matier comforts Lucia and outright tells her, "You are my daughter." This gives Lucia the strength to carry on and break out of her [[Cloning Blues]] complex.}}