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"That's what they're for," he said. }}
He really regrets saying that.
* While Minshus in ''[[Stationery Voyagers]]'' is the essence of good, he will occasionally let his angels dish out [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]] on [[Hoist By His Own Petard|victims]] [[Asshole Victim|who]] [[Moral Event Horizon|really]] [[Call It Karma|deserve it]]. Maurice, being the angel of death, has been known to abduct some of his victims. [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance|Filforth]] tries to avoid having any contact with [[Depraved Homosexual|gay]] [[Where Everybody Knows Your Flame|bars]] [[The Tokyo Fireball|for a reason]].
* ''All'' of the Gods in ''[[The Elric Saga]]'' by [[Michael Moorcock]]. ''Especially'' Arioch, the title character's patron, the Lord of Chaos.
* Amongst the [[Eldritch Abomination]] gods created by [[HP Lovecraft]], technically just Nyarlathotep counts. The others aren't least bit concerned about humans, or maybe don't even know of our existence, being mostly mindless, chaotic abstractions. But Nyarlathotep seems to love to dick around with humans, typically demanding human sacrifices when summoned, even though he almost certainly doesn't need them for anything, and occasionally giving humans some extra chances to destroy ourselves, even though he could destroy us effortlessly if he really wanted. It seems that he doesn't care about outcomes -- he just likes to dick around.
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*** [[Sadly Mythtaken|Though oddly enough,]] [[Everybody Hates Hades|Hades]] [[Sadly Mythtaken|is often portrayed as being like]] [[Satan]], due to him ruling the Underworld.
*** Not to mention, even Demeter has her bad side too - most of this happened when she was searching for Persephone. Other times, her wrath was incured more by people [[I Shall Taunt You|provoking]] or being a jerkass first.
** One of the worst ironically is Zeus, who himself is the god of law and upholder of morals. While there are some stories of Zeus punishing evil doers and rewarding the just many of his stories are about his dalliances with immortal and mortal women. At times [[Double Standard Rape (Divine On Mortal)|forcing himself]] upon women, doing little to protect them from his wife Hera, among many other highly questionable actions like the Pandora's Box incident make him perhaps the biggest jerk of all.
** Also worth a mention is Ares. Even back then, Greek scholars wrote about how men run in terror from this bloodthirsty god of war, and he is probably the closest thing the Greeks had a to a [[God of Evil]]. He was portrayed more positively by the Romans however, due to them having a stronger military tradition than the Greeks.
*** It is worth mentioning, however, that Mars was originally a Roman god who later just became equated with Ares. Mars was, to say the least, not such a jerk.
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*** Unlike most deities, Susanoo actually faced repercussions for this-after the other gods managed to pry Amaterasu out of her cave, they then proceeded to happily kick him out of heaven until he proved he wasn't completely worthless. This managed to get through to him, and he later slayed the dragon Orochi as penance...and to score a wife. He's still a jerk, he's just a ''mature'' jerk now.
** Ookuninushi, while generally seen in positive light, is actually quite the jerkass. When Amaterasu requested that he hand over the country to her descendants, he seemed alright with it and agreed to do it. Then, several generations later, he caused a plague during emperor Suujin's reign, demanding a new temple to end it. Doing so stopped the plague, but the god was apparently still angry, because he then made the next emperor's son dumb, requiring the emperor to build another temple to him.
* Indra from [[Hindu Mythology]] fits this trope. Whenever someone -- be it human, God or demon -- gained too much power, Indra would send the beautiful [[Hello, Nurse!|Dancing Girls]] from his court to upset their prayers. He also has bad habit of raping sage's wife by disguising as her husband.
** We ought to note here that according to scholars of comparative linguistics and mythology, Indra is cognate to Thor and Zeus. Explains a lot, don't you think?
*** Unlike Zeus though Indra actually has to pay for it by being [[Humiliation Conga|humiliated time and again]]. Either he loses his throne, cursed by a sage, his greatest victory rewritten so Vishnu saves him and does all the real work, or something else. In the end he went from being the Lord of the Universe to a minor weather god and lord of the elements.
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