Iron Man (film)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Tony Stark ''is'' suffering from PTSD. ==
At least initially. Okay, the whole PTSD thing is a cover story put about by Stane in order to force Tony out of control of the company; but Tony's actions at the press conference (and shortly afterwards) are quite unstable in many ways. Let's be honest: most people don't cope with stress by building a war suit and beating the snot out of terrorists. (Although if easy-build snap-together war suit kits become available, it may become a popular option.)
* Rumours that the sequel will deal with Tony's alcoholism arc from the comics might support this theory.{{verify}}
* This is a plot point for the comics' version of Tony, as well as the whole rationale for the introduction of War Machine. Keep in mind that War Machine ''is'' in the sequel.
* Yes, he should do something sensible like Bruce Wayne, who dressed like a flying rodent and wandered the streets of his city beating fellow pedestrians to a pulp.
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** Possibly [[Jossed]] by ''[[The Incredible Hulk]]''. In that movie, it's revealed what happened to the Weapon Plus program (the name appears on a canister), but Stark Industries may still have been involved...
*** The Stark logo was there because they made the cryogenic canister which held the serum.
*** The Wal*Mart Exclusive comic that came with the DVD [ reveals] that Tony's father worked on "an alloy" for Project: Rebirth; Tony found an example of it and used it to strengthen the suit. The "final product" was lost.
*** Since Captain Americas shield can be seen veeeeeeery briefly in the background of Tony's lab, it's easy to assume that it was the product of his father's alloy. But the original formula must have been lost because, as we all know, Cap's shield is even more indestructible than Batman and Chuck Norris combined, which is why his suit could only be 'strengthened' rather than turning him into a walking pile of adamantium/steel alloy.
*** The Super-Soldier Project was Weapon-I under Weapon Plus in the comics.
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* The man builds an arc reactor ([[Memetic Mutation|in a cave with a box of scraps]] no less), plugs it into his chest, builds the iron man suit and hunts down the people who got access to his weapons without him knowing about it and you're trying to tell me he's not crazy?
** He's crazy in very different ways than Tesla. Certainly he doesn't have the phobias about touching or sex. And he's way too impulsive to have OCD.
*** ''Too'' impulsive? OCD manifests in different ways for different, or even the same people. Being compelled to stick screws up your nose [[Discworld/Thief of Time|is not the opposite of]] being compelled to arrange them all in the proper drawers. It's just a different, more socially-acceptable target.
**** [[Dramatically Missing the Point|Completely Missing the Point]] that that's not the kind of OCD Tesla had. And compulsive behavior of ''any'' kind is not impulsive, by definition, whether sloppy or neat.
***** It's not impulsive, but it does look that way from the outside.
******* And ''again'', Tesla's compulsions were not of that sort. They were repetitive and precise.
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== Fin Fang Foom will make it into the movies somehow. ==
Let's face it, Iron Man doesn't have the most interesting rogue's gallery. What he DOES''does'' have however, is a giant Dragon from space. This is an opportunity to good to pass up.
* A giant Dragon from space ''that talks''!
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== The second movie is like the second act of a "Behind the Music" special. ==
Or the third, if you go by commercial breaks. The part just before the band gets back together. Anyway, someone [ floated this on io9].
{{quote|This is a movie about a rock star going through the pains of stardom, realizing being a rock star doesn't make you immortal and freaking out and trashing the hotel room as a result. It's about the just-peaked star becoming self-destructive and the friends and staff around him being worried about it. }}
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It makes perfect sense! "The technology they need hasn't been invented yet"- "A strong Heterodyne will take about two hours to truly warp the laws of physics." Clearly, it's not that the tech hasn't been invented, it's just that they aren't Sparks. Howard Heterodyne's breakthrough device was actually a dimension warper. Everyone in Mechanicsburg thought it had killed him, when really, it just dumped him in the 1940s [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]]. He was probably still in the Madness Place when he first encountered people, and so said something unintelligeable including "Howard" and "Spark", which they misheard as "Stark", and assumed that was his name. He quickly realized that as the only Spark, he'd probably live a good bit longer there than back home. We've seen what the nursery looked like, it's no wonder he never went back. The reason he was less into the weapons than Tony is that he saw a chance to get away from all of it, so he could just invent stuff, be famous, rich, etc. Tony, on the other hand, didn't have the experience with the insanity of the Heterodyne family, so he didn't have any real reason to not make that stuff until the movie.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Film]]