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* ''[[Happiness]]'' is an anime that was originally a [[Visual Novel]]. Most agree it's a fairly mediocre high school drama with a really generic magic system attached. It doesn't matter though, because nearly everyone watches it to see [[Wholesome Crossdresser|Jun]], who steals [[Ensemble Darkhorse|every]] single scene he's in.
* Lesser example; ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'': Just here for the [[Ax Crazy]] [[Yandere]] [[Pantheon|Goddess]].
* It seems like a lot of fans watch ''[[Mai-HiME (Anime)|Mai-HiME]]'' for Shizuru and Natsuki (be them [[Ensemble Darkhorse|individually]] or [[Fan -Preferred Couple|together]]). Thankfully it's usually [[Come for The X Stay For The Y|"watched"]]. Not so much with ''[[Mai-Otome (Anime)|Mai-Otome]]'' though.
* Some people watch ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' simply for the unique giant robot battles.
** Other people watch it just for [[Emotionless Girl|Rei]] and [[Tsundere|Asuka]].
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** Some people went for the massive hellstorm of special effects that is the last quarter of the movie.
** How about Yoda wielding a lightsaber? As the film wore on in theaters commercials started airing saying "who da man? Yoda man" to capitalize on what was certainly the film's largest draw.
* ''[[Bound]]'' is probably a compelling modern film-noir classic. But people only watch it for [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot|certain scenes]].
* On that note, ''[[Wild Things]]'': Denise Richards gets 'em out, makes out with Neve Campbell in a swimming pool and they have a threesome with Matt Dillon. Yes there was a plot, and it wasn't half bad either. The sequels have a similar reputation, [[Sequelitis|except for the "plot" part]].
** And don't forget that strip of Kevin's [[I Call Him "Mister Happy"|Bacon]].
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* In ''[[Monsters Ball]]'', Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton do [[This and That]]. You'll be hard pressed to find out what else happened second hand.
* A small minority of the audience for ''[[Black Swan (Film)|Black Swan]]'' is Just There For The [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful|Wingfic]].
** And quite a few more are Just There for [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot|the Mila/Natalie sex scene.]]
* Many people watched ''[[The Machinist]]'' for the shock of seeing Christian Bale's [[Dyeing for Your Art|Nightmare Fuel Thiness.]]
* Some people watched [[James Cameron]]'s ''[[Titanic]]'' only because of ship's sinking scenes.
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* Even since his cult following formed in the late 1990's, does anyone watch the [[TV Movie]] ''[[Sarah Plain And Tall]]'' for anything other than the fact that it has [[Christopher Walken]] in a romantic role?
* The ''[[House of Wax]]'' remake promising [[Paris Hilton]] at her most [[The Scrappy|scrappiest]] to die, which she ''does,'' but [[Eight Deadly Words|there's still about a half hour or so left of teenyboppers running around in the eponymous house.]]
* Many ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' fans went to see the reboot of ''[[Fright Night]]'' with the sole intention of seeing David Tennant shirtless.
* A lot of people only watch the first half of ''[[Full Metal Jacket]]'' because of [[Large Ham|Gunnery]] [[Drill Sergeant Nasty|Sergeant]] [[R Lee Ermey|Hartman]].
* A lot of people have watched ''Zabriskie Point'' solely because of its [[Pink Floyd]] connection. <ref> As for ''More'' and ''La Vallée'', the main reason that anyone even hears about these films today is that Pink Floyd is still selling the albums (''More'' and ''Obscured by Clouds'') of the music that they wrote for the soundtracks.</ref>
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* Many people watch ''[[American Idol]]'' in the beginning just to see the horrible no talent singers make fools of themselves on national television. Everything else after that is just a waste of time.
* It is very hard to get non-nerds to watch any part of a space mission except launch and touchdown.
* BBC America will readily admit that most of the people who subscribe to their channel are only in it for ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''.
** As a tangent to that, when the series 3 DVD of ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures (TV)|The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' was released, it had a sticker that said, "David Tennant's last recorded scenes as the Doctor." Since he was only in 2 episodes of a 12 episode season, likely that little bit of advertising angered somebody.
* More than one person who is less than totally invested in the art of dance has watched ''[[So You Think You Can Dance]]'' religiously to see incredibly fit, attractive, young people twist and display their bodies in next to no clothing. For that matter, people who ''are'' totally invested in the art of dance merely tolerate the extensive air time devoted to the judges' input, contestant background clips and rehearsal footage, not to mention the musical guests and virtually content-free padding during the results shows.
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* Many people watch award ceremonies just for the awards that the shows they like have been nominated for.
** Plenty only watch the Spike Video Game Awards for the trailers and announcements.
* In April, 2012, ITV premiered a 4 part ''Titanic'' mini-series to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of that ship. Around the same time, it was revealed that the next Companion for ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' would be one Jenna-Louise Coleman...who happens to have a supporting role in the aforesaid ''Titanic'' mini series. Cue the [[YouTube]] clips of her scenes ONLY.
* The final two years of Australian [[Talk Show]] Rove (previously known as Rove Live) had a segment called Kevin Rudd PM. What was pretty much a [[Gag Dub]] of news footage spliced together of then Prime Minster Kevin Rudd as [[They Fight Crime|a secret agent]]. Looking episodes up on [[YouTube]] you'll see people saying they only watched the show for this.
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