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[[RPG|RPGs]] allow you to [[An Adventurer Is You|roleplay many different types of character]]. You can be a [[Blood Knight|fierce warrior]], a [[Squishy Wizard|powerful mage]], a [[Knight in Shining Armor|noble Knight]]... okay, let's face it, you're probably some kind of [[RP Gs Equal Combat|fighter]]. So why do you seem to spend half your time delivering packages or gathering mushrooms for the local apothecary? Especially when you're [[Take Your Time|supposed to be]] dealing with that [[The Legions of Hell|invading demon horde]]?
Everyone, but everyone, whom you meet in the game has some kind of task they want you to perform. Very often this has nothing to do with your official job; you may have gained fame as a slayer of monsters and bandits, yet people will be asking you to sort out their marital disputes or fix machinery. It's not quite the same thing as [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]], as they may well have a healthy respect for you - in fact, that's often why they've sought you out in the first place. If you're lucky you'll receive a rare item or a monetary reward, but sometimes all you get is a warm fuzzy feeling and [[Karma Meter|karma points]].
A result of this is that every RPG hero comes across as a jack-of-all-trades capable of performing any task asked of him, [[Instant Expert|regardless of how little experience or training he/she has in that field]], and can often outperform actual experts that have been doing it their entire life. This can be really weird if your professional soldier PC is asked to say, babysit some kids or decorate for a dinner party by a complete stranger, especially if you [[But Thou Must|aren't given the option to refuse]].
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This trope is useful in that it allows for more varied gameplay, but when taken to extremes you can end up feeling more like a glorified errand boy (or girl) than a hero. It can also lead to some pretty major [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]], especially when your main quest would appear to be considerably more urgent.
Can become a [[Plot Tumor]]. Related to [[Apathetic Citizens]] (your clients), [[ItsIt's Up to You]] (nobody else will do these things for you), and [[Take Your Time]] (do as many sidequests as you want!).
* ''[[Baldurs Gate]]'' has lots of them, where you need to pick up rings, gems, books, nymphs... whatever, for no real reason that has anything to do with the plot. Fortunately, many provide experience, gold, and reputation, as well as making your journal quite an interesting read.
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