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Note that [[Tropes Are Not Bad]]. Sex can be a great mood-elevator and, to some degree, help with certain hang-ups or insecurities. The key issue is ''overstating'' this effect. For instance, someone with a case of Dissociative Identity Disorder (a.k.a. multiple personalities) won't suddenly "get better" after some great sex. After all, [[Fridge Logic|if sex completely and instantly cured all emotional wounds]], [[There Are No Therapists|there would be no therapists]].
See also [["Glad to Be Alive" Sex]], stress-relief through sex in the aftermath of life-threatening experiences.
[[Do Not Try This At Home]]. Having someone attempt to get over mental or emotional hang-ups by having sex is rarely if ever a good idea, and very illegal if you are counseling them in a professional setting.
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* Played with in Jack's route in ''[[Mass Effect]] 2''. The sequence that makes her somewhat less psychotic is clearly "intimate," but doesn't involve sex. Earlier in the game, it's possible to have sex with her, but this confirms her belief that people only care about her sexually, and results in a bad end to the romance.
* Subverted in ''[[Cross Channel]]''. Misato decided that having sex with Taichi would be the best way to atone for her sin of {{spoiler|sending her father to jail}}. Of course, she's also implied to be [http://en.[ personality disorder|self-defeating]], and the sex arguably made the whole situation worse. At least it helped in {{spoiler|sending her back to the original world}}.
* Tomohiro helps his friends this way in [[LEAV Es]].
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[[Category:Fanfic Tropes]]
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