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== [[Literature]] ==
* For obvious reasons this doesn't happen very often in books, but there is at least one example: in the [[Thursday Next]] book ''First Among Sequels'' the two chapters before a big meeting are filled with people discussing a rumor that [[Harry Potter]] may put in an appearance. Once the meeting starts, the first announcement is that Harry couldn't make it due to [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|copyright issues]].
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Seinfeld]]'' had at least two fake cameos, by Uma Thurman and John Kennedy Jr., not to mention the innumerable back-of-the-head 'appearances' by George Steinbrenner.
* ''[[The Single Guy]]'' had an episode where Sam unearthed an old recording which, ridiculous and bad as it was, he thought was a lost Beatles track. At the end of the episode the tape was bought back by Paul McCartney himself -- which is to say, a faceless man in the back of a car, doing a bad Paul McCartney impression.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' special ''The End of Time'', President Obama is shown giving a speech, but only the back of his head is shown. Then he turns into the Master.
* In ''[[Just Shoot Me|Just Shoot Me!]]'', Maya and Finch attend a party where Robert DeNiro spills a drink on Maya and Finch gets his photo taken with Madonna, yet strangely enough the only people we see there are total nobodies.
* The pilot of ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' has Cordelia pointing out celebrities in a party -- none of whom are seen.
* On ''[[Mad About You]]'' Paul gets magician David Copperfield's suit by mistake. He later returns it to him -- or rather, a stand-in seen only from behind.
* Ex-president Gerald Ford's appearance on ''[[That Seventies Show|That 70s Show]]''.
* One episode of the short-lived live-action ''[[The Tick]]'' series featured Jimmy Carter. His face was never seen, though we did get to see the back of his head.
* Being a famous popstar, [[Hannah Montana]] will frequently reference other celebrities that she knows. Most of them are never actually shown, but there have been exceptions.
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* On ''[[Murphy Brown]]'' Frank was going to be on ''Late Night with [[David Letterman]]'' but he got bumped. He came in to the studio and waved. They used the footage of actor Joe Regalbuto actually doing that from a time when he was bumped on the real ''Late Show'', but just his shot with Dave saying "sorry" heard in the background. This was the first "appearance" of David Letterman on CBS very shortly after he had signed the contract to move his show there from NBC.
* A long-running gag on the ''Mary Tyler Moore Show'' involved Mary's inability to throw a good party. In one late-season episode, she is promised an appearance by Johnny Carson at her latest party. After the usual run of disasters, the apartment plunges into total blackout - which is, of course, when Johnny Carson appears - or at least his voice!
* In ''[[Community (TV)|Community]]'', Joe Biden is doing a tour of Colorado community colleges. Only the back of his head is ever seen.
== [[Music]] ==
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[FostersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'' had both Mel Gibson and Tom Hanks.... with buckets on their heads.
* An episode of ''[[Bonkers (Animation)|Bonkers]]'' dealt with a kidnapped Mickey Mouse, who spent the entire episode locked in a box and was referred to only as "the Mouse". This was especially unusual since we clearly hear his voice, and the show being produced by Disney seems to make this unnecessary.