Ironic Echo Cut: Difference between revisions

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'''Kou''' (half awake): Uh? Game? ''(Unfazed)'' God, I'm so nervous. }}
* Variation: at one point in episode 31 of ''[[Soul Eater]]'', Kid suggests to no one in particular that they should have a party. One title card later, we cut to a party being held in his house.
* [[Bonus Material|An omake]] in the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangamanga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' manga volumes, adapted into an episode of [[Fullmetal Alchemist (Animeanime)|the 2003 anime]], has this:
{{quote| ''Ed has requested a battle with the [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Flame Alchemist]], Roy Mustang, in lieu of the regular assessment.''<br />
'''Mustang''': Come on, the Fuhrer knows it wouldn't be fair with ''me'' against the kid. I'd love to show off my valor, but there's no way he's going to allow it.<br />
''Cut to a meeting with the Fuhrer''<br />
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== Film ==
* ''[[Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (Film)|Indiana Jones and Thethe Last Crusade]]'':
{{quote| '''Elsa:''' It's perfectly obvious where the pages are. He's given them to Marcus Brody. <br />
'''Professor Henry Jones:''' Marcus? You didn't drag poor Marcus along did you? He's not up to the challenge. <br />
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'''Marcus Brody:''' Uhhh, does anyone here speak English? }}
** This example is made even more hilarious when Indy reveals [[Indy Ploy|he was bluffing]].
* [[Star Trek VI: theThe Undiscovered Country]]: Spock states his confidence that the Captain is already in the middle of his escape ... cut to Kirk getting the crap beat out of him in a prison fight.
* Another example without the cut: ''[[Austin Powers]] in Goldmember''.
{{quote| '''Austin''': ''(To his father)'' Like I'd ever let Goldmember get away.<br />
* ''Foxxy Cleopatra enters the shot''*<br />
'''Foxxy''': Austin? Goldmember's getting away. }}
* This is almost [[War Machine (Comic Book)|James Rhodes]] (Terrence Howard)'s entire purpose in the ''[[Iron Man]]'' [[Iron Man (Filmfilm)|film]].
** The man in action:
{{quote| '''Rhodey''': Now, what am I supposed to tell the press? <br />
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'''Leia Organa Solo:''' [[Short Cuts Make Long Delays|You call this a shortcut?]] }}
* The four ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' novels by Martin Adams ''love'' this trope, but in that case it tends to be a character's voice echoing the narrator or another character's thought processes.
* The ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Moving Pictures|Moving Pictures]]'' has a scene where a cinema owner is imagining what two film stars are doing, unaware that they don't ''know'' they're stars, and the male lead is now working as an assistant horse holder.
{{quote| Prob'ly eating caviar off of golden plates, and lounging around up to their knees in velvet cushions, you bet.<br />
*** <br />
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{{quote| Appleby was a fair-haired boy from Iowa who believed in God, Motherhood, and the American Way of Life, without ever thinking about any of them, and everybody who knew him liked him. <br />
"I hate that son of a bitch," Yossarian growled. }}
* From the tenth [[RangersRanger's Apprentice]] book, when Alyss and Evanlyn propose setting out on their own to get reinforcements for battle:
{{quote| Alyss: It's such a logical idea, [Halt] can hardly say no, can he?<br />
*Cut*<br />
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STARK: You sure you know what you're doing? <br />
CARTER: I have no idea. }}
* Frequently used straight in ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'', but subverted in the first season finale when twice, after baldfaced lies, it cuts to an insert saying "FOOTAGE NOT FOUND."
* The ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode "Earshot" takes this a bit further, as the 'echo' comes from what Cordelia is thinking, before she speaks -- while everyone else is thinking one thing and saying another, Cordelia thinks "I don't see what this has to do with me" then repeats that exact phrase out loud.
** Delayed echoes are also used in "Life Serial", in which each act begins with Buffy saying "This is gonna be great" as she prepares for her next new job.
** From "The Zeppo"
{{quote| '''Xander''': Oh man, I'm out of my league. I gotta find Buffy. She'll know what to do.<br />
'''Buffy''': (To Angel) I don't know what to do! }}
* ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', "Humpty Dumpty": Dr. Cuddy was advocating a dangerous treatment, forcing House into the unusual role of being the voice of caution.
{{quote| '''Wilson''': This is exactly the type of thing you would do.<br />
'''House''': Well, obviously.<br />
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(Hard cut)<br />
'''Sally:''' Lesbian Spank Inferno?! }}
* In the ''[[Scrubs]]'' episode where [[A Day in Thethe Limelight|the Janitor gets to narrate]], this trope is slightly modified by contrasting the Janitor's inner monologue with JD's inner monologue.
{{quote| '''Janitor [inner monologue]:''' Now help him up so he still thinks there's hope yet for our relationship.<br />
'''JD [inner monologue]:''' Even though the Janitor had basically kidnapped me and imprisoned me for a day in a water tower, as he helped me up, I couldn't help but feel there was hope yet for our relationship. }}
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** From ''Tentacles of Doom'': Ted says that all sorts of care and consideration go into the changing of the official class of holy relics. Cut to an office in the Vatican, where a priest idly presses a button on his computer keyboard and says "What about the Holy Stone of Clonrichert?" Second priest, not even looking up from his newspaper: "Whatever."
* Occurs in several episodes of ''[[Frontline]]''. In one instance, Emma accuses the producer of feeding the controversy around a supposedly racist writer the show has been attacking. Mike responds, ''What, you think we sat at a whiteboard and mapped this whole thing out?" Cut to Marty, who is planning the week's stories on the writer on the whiteboard.
* ''[[One Foot in Thethe Grave]]'':
{{quote| '''Victor:''' *Cheerfully* Gorgeous. The sort of day that actually makes you glad you're alive.<br />
[Cut to Victor and Margaret trapped in a shed by a huge swarm of angry bees.]<br />
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* In the ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' episode ''The Quest'', Vala Mal Doran says, earnestly, regarding the map to the Holy Grail, "we would never dream of stealing it!" Cut to the team in a pub, where Vala says, "we have to steal it."
* In the ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'' episode "The Kindred", Teyla claims to be having visions of her lover, who's currently being held captive. McKay lists [[Continuity Nod|all the equally weird things that have happened to him since arriving in Atlantis]] and says, "If you say it was a vision, I believe it was a vision." Cut to him walking down the hall with Sheppard, saying, "I seriously doubt it was a vision."
* The ''[[GreysGrey's Anatomy]]'' episode "I Saw What I Saw" does this repeatedly, as a series of past events is [[The Rashomon|pieced together]] from stories told to a review board.
{{quote| '''Lexie:''' Dr. Karev seemed to have it under control.<br />
'''Dr. Adamson:''' Karev seemed totally out of control. }}
* In ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'', Ted and Robin have just had their first fight, and are talking it over with their respective best friends:
{{quote| '''Lily:''' He's upset because you won't listen to him, not because you don't like some movie.<br />
'''Ted:''' HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE ''[[Field of Dreams|FIELD OF DREAMS]]''?! }}
** In "Murtaugh", when Robin asks Ted if he thinks Barney can accomplish everything on the list:<br />{{quote| '''Ted:''' Robin, there is some pretty tough stuff on that list. ''(Laughs)'' Do you really think Barney's going to get his ear pierced?<br />
''(Cut to Barney coming in with a roll of tape on his ear)''<br />
'''Barney:''' Get ear pierced! Check. Alright, I'm off to go do laundry at mom's house. }}
* Used in a non-humorous way on an episode of ''[[Newswipe (TV)|Newswipe]]'', where it shows footage of an interview of a criminal psychologist on what TV news shows shouldn't do whenever a mass murder takes place (such as turning the murderer into an [[Anti-Hero]]), intercut with images of news shows doing exactly that.
* Another cutless example can be found in ''[[NCIS (TV)|NCIS]]'', when Ziva worries about Tony feeling down after {{spoiler|his breakup with Jeanne}}.
{{quote| '''Ziva:''' Alright, but I thought maybe you needed a little cheering up.<br />
'''Tony:''' If I needed to be cheered up, I would've put superglue on McGee's keyboard.<br />
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* A scene from ''[[The Golden Girls]]'' has Dorothy, visiting the concession stand Sophia (her mother) and Max (then-husband of Sophia) are running at the time. Dorothy worries that the weather might cause Sophia to get sick. Sophia responds with, "Please, I haven't had a cold for 40 years!" Cue the cut, followed by Max and Sophia being sick and treated at home, while the latter moans: "This is the worst cold I've had in 40 years."
* ''[[According to Jim]]'' has Jim in a speed-eating contest during a family picnic. His wife urges him to stop, and he replies: "They'd have to pump out my stomach first!" Cut to the next scene where paramedics carry Jim off to hospital, saying: "He'll be all right after we pump out his stomach."
* In the ''[[Corner Gas (TV)|Corner Gas]]'' episode "Oh, Baby", Brent is babysitting an out-of-control child but he says he won't call Emma for help because, "I'm a grown man. He's six. I should be able to handle it." Cut to Emma on the phone with Brent, saying, "You're a grown man. He's six."
* Parodied in Pablo Francisco's "Movie Previews Guy" skit, during a Keanu Reeves movie trailer.
{{quote| '''Preview Guy''': They knew too much.<br />
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''Cut to him and Suzy''<br />
'''Ned:''' Then I saw the Wild Boy skirt, and I said, "I just have to have it!" }}
* In the ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'' episode "Pardon My Past", Phoebe discovers that she was evil in a past life, but her vision lacks details. To get them, she decides to go to the only person from her vision who's likely to still be alive, who was a kid at the time.
{{quote| '''Phoebe''': I just hope she's forgotten what I did to her doll. <br />
''(Cut to a nursing home)''<br />
'''Christina Larson''': My dolly! You broke my dolly! }}
* ''[[Malcolm in Thethe Middle]]'' thrived on this trope.
** When trying to clear Craig's apartment of dozens of cats, Lois says, "Hold on, I have an idea!" Cut to the characters sitting in the same position in an apartment that was recently ravaged by fire with Lois saying, "O.K., that was a really bad idea." Hal tops it off with, "I don't think I've ever seen cats move that fast before."
** Malcolm and his brothers are confined to their room and trying to orchestrate an escape. Malcolm's brothers appeal to his genius intellect to devise a plan which leads to Malcolm saying, "O.K., here's what we're going to do." Cut to a shot of Lois opening the bedroom door only to see the boys inexplicably wrapped head to toe in tin-foil, precariously balanced on some stacked stools, and reaching towards the ceiling fan with a broom handle. When they see their mother, they panic and come crashing to the floor. Malcolm turns to the camera and exclaims, "Well, it seemed like a good idea!"
* From the ''[[Boy Meets World (TV)|Boy Meets World]]'' episode "Train of Fools":
{{quote| '''Cory:''' Oh Eric, don't you worry about that, I'm not gonna do anything stupid.<br />
''(cut to next scene)''<br />
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'''Tucker:''' Where are the weapons?<br />
'''Caboose:''' Which base is ours? }}
* [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]] got a good joke out of this with Ishizu's narration.
{{quote| '''Ishizu''' (narrating): Something told me that Marik wouldn't be forgetting his experience on the surface for a long time.<br />
'''Marik''': I will not forget my experience on the surface for a long time. }}
* [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]] explains this in his [[Mortal Kombat]] episode thusly:
{{quote| It's like a [[Sit Com|sitcom]] moment wherein Character X defends the intelligence of Character Y while in the background Character Y is busy [[Too Dumb to Live|snorting Drano off the back of an enraged lioness]].}}
== Radio ==
* In ''[[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy|The Hitchhiker's Guide Toto Thethe Galaxy]]'' radio series, during the description of the Guide's advice when falling from a great height, the narrator points out that the Guide does not mention the possibility that someone might survive by falling onto a large bird in flight because "the very idea is utterly ludicrous". Arthur, and later Ford and Zaphod then fall onto large passing birds who both remark:
{{quote| '''Bird''': Look, this is utterly ludicrous!}}
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''(Return to flashback)''<br />
'''Mike:''' they underestimated me and thought I was too dumb to figure it out! }}
* ''[[Portal 2 (Video Game)|Portal 2]]'':
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|1=GLaDOS}}:''' Well. This is the part where he kills us. <br />
'''{{spoiler|Wheatley}}:''' Hello! This is the part where I kill you.<br />
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'''Homestar:''' Now that I'm a publicly humiliated criminal fugitive without a girlfriend, you're the only friend I've got, so I'm gonna go ahead and crash here for a couple of weeks or years until I put my life back together.<br />
'''Strong Bad:''' '''''[[Skyward Scream|Irony!]]''''' }}
* [[BowsersBowser's Kingdom]] episode 6:
{{quote| '''Hal''': I wonder how Team Super Awesome Platinum Bros. are enjoying their vacation?<br />
(Cut to Team Super Awesome Platinum Bros. [[Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Video Game)|Chomp Bro]] is in a tug-of-war with a [[Super Mario World (Videovideo Gamegame)|Yoshi]] over Monty Mole.)<br />
'''Monty Mole''': Don't let go of me, guys! Please don't let me go!<br />
'''Chomp Bro''': I'll never let go, Monty!<br />
(Pan right to [[Super Mario Bros 2 (Video Game)|Mouser]] and a pack of hungry Yoshis.)<br />
'''Mouser''': Panicking! }}
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Dominic Deegan]]'' does this fairly often.
* [ This] ''[[Sequential Art (Webcomicwebcomic)|Sequential Art]]'' strip.
* Reduced to parody in [ this] episode of ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]''.
* In ''[[Skin Horse]]'', concerning things [ you really don't want to know].
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* Although it's technically not a "cut", [ this] [[The Way of the Metagamer]] comic applies this trope to half its panels.
* In [[Ménage à 3]], Didi decides that it's up to her to deflower [[Nerds Are Virgins|Gary]] because "Every Man should know the intimate touch of a woman". [ Cut to] Gary being pinned down by a nun-chuck twirling [[Does Not Like Men|Yuki]] screaming "Die pervert!!!"
* Done in ''[[The KA MicsKAMics]]'' in [ this comic]
* ''[[Spinnerette]]'':
{{quote| '''Child Heather''': You're wrong, Ben! I will too be a superhero! The best superhero ever!<br />
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== Web Original ==
* A variation in the ''[[REDEARTHRedearth 88]]'' episode "Creepy Stalking 101":
{{quote| '''Linc:''' I hate dogs.<br />
''Cut to Bucket the dog bounding towards Linc, pulling Rachel along behind her.''<br />
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'''Dodoria''': "[[Rule of Three|AH, DAMMIIIIIT!!!]]" *Splash* }}
* [[Suburban Knights]] has this gem as both teams learn simultaneously the location of the treasure:
{{quote| '''[[Bad Movie Beatdown (Web Video)|Film Brain]]:'''"Oh, you've"<br />
'''[[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]]:'''"Got to be"<br />
'''[[Todd in Thethe Shadows]]:'''"[[Precision F-Strike|Fucking]]"<br />
'''[[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]]:'''"Kidding me! {{spoiler|It's right back where we started?!"}} }}
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'''Homer''': D'oh! Ew...this is the worst place yet. }}
* In Season 7 of [[Futurama]], Fry is {{spoiler|promoted to "Executive Delivery Boy". Hermes turns to Leela and says "It's a meaningless title}} that helps insecure people feel better about themselves." Fry then says, "I feel better about myself!"
* The [[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]] episode 'Idiot Box' is full of these.
** After a failed attempt to find out how the box keeps getting the sound effects:
{{quote| '''Squidward:''' (Leaves the box) All right, fine. If you don’t want to show me, I don’t care! I’ve got better things to do than pace the floor wondering how you two work this thing. <br />
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{{quote| '''Danny''': Jazz is going to kill me for that.<br />
'''Jazz''': I'm gonna kill him for that. }}
** In the episode "Boxed Up Fury", The Box Ghost [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|is finally taken as a serious threat]] when he steals the power of [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|Pandora's Box]]. When Danny tries to find Pandora to remedy the situation, this trope is utilized:
{{quote| '''Danny''': I sure hope things are finally under control at Amity Park.<br />
'''News Reporter''': Things are out of control in Amity Park. }}
* ''[[Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Animation)|Aqua Teen Hunger Force]]'': Frylock in the episode "The Clowning", where Carl is slowly being mutated by an outer space clown virus, Frylock runs from the room saying he knows what he's doing. Out in the hall, he tells Meatwad and Shake, "I have no freaking idea what I'm doing."
* From ''[[Cats Don't Dance (Animation)|Cats Don't Dance]]'', underlining a [[Gilligan Cut]]:
{{quote| '''Tilly:''' Well?<br />
'''Sawyer:''' I can't do this.<br />
Line 555:
''Cut to the three of them suspended over a ravine, about to be sacrificed.''<br />
'''Simon:''' You mean over ''our'' dead bodies! }}
* The ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]'' [[Grand Finale]]:
{{quote| ''In the future''<br />
'''Adult Number 2:''' Suffice it to say, Father was ''not'' happy finding us in his house.<br />
Line 561:
'''Father:''' I am not happy finding you kids in my house! }}
* From [[Invader Zim]]
{{quote| '''Professor Membrane''': Anyone who would build a space-time object replacement device is a [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?|complete moron.]]<br />
'''Zim''': Gir! The space-time object replacement device is complete! }}
* The [[Christmas Special]] ''[[The Year Without a Santa Claus]]'' has an exchange where Santa says (of two AWOL elves): "Poor little guys. They must be scared to death," which is followed by a hard cut to one of the elves saying "I'm scared to death!"
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{{quote| '''Roxanne:''' Since you left, Megamind is running rampant through the streets.<br />
'''Megamind:''' I'm so tired of running rampant through the streets. }}
* In ''[[The Super HeroSuperhero Squad Show]],'' we get the first ''and'' second versions in one: Magneto thinks Scarlet Witch is enduring a horrible ordeal aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier. We cut to the Helicarrier with Scarlet Witch saying "I can't endure this horrible ordeal any longer!" It turns out she's on the couch with the other heroes watching videos about funny pets.
* Happens in ''[[House of Mouse]]'' in an episode where [[Aladdin (Disney film)|Jafar]] is scheduled to perform a magic act.
{{quote| '''Mickey''': They're late! Gee, I hope they're not lost.<br />
(Cut to Jafar and Iago standing in the middle of the desert)<br />
Line 581:
(Cut back to the House of Mouse)<br />
'''Mickey''': Now who can replace them? }}
* Also happens in the pilot of ''[[Young Justice (Animationanimation)|Young Justice]]''
{{quote| '''Mark Desmond''': He hacked the motion sensors.<br />
(''Cut to Robin with his handheld computer'')<br />
'''Robin''': I hacked the motion sensors!<br />
'''Kid Flash''': Sweet! }}
* ''[[Here Comes the Grump (Animation)|Here Comes the Grump]]'':
{{quote| '''Princess Dawn:''' Do you think we've given Grump the slip?<br />
''(Cut to Grump)''<br />
'''Grump:''' You will ''never'' give Grump the slip! }}
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'':
{{quote| '''Twilight:''' Spike knows he can't be replaced.<br />
''(Cut)''<br />
'''Spike:''' They're trying to replace me! }}
* ''[[Wolverine and Thethe X -Men]]'':
{{quote| '''Wolverine''': What mutant would be stupid enough to go after Magneto's helmet anyway?<br />
(''Cut to Gambit disembarking in Genosha and whistling'') }}
* In ''[[The Grinch Grinches the Cat Inin Thethe Hat]]'', when the Grinch starts tormenting the Cat with his "darkhouse" (basically the opposite of a lighthouse):
{{quote| '''The Grinch:''' I just push a button up here in this place,<br />
And you can't see your mitten in front of your face!<br />