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This show provides examples of:
* [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]: Excepting his [[Morality Pet|wife]], we've yet to meet anyone who actually ''likes'' [[Evil Overlord|Kuroda]]. Even Ranmaru and Rikimaru find him unpleasant, and they're working for [[Big Bad|Gessho]].
* [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Parent]]: Fuwa's dad; possibly Mizuki's stepfather.
* [[Action Girl]]: ( {{spoiler|Ran/Ranmaru}}) appears to have been one of these before her [[Gender Bender]]. She was one of the last survivors on a battlefield that had been utterly devastated by Gessho's troops, and managed to survive a bout against Rikimaru while she was still an unpowered human. That one battle was enough to convince Gessho that he wanted her as part of his forces. She was pretty good. From the looks of things the original Princess Mio was one as well.
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* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]: Fuwa. He's in bright yellow.
* [[Hired Guns]]: Kazuma's profession of choice before Shiranui recruits him, earning pay equal to the number of men he kills. And he gets paid a lot.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Kazuma again. Charges monsters with just a sword? Check. No respect for personal safety? Check. Ready to fight at the drop of a hat? Way check.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: Gessho Kuki. What ''is'' he?
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Some of Kuroda's demons seem to fall into this category. Hell, some of Kuroda's ''[[Sociopathic Soldier|soldiers]]'' seem to fall into this category.
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* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: They look human, albeit with some animalistic features, and are all working for Gessho or Kuroda. How they're being controlled hasn't really been addressed. Gessho seems to summon them from a dark void in the middle of his castle, and uses them to give orders to his monster armies. Many seem to have sexually perverse and/or [[I'm a Humanitarian|cannabalistic]] tendencies.
* [[Power Tattoo]]: Shiranui has several, desgined to prevent demons from tainting his pure soul.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Kazuma is not a bad guy. But we wouldn't reccommend picking a fight with him either. He's a scary, scary little punk when he's angry. And he's angry a lot.
* [[Reincarnation]]: The premise of the series.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Ranmaru has been in Gessho's service for over a hundred years. Rikimaru has been with him even longer. Gessho is so old that even Rikimaru knows almost nothing about him.