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{{Needs more tropes}}
* [[A Million Is a Statistic]]: Soon Shishiro begins to rationalize comitting murder as something not very important as long the victims aren't people he knows.
* [[Creepy Monotone]]: Shishiro voices don't raises or is altered at all while killing people. He is always a midly joyful tone.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Considering he sustains the whole family and is shown to be nothing but a loving father and husband, the family's harsh treatment of Ichiro counts as a downplayed version of this.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Hiro to Ichiro, big time, which Ichiro lampshades(and laments) almost immediately after meeting the first in Chapter 13. One a nice, married older man, the other a sociopathic, single younger man. Both with the same powers and similar names.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Chapter 10. When the audience barely knows Hiro, Andou asks off-handedly if he is gonna kill him after he shows to him he is a cyborg. Turns out Ando was perfectly justified in expecting that from his friend.
* [[Hikkikomori]]: Andou is one, having isolated himself because he was being bullied.
* [[Loss of Identity]]: Ichiro no longer believes he's the real Ichiro once he discovers his new mechanic nature, at first. Once he begins to save people, he feels he is still as human as ever.