Jables’s Adventure: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Squiddy:''' Aren't you the hero?<br />
'''Jables:''' I don't know.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Would you like to be?<br />
'''Jables:''' OK.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Let's try this again. Hellllloooo, hero!<br />
'''Jables:''' Yo. }}
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* [[Advancing Boss of Doom]]: Rutherford Goldbeard.
* [[Blatant Item Placement]]: Given a tongue-in-cheek [[Justified Trope|justification]].
{{quote| '''Shop keeper:''' Don't worry, we're running a special promotion.<br />
'''Jables:''' What's that?<br />
'''Shop keeper:''' I hid weapons and items outside the town to drum up publicity.<br />
'''Jables:''' Isn't that reckless?<br />
'''Shop keeper:''' [[MST3K Mantra|It's a game, kid. Don't be so serious.]] }}
* [[Bubbly Clouds]]: Can be visited via jet pack at the top of every single above-ground screen. Some of these areas contain [[Easter Egg|Easter Eggs]].
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* [[The Cuckoolander Was Right]]: The princess. {{spoiler|Squiddy doesn't even mention the princess until the game is almost over--it comes across like he just made her up. Then King Squid, in spite of being a card-carrying villain, vehemently denies kidnapping her, further calling into question her involvement with the story. Then she shows up at the end of the game anyway.}}
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]: Apparently you can't have a heroic quest without one.
{{quote| '''Jables:''' If we've found a jet pack, then we're probably nearing the end of the game.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Oh, I guess you're right.<br />
'''Jables:''' Yeah.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' On the bright side, you'll get to meet the princess soon.<br />
'''Jables:''' I didn't know there was a princess.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Neither did I... }}
* [[Everything's Worse with Bears]]: They're the strongest non-boss enemies in the game.
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* [[Heart Container]]: Fruit each increase your health bar by 2 points.
* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]:
{{quote| '''Squiddy:''' Have you noticed how much the trigger looks like an [X]?<br />
'''Jable:''' The resemblance is uncanny! }}
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]:
{{quote| '''Jables:''' I had no idea there was a villain.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' I bet he's the one who kidnapped the princess.<br />
'''Jables:''' Let her go, King Squid!<br />
'''King Squid:''' I didn't kidnap any princess.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Then where is she?<br />
'''King Squid:''' My plan doesn't involve the princess.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Yet you kidnapped her anyway.<br />
'''Jables:''' That's evil.<br />
'''King Squid:''' [[Visible Silence|...]] }}
* [[Lethal Lava Land]]: Squidville, which is in a volcano.
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* [[Yeah! Shot]]: ''High five!'' [[Iris Out]]. Roll credits.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]:
{{quote| '''Squiddy:''' I will now bestow on you the power to jump. Press [Z] to clear that gap!<br />
''[jump]''<br />
'''Jables:''' I could already do that.<br />
'''Squiddy:''' Oh. Good for you then. }}