It's Quiet... Too Quiet: Difference between revisions

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* In 2008, the USAF held a major air exercise over Alaska, primarily to test the [[Real Life/Cool Plane|F-22]]. Observers of the exercise ([[Curb Stomp Battle|220-to-0 kill ratio]] in the F-22s' favor, in case you were wondering) noted that the conventional "Red Force" had its usual share of radio chatter, but the F-22s had...silence. All the information was datalinked, and the only radio messages were for kills. More than one Air Force officer said that it was rather eerie.
** Walk out on a USAF flightline on a rare day when no one is working and you'll have to clear your throat to make sure you still have your hearing.
== Other ==
* A Bob Newhart [[Stand-Up Comedy]] routine, "The Mrs. Grace L. Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company," involves the pilot on a low-budget airline talking to the passengers, a short time into the flight.
{{quote|I'm sorry, sir, I can't hear you over the roar of our engines.
Oh, wait, they've stopped now, sir.}}