Kamen Rider Kabuto/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Tsurugi Kamishiro is one of the more popular comic relief character in the series.
** Two words: '''Kick'''. '''Hopper'''.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: This is, at its best, a decent series, but fans try to show that its the greatest Kamen Rider series ever only because of Tendou badasss behavior and how he is overpowered, despite a lot of weak features like confusing and slow paced story and lots of bad plots, like the dark kitchen arc.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Kabuto and Gatack's Hyper Forms.
* [[Gateway Series]] - This series has introduced many Western viewers to the Heisei [[Kamen Rider]] series with its balance of humor, drama, and action. The Clock Up feature really seems to help as well.
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* [[Memetic Mutation]] - ''Start the ZECT-Van!''
* [[Narm]] - Depending on who you ask, the [[Cooking Duel|Dark Kitchen]] arc.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]] - No one expected the Masked Rider System to be developed from [[media:[[Nightmare Kabuto 3]]_2586NightmareKabuto3_2586.jpg|brutal experimentation on poor]] {{spoiler|[[Evil Counterpart|Souji Kusakabe]]}} as shown in Episode 48.
** Being experimented and caged up when you're just a young boy is bad enough, but [[media:[[Nightmare Kabuto 1]]_277NightmareKabuto1_277.jpg|to have Natives performing the experiments?!?]] That just makes this already disturbing scene [[Up Tp Eleven|EVEN WORSE.]]
** Speaking of which, {{spoiler|Dark Kabuto's}} blood-curdlingly [[Cheshire Cat Grin|child-like smile]] upon entering Earth in Episode 42 is enough to keep anyone up all night. [[Hell Is That Noise|The creepy music doesn't help either.]]
** In a case of serious [[Paranoia Fuel]], a Worm can become an almost perfect copy of anyone, including you. They are also stronger than you, can spit goo on you to kill you, and can slow down time to prevent you from escaping their clutches. The only way you can sense a worm is by their smell, which would be too late by then (unless you're a Kamen Rider, of course.)