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[[File:12ccdab13d21b69d97ad08878d608a3b-1_7756.png|link=Blazen (Webcomic)|rightframe|Even in non-canon examples, Jin Kisaragi is still an asshole.]]
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* Jin Kisaragi of ''[[Blaz Blue]]'', pictured to the right. He's apparently "not good with people" and admittedly in flashbacks it's shown that he was once a reasonably decent guy, if usually callous and indifferent to normal peoples' suffering. But hearing his hated/beloved brother is alive evidently snaps even this fragile remnant of his sanity and pushes him into full-out [[Ax Crazy|mad psychosis.]] He has been lately getting a little better, but he still remains a colossal dick, especially to Noel Vermillion (long story).
** One of Platinum the Trinity's [[Split Personality|personalities]], Luna, is this meets [[Bratty Half -Pint]]. She's an extremely obnoxious girl who will stop at nothing, including pranks and insults, to get what she wants. At one point calling Ragna a pedophile, then suckering him into paying for an expensive meal. She's also quick to become jealous, especially when it comes to [[A Cup Angst|breasts]], as well as 'clingy'; attacking Litchi for having a small, normal talk with Jubei, and for being bustier than Luna, with this kind of reasoning: "[[It's All About Me|How dare you grow a pair of breasts before me!]]"
* Leonard's pact-partner in ''[[Drakengard]]'', the [[Small Annoying Creature|malicious unnamed fairy]]. She goes beyond annoying, however, in that she uses every chance she gets in conversation to [[Break the Cutie|inflict psychological torture on him,]] bringing up how Leonard is a complete failure, how he couldn't protect his family, and how he couldn't even kill himself when [[Driven to Suicide]]. Her attitude is such that it [[Fridge Logic|boggles the mind]] to contemplate how he ever agreed to a pact with her in the first place. Probably some [[It's All My Fault|twisted form of repentance.]]
** She does get some well-deserved comeuppance in one of the routes, though, leading to a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for Leonard.
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* Anomen, the [[The Scrappy|insufferable]] Priest of Helm from the second ''[[Baldurs Gate|Baldur's Gate]]'' game. A stick up the ass is only to be expected, of course, but the would-be paladin goes beyond that, complaining that quests such as hunting down kidnappers who bury people alive or returning a poisoned man to his friends to be cured is a waste of time ("He's probably just drunk"). He even explicitly claims to be the [[Only Sane Man|only competent member of the party]]. He doesn't even get marks for consistency: when you find a drow about to become the victim of vigilante justice, despite having committed no crime, he [[Fantastic Racism|dismisses it as her just desserts]] for being part of an [[Always Chaotic Evil|evil race]]. But if you save her, he says he doesn't care whether or not she joins the party--apparently because he thinks she's hot. All this is made even worse by the fact that, in an unmodded game, he is the only romance option available to a female protagonist.
** Anomen eventually ends up with a character-focused side quest that sees him try to become a paladin; if he fails the test, he renounces the paladin oaths and (eventually, if you can stand keeping him around until the expansion pack) becomes more honest about his dark side, if he succeeds he becomes more paladin-like and courteous (but stays holier-than-thou). Either way, his jerkassness is reduced... Slightly.
** Just to illustrate how much of [[The Scrappy]] Anomen is, the [[Let's Play]] of ''Baldur's Gate II'' saw him ejected out of the party... By being thrown into a dimensional rift to ''the elemental plane of [[Bee -Bee Gun|Bees]]''.
* Bishop from ''Neverwinter Nights 2'' certainly had his moments. If the player character is female, he gets to call her a whore, and his [[Jerkass|personality]] and [[Chaotic Evil|actions]] definitely get him in trouble with [[Lawful Good]] [[Knight in Shining Armor|Paladin]] Casavir. Somehow still manages to be [[All Girls Want Bad Boys|popular with the ladies]].
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"|Algus/Argath]] from ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]''. He starts off as a knight in a bit of a predicament, since his lord was kidnapped, and he constantly demands that his lord be rescued ASAP. When that's finally done, he then shows a very classist superiority complex that deems commoners trash and deserving to die in the name of nobles, brushes off all opinions that don't match with his, belittles Delita and his sister constantly (never mind Delita was ''just'' responsible for his lord's rescue), and on top of it all, has no qualms about {{spoiler|killing Delita's sister in front of him}}, ''still'' demeaning him and Ramza in the name of his ideals of a world only for nobles, and commoners can die for all he cares. [[The Scrappy|Instant Scrappy indeed!]]
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** And, on a lesser note, you can add Fassad (or Yokuba {{spoiler|or Locria}}, whichever you prefer). He proves his douchiness with regularly electrocuting Salsa (on top of stealing a Luxury Banana if you grab it during Chapter 3) on top of the slave labor, and when Lucas and company figure out the truth to the Thunder Tower, he gives the order to evacuate him and ''then'' blow it up. {{spoiler|Let's not forget that his leaking the truth of the world to Porky was half the reason things got to be as fucked up as they are. The fact that he is reassembled as a chimera simply cheats the player out of a karmic death (he slipped on a banana atop said tower) while doing jack to detract from the douchiness.}}
* Luke fon Fabre, protagonist of ''[[Tales of the Abyss (Video Game)|Tales of the Abyss]]'', is a major-league [[Jerkass]] for the first fourth of the game -- however, it's pretty clear that almost no-one else in the party ''can'' stand him and follow him simply because their goals overlap. Upon finally reaching a point where his scant redeeming features stop making up for his obnoxious personality, they abandon him until he's cleaned up his act... Which he ''does'', [[The Atoner|and then some]].
** Special mention should go to [[With Friends Like These...|*the entire rest of his family and friends except for Mieu, Ion and his mother.*]] Tear treats him like an idiot for not knowing basic things even after she learns about his amnesia and upbringing, and was even willing to let him get arrested for a crime he didn't commit, just to teach him a lesson in manners. Jade does the same, except he had a valid reason to arrest him and is even more condescending, especially since he (and Ion) already figured out the secret that might have let Luke avoid his first major BSOD, but didn't think to tell him until it was too late. Anise was trying to seduce him for his wealth {{spoiler|and was working as a spy for Mohs, and thus responsible for quite a lot of the bad guys' interference and eventually the death of her beloved Ion.}} His best friend was nice to him, but it turns out that {{spoiler|he had infiltrated Luke's family in order to destroy it, was working with the [[Big Bad]] in order to do it (though he didn't know the true extent of the guy's plans), and subconsciously wanted to kill Luke.}} His fiancee/cousin {{spoiler|(not really)}} blackmailed him into joining the party. His father, uncle, and {{spoiler|beloved master/surrogate father set him up to suicide bomb a place to start a world war, with the last giving him a [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]] lecture just after activating the rather insulting post-hypnotic command to make him fire his hyper resonance}}. After that last event, most of his party {{spoiler|blames him for not trusting them and for actions that they ''knew'' were done while under the post-hypnotic command and abandons him to go questing with }}Asch{{spoiler|, his older brother, sortof,}} who tried to murder him at least twice, assaults him repeatedly through the course of the game, helped kidnap Ion, helped slaughter Jade's crew, constantly withholds vital information, and basically calls him {{spoiler|Replica}} like it's a racial slur. At least Luke's jerkassery was basically confined to his mouth.
** Well, in Guy's defense, {{spoiler|he only wanted to kill Luke and his family because Luke's father destroyed his entire family. Growing up with Luke however, pretty much made him decide not to kill Luke, though the idea was still there in his subconscious. Also, after he finds out what Van is planning, he attempts to use his power as Van's master to get him to stop.}}
** Also, Mohs and, to a slightly lesser extent, Dist.
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* In Oblivion, directly after you decide what race and sex your character is, you find yourself in a prison cell. A dark elf prisoner across the hall gets your attention, then procedes to insult you and your entire race, then claims that the guards are going to kill you. Of course, in the event that you choose to become a dark elf, he doesn't insult you or your race... if you're male, he says that you probably have a wife or girlfriend back home, and then he says that he'll find her and "comfort" her about your death when he's freed. If you're female, he says that he'll get the guards to let you into his cell, to have some "fun." In both cases, he does tell you that you're going to be killed, though. Not a nice person. {{spoiler|Ironically, in one of the Dark Brotherhood quests, ''you'' end up killing ''him''. And his sentence was almost up, too.}}
** {{spoiler|The Dark Brotherhood quest ends up casting him in a new, sympathetic light, as they are prone to do before forcing you to kick the dog. He's only callous as a defense mechanism, a fact which everybody around him realizes, and nobody takes him seriously for. The guard even tries to comfort him or at least engage him in a conversation, although he ends up getting insulted for his troubles, with blatant lies that come off far more pathetic and depressing then enraging. Of course, you still have to kill him.}}
* Lt. Carter Blake from ''[[Heavy Rain]]'' is this at best. He's the ''epitome'' of a [[Rabid Cop]], cocky, prone to insulting others for practically nothing, [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|doesn't hesitate to beat the living shit]] out of anyone he thinks might have information on the Origami Killer case, <s>including</s> especially when they've done nothing to deserve it, and is constantly hammering on [[Chew Toy|poor]] [[Good Cop, Bad Cop|involuntary partner]] [[The Profiler|Norman Jayden]] unless he ''goes along with him'', partly for being a [[By-The-Book Cop]], partly because he doesn't take profiling seriously, and, [[Alternate Character Interpretation|depending on who you ask]], partly because he's been working on the Origami Killer case since the killings began [[Green-Eyed Monster|but hasn't been turning anything up]]. By the time he starts trying to knock the living daylights out of [[Papa Wolf|Ethan]] [[The Woobie|Mars]] accusing him of kidnapping his own son (if Ethan is arrested), players will probably be feeling an urge to punch him out through the screen if they didn't already. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Norman can do that for them,]] but it's less satisfactory when Blake returns it with ''threat at gunpoint.'' It's a miracle that man made it to police lieutenant. The game ''can'' end with him losing his job, but that requires {{spoiler|him to kill Ethan in the finale}}.
** His boss, Captain Perry, is also this, evidenced when he admits to Norman in their first meeting that he doesn't need his help, which he'll be acting [[Jerkass]] on him when he tells him that Blake is beating Ethan up and accusing Blake to be the Origami Killer.
* [[Alan Wake]], from the game of the same name, is a slightly milder case of this than usual. He and his wife Alice travel to [[The Other Rainforest|Bright Falls]] for a vacation, but when Alice reveals that she brought a typewriter along to try and end his two-year writer's block, he immediately flips out, yelling at her and storming out of their cabin into the night, knowing full well that Alice is afraid of the dark. He punches out a psychologist who ''also'' tries to help him with the writer's block (although the pyschologist ''is'' a [[Smug Snake]]). In an interview seen via flashback, he's mentioned as having a temper, and is strongly implied to have punched a member of the paparazzi. His tendency to be a jerk is basically limited to these incidents, though.