It's Going Down: Difference between revisions

categories and general cleanup
m (categories and general cleanup)
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* Anything marked with a red and white star in ''[[Just Cause (Video Game)|Just Cause 2]]'' can and should be destroyed for fun and profit. This includes huge radio masts, satellite dishes, fuel containers, construction cranes, water towers, gas stations, propaganda trailers and yes, windmills.
* Planets visited by Samus in the side-scrolling ''[[Metroid]]'' series have a tendency to explode. By the end of the fourth game, ''all'' of the places she'd gone to had been taken out (discounting those from the 3D ''Prime'' series).
* Anything and everything that resembles a tower in ''[[Split Second]]''. That airport control tower? BOOM! That [http://en.[ Needle|Space Needle]] rip-off? BOOM! That crane? BOOM! ... And so on. They'll almost always end up on top of several cars.
* In the history of war games no landing boat has ever made it to shore, they will be destroyed after which point the player will in a cut scene flail around helplessly for a few moments before remembering he can swim.
* [[Ratchet and Clank|Ratchet]] has a problem with destroying spaceships for no discernible reason. He's [[Ace Pilot|capable of handling them just fine in a dogfight]], and they don't seem to have mechanical malfunctions, but even [[Word of God|Insomniac themselves]] have admitted that ''they don't know'' why he crashed that first one. And considering half of the game's fun comes from [[Stuff Blowing Up]], it's not surprising he and his [[Robot Buddy]] Clank have left more than a few places in worse shape than they found them.
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[[Category:ItsIt's Going Down]]