Irrelevant Sidequest: Difference between revisions

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*** Ironically, the quest that triggers this conversation ''is'' actually part of the main plot.
* ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' is absolutely brimming with these, as the focus is less on any overarching threat and more on [[Player Character|Hawke's]] rise to glory. However, there are a lot of quests that appear to be irrelevant, but later are revealed to tie into the main plot. An example would be {{spoiler|the serial killer story arc, which suddenly comes to the fore just before the climax of Act II, then again at the climax of Act III}}.
* Most (side)quests in ''[[Dragon Quest IX]]''. [[DLCDownloadable Content|Downloadable ones]] include a lot of story-related ones, but the others tend to be about things such as getting mushroom for someone and whatnot. There are also, however, quests related to the class system.
* ''[[Persona 3]]'' justified these by having the sole questgiver wishing to test your resourcefulness and power (or just indulge her curiosity about the outside world). Meanwhile, in ''[[Persona 4]]'' all of the side quests fit this trope to a T - random people needing random problems solved and items gathered. One questgiver notes that she wouldn't bother you except you've gained a reputation as being able to find anything people ask for.