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== Tropes present in both series ==
* [[Alternate Company Equivalent]]: The Plutonian is essentially one of these for [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]]. Gone very, very wrong. And with none of Superman's weaknesses.
** He's also very evocative of ''[[Supreme]]'' and ''[[Miracleman]]'' in appearance. In fact, his costume is nearly identical to Apollo's from ''Grounded''.
** Some of the other heroes are also slightly familiar.
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** {{spoiler|And now, as of issue #34 Qubit has confirmed that life will be extinct in three generations, and his plans are not going well since the radiation is not behaving like he expected.}}
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Plutonian was this to Max Damage before Max's [[Heel Face Turn]]. Plutonian's [[Arch Enemy]] was always Modeus, the only one Plutonian was ever afraid of {{spoiler|and, suprisingly, Max Damage, who always reminded Plutonian of his less than perfect childhood}}.
* [[Beware the Superman]]: And how. The series is essentially examining what would happen if [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]] went bad for real.
** Later issues appear to reveal that the Plutonian's fellow superheroes aren't as white-hat as they'd like the public to think either.
** In fact, if Lex Luthor bought a comics company and made himself editor, this comic would be exactly what you would expect. Seriously, they should do that in DC!
* [[Bat Family Crossover]]\[[Red Skies Crossover]] - Hard to tell, but long awaited crossover between two series that promised us fight between Plutonian and Max Damage doesn't even have them meet before the fourth part. However, it gives a good insight on their history, including their old confrontations.
* [[Big Good]]: What the Plutonian was before his [[Face Heel Turn]]. Also, this is what Survivor and Max Damage seems to be going for.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: The Plutonian himself. Yes, he has roughly the powerset of Superman without any weaknesses, with some extras. The only problem is, he cannot turn most of his powers off, only control them by constant effort of will. He is [[Made of Diamond]], and even touching his hair can cut a hand of a normal person. He has tremendous [[Super Strength]], and because of not-unfounded fear of accidentally splattering someone if he fails to measure exerted force just for a moment, he was never able to protect himself from bullying as a child. And of course, super-hearing forced him to know every ungrateful asshole's opinion about him.
** This gets especially interesting with the eventual reveal that {{spoiler|The Plutonian is a [[Reality Warper]], who subconsciously uses his powers to appear to be a [[Flying Brick]]. Nobody has remarked upon it yet, but we may thereby conclude all the [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] attributes of his powers are his own martyr complex manifesting itself.}}
** Volt had problem controlling his powers before joining Paradigm, destroying any electronic device he had contact with, preventing him from keeping jobs. He had to live with his mother because of it.
** Max Damage has this too. He gets stronger and more invulnerable in proportion to how long he's awake. The problem with this is that when he gets up in the morning, he only has one hour before his skin gets too tough to do simple things like feel, smell, or taste things. Most of the time he can only hear and see, with all his other senses being lost under his invulnerability.
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{{quote| They've not much incentive to rebel with the weight of an entire '''starsystem''' bearing down on them.}}
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: One of the motivating factors behind the Plutonian's [[Face Heel Turn]] was the criticism he received from the population after all his acts of heroism. It's played with, however; despite a few critical and ungrateful voices, by and large the Plutonian was greatly loved, and the criticism he otherwise received tended to be for things he more or less deserved criticism for. It's heavily implied that the Plutonian, consumed by a desire to have ''everyone'' love him, simply couldn't tolerate ''any'' criticism whatsoever, no matter how justified.
* [[An Arm and Aa Leg]]: {{spoiler|Gilgamos. Loses one wing in a fight and tears the other off to use the bones as lock picks.}} '''Hard. Core.'''
** Volt tells the Plutonian that he'd "give his left arm" for all he's done for him -- and is taken up on the "offer."
* [[And I Must Scream]]: {{spoiler|Plutonian was sent to the end of time by his parents in issue #32, where he'd be alone and completely paralyzed for all eternity, doubling as a [[Sealed Room in Thethe Middle of Nowhere]].}}
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: Charybdis' powers were, for the majority of his life, not up to par with the Plutonian's. The good thing about that? He has had to actually learn ''how'' to fight, so when his powers increased to Plutonian-levels he suddenly begins to smack the [[Physical God]] around, since the Plutonian [[Unskilled but Strong|never really had to learn how to use his powers against somebody on his own level.]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Plutonian invokes this on the supervillains he meets in Inferno's lair. He says the Inferno had a plan to destroy him, and handed each handeheld device with a single button that he implied was the product of said plan. He doesn't even get to finish explaining before each villain presses said button, triggering {{spoiler|the lair's self-destruct.}}
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* [[The Cape]]: The Plutonian, prior to his [[Face Heel Turn]]. He notably only wears the cape in flashbacks when he's still good.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Modeus. The Plutonian's arch-nemesis, and reportedly the only one he was scared of. Possibly the only one capable of finding a way to kill him. Disappeared a few years prior to the main story. {{spoiler|Is now possessing/controlling the lobotomized sidekick, egging on the Plutonian on his rampage. Oh, and a Robot Double with his exact mental patterns has started making trouble on his own. And now in the body of one of the few people that Tony has non-homicidal emotions towards. [[Oh Crap]].}}
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: "Wow. I didn't even get to the end of the ''sentence''." Leads to a wonderful moment of [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|self-Darwining]] thanks to The Plutonian's [[Magnificent Bastard|magnificent bastardry]].
* [[Comforting the Widow]]: The Survivor attempts this with Kaidan. Made particularly disgusting by the fact that the recently-desceased lover in this scenario is his brother.
* [[Conveniently an Orphan]]: This trope is extremely common in Superhero comics, keeping the heroes from having to explain things to their folks (Batman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, most X-Men, all the Flashes, most of the Green Lanterns). While what happened to the Plutonian's biological parents isn't clear yet, this is apparently true for him too. In the series' common style of course, there's a deconstructive twist- this means he spent most of his boyhood bounced around between unloving and heartless foster homes, instilling him with a compulsive need to be loved by everyone as an adult.
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* [[Foreshadowing]]: In Irredeemable #18 {{spoiler|Hornet's reference to [[Twilight Zone|It's a good life]]}}
* [[For the Evulz]]: But of course.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Plutonian's name is one, though no-one else knows it. Chosen by {{spoiler|the foster father he gained his alter-ego's name, Dan Hartigan, from}}, it stands for '''P'''iety, '''L'''oyalty, '''U'''tility, '''T'''ruthfulness, and '''O'''rder.
* [[Good Hair, Evil Hair]]: The Plutonian apparently gave himself a buzzcut after turning.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: Plutonian has been showing this during his tantrums even before he became a villain.
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** Even after his [[Face Heel Turn]], there are traces of this. He promised to listen to everyone, but nobody believed he meant that literally.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Max Damage immediately abandons Qubit when he learns that Qubit's master plan for saving the world from the fallout of {{spoiler|Plutonian's parents' release}} involves {{spoiler|making the Plutonian ''even more powerful''.}}
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: As of the end of issue #19, {{spoiler|the Plutonian after he is defeated by the combined forces of the Vespa, Paradigm, and Kaidan's superhero ghosts. He is currently trapped in a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] onboard a Vespa ship.}}
** {{spoiler|As of issue #27, [[Oh Crap|he's back on Earth]]}}.
** {{spoiler|His parents are either this or [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]].}}
* [[Secret Identity]]: The Plutonian had one, and upon revealing it to the woman he loved {{spoiler|she promptly told their four coworkers and rejected his affection.}} It was one of the bigger contributing factors to his [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: Tony's tragic childhood is a one to ''~It's a Good Life~''. [[Lampshaded]] by Hornet.
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** The Plutonian after his [[Face Heel Turn]]. When he became evil, it turned out Tony's false modesty was exactly that.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: The Plutonian's defining personality trait prior to his breakdown.
* [[Strong Asas They Need to Be]]: Deconstructed. {{spoiler|The Plutonian's only real super-power is warping reality and violating the laws of physics. He's as strong as he needs to be because he re-writes the universe to make himself that way.}}
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: The Plutonian was the clear winner, which led to certain members of the Paradigm resenting him even before his [[Face Heel Turn]]. While he acted humble during his time as a hero, he didn't mind gloating once he went evil. At one point, while killing Gazer, Tony remarks how he made him totally redundant, being able to do everything he could do but better.
* [[Super Senses]]: The Plutonian, to a truly insane degree. He can perceive the movement of ''electrons'' inside people's brains.
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* [[The Atoner]]: Max Damage after his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Badass Normal]]: Sidekicks Jailbait and Headcase have no superpowers, but they can handle themselves.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Max's super-strength and invulnerability increase proportionally to how long he stays awake.
** However, he is just as susceptible to the downsides of sleep deprivation as the rest of us, and will make poor judgments as a result.
** {{spoiler|He's also vulnerable for up to a full hour after waking up.}}
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* [[Covers Always Lie]]: Incorruptible has become extremely guilty of this since Christian Nauck became the main cover artist. See that epic fight scene between Alana and Headcase on the cover of issue 13? Yeah, that's exactly what happens in the comic, just without Alana and Headcase fighting each other, being angry at each other, or having much interaction at all.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Not in the sense that it's more pessimistic than Irredeemable (let's face it, how could it be?) but it has a much more '[[The Dark Age of Comic Books|gritty]]' tone, with villains modelled on Neo-Nazis and magicians who power their spells with [[Villainous Incest]]. Plus, the [[Dark Age of Supernames|unfortunate codenames]] of Max Damage's sidekicks - Jailbait, [[Broken Bird|Headcase]], [[Bondage Is Bad|Safeword]], [[Politically-Incorrect Villain|Hatecrime]] - are practically a [[Running Gag]].
* {{spoiler|[[Deal Withwith the Devil]]:}} {{spoiler|After a brief dust up caught on film where Plutonian and Max are buried in mine, Max makes a secret deal the Plutonian to leave Coalsville alone under his protection. The details of which haven't been revealed on panel.}}
* [[Death Seeker]]: {{spoiler|Headcase}}
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: Commissioner Armadale}}
* [[Enemy Mine]]: {{spoiler|After Max runs of the Plutonian out of town and everyone thinks he is the ultimate hero, he enters into one with forces of St. Lucifer and the military forces that intended to take over the only place Plutonian was ever repelled from.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Besides the standard enlightened self interest angle he usually cites, Max seems to have hit this when he saw the Plutonian wipe out an entire city. Keep in mind, Max was on the verge of wiping the city out ''himself'' in a fit of depression [[Blessed Withwith Suck|about the drawbacks of his powers]]... but seeing the Plutonian actually do it shook him to his core.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: As called on by his friends early in the series, Max starts out his hero career by simply doing the complete opposite of whatever his villain instincts tell him to do, which may not always be the smart thing.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: A mad scientist has a one-use portal that can take one and only one person to another dimension, keyed to a world with absolutely no supers. Max Damage attempts to use it to send his sidekick out of the Plutonian's reach forever, but she mistakes the gesture as a combat maneuver, and throws it at her opponent... a rampaging killbot promptly sucked into that paradise, and now irretrievably stuck there with unsuspecting and defenseless billions.
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*** Also, going by what happened in the main Irredeemable plotline, {{spoiler|that entire world is probably now slated to be conquered by the Vespa on account of being sold out by Hornet along with every other peaceful world Qubit discovered.}} Which is an entirely different sort of [[Fridge Horror]].
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Max Damage decides to switch sides because he was smart enough to know that the Plutonian turning evil meant there was nobody around to protect the general populace from aliens, demons, and one another. This, coupled with the Plutonian killing millions with no end in sight, meant the human race could die out in a matter of months if someone didn't try to pick up the slack.
* [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity]]: For painfully obvious reasons.
** {{spoiler|This changes, for a while, after he beats the Plutonian}}
* [[Hero Withwith an F In Good]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] in that Max is actually doing a pretty good job at doing good, but he has no actual idea how to be good, other than to do the opposite of whatever he did as a villain. This is exactly why he asked Alana to join him.
** This is also why his friends are wondering how they will tell Max{{spoiler|, who heard the whole thing, that the Plutonian has been captured, meaning that Max has little reason now to continue on as a hero.}}
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Max Damage destroying most of his villain gear and ill-gotten loot as part of his [[Heel Face Turn]]. Resources that would've been invaluable in fighting The Plutonian (the reason for the turn in the first place).
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** Also, [[Fridge Logic]] points out -- those things might have helped ''a bit'' in fighting The Plutonian, but remember that The Plutonian has always been Max's archnemesis, so if there was anything in there that was really capable of hurting him, it would have been used already.
*** ''Irredeemable'' makes it pretty clear '''no one''' had weapons capable of really hurting The Plutonian.
** Ultimately, the explanation for this trope is right there in the title. Max has to be [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]] because he knows that if he doesn't do absolutely everything he can to be totally and utterly [[Title Drop|incorruptible]], he'll either backslide or never be good enough to challenge the worst supervillain the world has ever known. Thus all the money and gadgets and vehicles have to go, since in his words it's all "blood money".
* [[I Have Your Wife|I Have Your Sidekick]]
* [[The Insomniac]]: Max Damage's strength and invulnerabilty increase in direct proportion to how long he's been awake. He's a type C as well, as seen when he stays up for days at a time to get strong enough for his next challenge, but is still affected by the mental instability from the lack of sleep. After issue 29, {{spoiler|this applies to Alana, too}}.