Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** Tell that to the Zyurangers and their somehow back from the dead Dragonranger.
*** The difference is that Burai was killed late in the series, Magis was killed before the beginning of Goseiger.
*** I think it's [[Merchandise -Driven]]. Unlike Ninjaman and Signalman, Gosei Knight's mecha combined with the main five, so they couldn't very well claim he ''wasn't'' a full-fledged Goseiger.
*** Then there's the simple fact that he's called ''Gosei'' Knight, as opposed to something like [[Something Person|Knightman]]. It may seem shallow, but it clearly shows that the writers intended for him to be part of the Goseigers, whereas the writers of Kakurangers and Carrangers may not have felt the same way about their characters.
*** Signalman is in the battle, while Ninjaman is mostly a mech that was taken down by the Zangyack fleet.
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** Maybe even more, since I assume that each suit actor is a different size.... thats five if I'm correct. Or maybe the women are the same size, and the men share a size, who knows.
** There is definitely no way that the 40th anniversary super sentai would able to top or even equal Gokaiger. They did any that is almost everything possible for a anniversary season. How do you expect the 40th anniversary and any other future anniversary to top that or even come close? They might as well quit no before the other anniversaries get bashed-down for not even coming close to Gokaiger.
*** They could if they got a [[Sixth Ranger]] [[CreatorsCreator's Pet|everyone could]] [[Base Breaker|agree on.]]
** Why are we so set on waiting for the 40th anniversary? If we were really waiting for a milestone anniversary, shouldn't we be talking about the 50th Sentai anniversary (which, if my math is right, would also be Toei's 75?) Why wait for a specific year to have an awesome season, why not just enjoy them as they come along?
** They make it like Gokaiger is the last season or something by pulling out all the stops...
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* I can understand GaoLion giving GokaiOh the ability to become Gao GokaiOh... {{spoiler|1=but how the hell can it give it the ability to become ShinkenGokaiOh? Wouldn't the Gokaigers need the Shishi Origami to do that?}}
** Two main factors, probably: The [[Merchandise -Driven|toy selling]] and the fact that both {{spoiler|Shishi Origami}} and [[Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger|Gao Lion]] are both lions. It saves Bandai from having to design and sell a second toy for {{spoiler|Shinken Gokai Oh.}}
** The Gokaiger's powers will likely change him in the same way they changed Gao Lion to begin with, who is the original article and not a recreation made by the Sentai Keys.
** It may also show some connection to the currently running [[Power Rangers Samurai|Power Rangers Season]] at the moment. Seeing as the former [[Power Rangers Wild Force|Wild Force Red Ranger]] is a bad guy in that season.
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** [[You Fail Economics Forever]]
* Are the Gokaigers other than Red ever going to fight (or at least move a few feet?) in their own mecha? What is even the point of having [[Combining Mecha]] (other than [[Merchandise -Driven|the obvious]]) if they are '''always''' combined?
** They did already.
** {{spoiler|They do in #36 when they're trying to chase Machalcon down.}}
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* The previous sentai losing their powers makes sense for the teams who derive their powers from mystical sources, but what about all the technology-based teams? What's stopping them from acquiring new sets of [[Transformation Trinket|Transformation Trinkets]]?
** [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]] would be my guess.
** Or in some cases, perhaps giving up the powers also depleted whatever power source or [[Applied Phlebotinum]] they used to create the powers in the first place- for example it could have depleted the [[Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger|DekaBase's]] supply of DekaMetal.
*** {=[[Deka Base]]=} is a mecha, so it may have actually been destroyed in the Legend War - in the Dekaranger tribute episode, SPD's police station looked nothing like the Dekabase interior.
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** Yeah but here's the thing no one is limited to their coresponding Keys they could use any they like also who said Gokaiger was getting a super mode?Not to say they won't but it's not set in stone.Also Gai dosen't need to be involved in another finisher given he has at least three(four at most) he dosen't need to be part of another,also what do you mean by "Gokaigers would be the same why without Gai involved ,aside from Goujyujin"?If you mean in overall performance in battle, probaly not since battles have been pretty tough lately and without Gai the Gokaigers would most likely have been defeated.Lastly supporting roll?Pfft like I said without Gai as their [[Sixth Ranger]] the team would most likely get defeated.
*** Ok...[[Rouge Angles of Satin|from what I could decipher from that]], Gai IS limited to his corresponding keys due to the way the [[Gokai Cellular]] works. [[Merchandise -Driven|As for the Super Mode, do you think Toei would give up the chance to sell more toys?]] Granted, you do have a point about the finisher, but it seems odd that Don would leave out Gai in the new finisher, considering how much the Gokaiger are all about [[True Companions|Nakama]]. [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad|It feels like Gai is just tacked on in the finishers of recent battles]], and a comedic [[Sixth Ranger]] doesn't really seem to fit into the dynamic that Gokaiger had going for it before his debut, unlike Genta for Shinkenger. I'm not saying that Gai himself is a bad character, I am a fan of [[Large Hams]], but as Gokai Silver, they didn't seem to plan ahead enough to make sure he would stay efficient.
**** Excuse my spelling I have a habit of typing carlessly(there's no reason to be a rude dick about it though),anyway I'm saying think about the way the Gold mode is used it's plugged into the bottom,who says other keys that aren't buttons on the Gokai cellular can't be used that way?Also stay efficient?Ok Gokaiger isn't really a total "every last ranger is serious" type of sentai so having a comedic Sixth dosen't really screw with the dynamic all that much even with his supossed Spot light stealing status,as for the buster *shruges* all i have to say is don't overthink it it's just a kids show.P.S. yes I do think they would skip out on the opertunity considering their were seasonal gaps in rangers getting super modes.