Jesus Was Way Cool: Difference between revisions

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** On another occasion, the bullies confront Bart after Lisa converts to Buddhism, responding to his "Who cares?" by telling him there's a man who cares, who has long hair, works as a carpenter, and has some crazy ideas about peace and love. {{spoiler|His name's Gunther, and he's dating Jimbo's mom. Sometimes he buys them beer.}}
* ''[[Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil]]'', revolving around a pending Armageddon, has Jesus as a laid-back deejay.
* In an ''[[American Dad]]'' [[Alternate Continuity|Christmas episode]], the Rapture occurs and Stan and Francine were left behind. Jesus comes back to lead people against the Anti Christ. He doesn't have his superpowers (except for being able to withstand freezing temperatures and [[WalkWalking Onon Water]]), but he's still a [[Kung Fu Jesus|badass]]. He's [[Hunk]]y and charismatic and actually front flips onto the Anti Christ's shoulder and [[Neck Snap|snaps his neck]] with his thighs. He's also allowed to date this time and Stan calls him the best guy Francine could ever end up with.
== Real Life ==
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** Not just good wine, ''the best wine''. One guy even comes up to the host and says, "Dude! You are this humongous freaking breath of fresh air! Everyone else, they start out with the good stuff and then give you cheap crap when you're too smashed to notice. But ''you''-you saved the best until the party was in full swing! Could you ''be'' more awesome?"
* Here are some verifiable (Biblically-sourced, that is) facts about Human Body v2: Post-Resurrection; the ability of either teleportation or phasing through solid matter (Jesus appearing in locked rooms), some degree of mental obfuscation (disciples at Emmaus), indestructible (1 Cor 15:42), immunity to psy-ops (Rev 21:4 - no pain, no sorrow, no sadness). And a guarantee that all genuine Christians get these upgrades. Yeah, I'm thinking that this kinda body isn't that of a zombie, unless you're talking about Necrons. Specifically, Necron Flayers. With built-in warp-portal generators. [[Badass]] enough yet?
* Dude was nice to ''the IRS guys''. He came up with food for ''five thousand'' people (so okay, He yakked at them for hours before that first, but the only reason that they were there in the first place was to listen to him). He did the whole [[WalkWalking Onon Water]] thing. In. A. Storm. Heck, He even tells the storm to SHUT UP! I'M SLEEPING! And the storm ''obeys''. He can teleport, phase through solid walls, and doesn't even need [[Intimate Healing]] to actually heal someone. He's a [[Physical God]], pure and simple, and at the end of it all He even gets to [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]! Let's face it, no DM in the world is ever gonna let us roll up a [[God Mode Sue|player character this awesome]].
** And the only reason he bothered with ''this'' plane of existence - to get his ass kicked, no less - was to give ''us'' the chance to ascend to the higher one.
* Not to mention the fact that he can expel demons in a way that would put a Arch Cleric to shame (6,000 in one shot), and self resurrect without any help, Take that Grand Mages.