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** Kyle's dad Gerald can be one. Being a lawyer has given him several other opportunities to choose the side that pays better over his own son, and he's been a jerk in other ways on occasion (like in "Smug Alert").
** Chef explains to Stan in "Kenny Dies" that [[Jerkass Gods|God is one of these]]:
{{quote| '''Chef:''' Stan, sometimes God takes those closest to us, because it makes him feel better about himself. He is a very vengeful God, Stan. He's all pissed off about something we did thousands of years ago. He just can't get over it, so he doesn't care who he takes. Children, puppies, it don't matter to him, so long as it makes us sad. Do you understand?<br />
'''Stan:''' But then, why does God give us anything to start with?<br />
'''Chef:''' Well, look at it this way: if you want to make a baby cry, first you give it a lollipop. Then you take it away. If you never give it a lollipop to begin with, then it would have nothin' to cry about. That's like God, [[God Is Evil|who gives us life and love and help just so that he can tear it all away and make us cry, so he can drink the sweet milk of our tears. You see, it's our tears, Stan, that give God his great power.]] }}
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''
** Some viewers claim that Homer Simpson's [[The Ditz|lovable goofiness]] was exaggerated into him becoming a selfish, arrogant, callous, deceitful, over-impulsive, obnoxious, moronic, greedy, alcoholic, near-mindless jerk who treated his wife like a slave, emotionally bullied his children when he wasn't deliberately avoiding them or physically abusing Bart, and regularly broke the law and endangered lives, particularly during seasons 9-12, when Mike Scully was showrunner. To quote ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' "Treehouse of Horror XIII":
{{quote| '''Homer-Clone:''' Me good dad.<br />
'''Lisa:''' Has Dad seemed a bit stupider than usual lately?<br />
'''Homer-Clone:''' ''(is bashing the car with a baseball bat)''<br />
'''Bart:''' Eh, me no notice. }}
** In a [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction]] of this [[Trope]], "Homer's Enemy" from the episode of the same name, Frank Grimes, reacts to Homer the way a normal person would. He [[Ignored Expert|can't seem to get anyone else to recognize the obvious]]. In the end, he goes insane and accidentally electrocutes himself ("What's this? 'Danger: High Voltage'. Well I don't need safety gloves because I'm Homer Simp...(''Zap'')").
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** Lisa seems to be a [[Jerkass]] too. Who other than a jerk would call Bart's friend Andy a "loser" even AFTER he gets a successful job writing comedy?
** Bart has also slipped into jerkass territory as of late. While he has his share of mischief, he usually means no harm to the victims of his pranks and does try to make it up if it goes too far. Nowadays, Bart's pranks either are borderline physically harming people or completely overstep them and he does all for the sake of getting a cheap laugh or getting out of homework.
{{quote| '''Lisa''': Bart, you would really ruin Mom and Dad's marriage just to get out of a little homework?<br />
'''Bart''': Hey, hey! I would end all life on this planet if it would get me out of learning fractions.<br />
'''Lisa''': Fractions aren't so hard. All you have to do is find a lowest common denominator. For example, one-half plus one-third is four--<br />
'''Bart''': '''End...All...Life...On...This...Planet!''' }}
** The worst was probably where Bart kept instigating arguments between Homer and Marge to keep them from noticing what he was up to. Lisa even called him out on it by saying "Congratulations, you're now a sociopath."
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** During the recent seasons Lois has had [[Flanderization]] moments that have degraded her from a loving mother and wife to acting like an abusive shrew, especially towards Meg and Peter.
** Brian. Quagmire's [[Reason You Suck Speech]] is a perfect descriptor
{{quote| "You are the worst person I know. You constantly hit on your best friend's wife; the man pays for your food and rescued you from certain death and this is how you repay him? And to add insult to injury, you defecate all over his yard. (getting angrier) And you're such a sponge. You pay for nothing. You're always like. "Ooh, I'll get you later," but later never comes. And what really bothers me is you pretend that you're this deep guy that loves women for their souls, but all you do is date bimbos. Yeah, I date women for their bodies, but at least I'm honest about it! I don't buy them a copy of Catcher in the Rye and then lecture them with some seventh-grade interpretation about how Holden Caulfield is a profound intellectual. He wasn't. He was a SPOILED BRAT! And that's why you like him so much: he's YOU! GOD, you're pretentious! (brimming with indignation) And you delude yourself by thinking you're a great writer, even though you're terrible. You know, I shoulda known Cheryl Tiegs didn't write me that note. She woulda known there's no "A" in the word "definite!" And what I think I hate most about you is your textbook liberal agenda. How we should (mockingly) "Legalize Pot, maaan..." How big business is crushing the underclass; how homelessness is the biggest tragedy in America. Well what have YOU done to help?! I work down at the soup kitchen, Brian... never seen YOU down there! You wanna help? GRAB A LADLE! And by the way, driving a Prius does not make you Jesus Christ. Oh, WAIT! You don't believe in Jesus Christ, or any religion for that matter, because (mockingly) "religion is for idiots." Well who the HELL are YOU to talk down to anyone?! You failed college TWICE, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a father — how's that son of yours you never see? But you know what? I could forgive all of that... all of it... if you weren't such a BORE. That's the worst of it, Brian. You're just a big, sad, alcoholic BORE. Well, see ya later, Brian. Thanks for the fucking steak!"}}
** Ironically, Quagmire is not exactly a saint himself. For example, after learning that Brian slept with his transsexual parent, Quagmire beat Brian up, no questions asked. He also has sexually assaulted MANY women in the show, one-shot characters or otherwise. Peter himself once referred to Quagmire as a "heartless sex hound".
* ''[[Peanuts]]'': Lucy Van Pelt could be one of the pioneers of this trope as far as western animation is concerned. She truly believes that the world is ending any time Charlie Brown actually does something right. One of her worst acts is from "It's Your First Kiss Charlie Brown" near the middle during their football game they have to score a field goal in order to win the game and Charlie Brown begs her not to pull away the football which she had been doing throughout the game, she promises she won't and just as he's about to she pulls it away like usual costing them the game, later at the after party she mocks and yells at Charlie Brown like nearly everyone else even though the entire thing was HER FAULT in the first place.
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* Sterling Archer from ''[[Archer]]'' is a perfect example of this, as he is completely unrepentant and rude to every other character on the show.
** He definitely has a [[Freudian Excuse]]. Malory Archer's jerkass tendencies range from enjoying watching her son be electrocuted in the pilot, to being proud that six pigmies died cutting down an endangered tree to make her a fancy coffee table. Oh, and she also murdered a cleaning crew for forming a union.
{{quote| '''Mallory''' (after an elevator audibly crashes): How's that for bread and roses?}}
* Miranda from ''[[As Told by Ginger]]''.
* In most ''[[Ka Blam!]]!'' episodes, June can be one of these. She's usually bossy, demanding, and pretty nasty to Henry AKA ''her best friend''.
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* Deliberately averted in ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]''. They kinda broke "no idiots or jerks" policy with Suzy, though.
** Peter the Panda.
{{quote| '''Dr. Doofenshmirtz''': Peter the Panda? You were disassembling my Freezinator ray? While I was singing about my feelings? You! You're dead to me!}}
** Doofenshmirtz's parents were not the nicest parents to Doof. To elaborate, they named their dog "Only Son", made HIM be the lawn gnome whilst NOT MOVING AN INCH, made him wear dresses, did not show up for his FREAKING BIRTH, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|did not let him swim in public pools]].
* [[Pepper Ann]], although [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|she usually learned her lesson]], at least [[Aesop Amnesia|by the end of the episode]]
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** Silver Spoon may be debatable. recent episodes have hinted that she might just be pressured into bullying by Diamond Tiara.
** [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E1 The Return of Harmony Part 1|Season two's first episode]] has Fluttershy being turned into one. '''''[[Moe|FLU]][[The Cutie|TTER]][[Friend to All Living Things|SHY.]]''''' And it was ''AWESOME.''
{{quote|'''Fluttershy:''' Hey, Twilight! What's soaking wet and clueless?<br />
'''Twilight Sparkle:''' Fluttershy, I've just about had enough--<br />
''(Fluttershy dumps a bucket of water on Twilight's head)''<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' Your FACE!|''(Fluttershy slams the bucket on Twilight's head)''}}
** Fluttershy gets another turn as this in 'Putting Your Hoof Down', where she reduces Pinkie Pie and Rarity to tears for pretty much no reason. Speaking of that episode, Boxxy Brown the cherry salsepony is one. He constantly jacks up the price of a cherry to ludicrous degrees after Fluttershy says how much she needs one, and immediately sells it to another pony for a much lower price, and mocks Fluttershy about it.