Interspecies Romance/Tabletop Games/Dungeons & Dragons: Difference between revisions

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Where would we be without ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' and it's half-whatevers? In fact, since there's a [[Half-Human Hybrid]] for pretty much everything in the Monster Manual (although it's commonly implied that [[Rape Asas Backstory|romance wasn't involved]] with the half-monsters), we've given D&D it's own section.
* Mommy, where do half-[[Our Elves Are Better|elves]] come from?
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* Duthka'gith, anyone?!
** For non [[Planescape|Planescapeers]], hybrids of Red Dragon and Githyanki, deliberately bred by the Lich-Queen Vlaakith.
* According to [[Dragon Magazine(magazine)]] #385, human royals have been known to accept [[Fantastic Slur|Glee-Born]], dragonborn with a more jovial, fun-loving nature than is normal for their taciturn race, as courtesans. Dragonborn, by the by, are humanoid in form, but have four fingers and three toes to a hand/foot (all of which are tipped with big, but blunt, claws), have scales for skin, "dreadlocks" for hair (actually a specialized form of scale), blunt-muzzled reptilian heads, fin-like ears, and grow close to seven feet tall. And typically have physically proportions like dwarves... meaning that some dragonborn women are bigger and buffer than most human ''men''. Of course, there are still relatively slender and feminine dragonborn, but still.
* Al-Qadim, being [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|quasi-Arabic]] setting, has polygamy limited by tradition to four wives. That being ''Al-Qadim'', this number is justified by the legend about the first sha'ir, who had four [[Our Genies Are Different|genie]] wives -- one per element. Marriages between a mortal and a genie are not quite stuff of legends, though of course rare and many are troublesome -- given how capricious and powerful genies are, few can hope to hold one's interest for long, let alone be a more or less equal match. Mortals of Zakhara are immune to [[Fantastic Racism]], so romance between humanoids happens now and again, though rare except human-elf and human-orc pairs -- they are known to be inter-fertile, so it's much less of a big deal.
* While it doesn't get a lot of mention, the novels for the [[Dragonlance]] setting admit outright that humans can cross-breed with just about any of the humanoid races. Not only is a half-elf one of the main characters of the first trilogy, but several mentions have been made of half-kender, and at least one half-ogre, half-dwarf, half-goblin and half-gnome has each turned up over the course of the novels.