Kane (wrestling)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:YMMV.Kane 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:YMMV.Kane, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Professional Wrestling/Awesome Music|Crowning Music of Awesome]]: "Slow Chemical", Kane's entrance theme for years after he'd gotten unmasked (and for a while prior to the unmasking).
** His first theme went well with how his character debuted, and his newest theme sounds a bit like his first theme without the guitar riff. Both are awesome.
*** His latest theme since remasking is an awesome [[Theme Music Power -Up|mix of the two]] which actually fits his [[Composite Character|persona]].
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Revealed himself to be this after using both the feuds and times he teamed up with [[The Undertaker]] for over a decade as a way to exploit his weaknesses and then playing the role of the avenging brother in 2010 all the way to the World Heavyweight Championship. (see [[Xanatos Roulette]] on the main page)
* [[Special Effects Failure]]: This has happened to Kane a number of times over the years; sometimes it's been a part of an angle, sometimes it's been a legit malfunction. His unmasking is probably the most notable one, as the supposed 'burns' on his face ended up looking like smeared makeup (which it was). It had to be distorted in later promos to make it look scarier.
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** This inevitably happens in the Inferno matches. When someone finally gets lit aflame, it never looks convincing. May be a big reason why WWE never really uses the match type.
*** On the other hand, the matches themselves tend to be pretty cool, if only for the fact that it's hard to beat the visual effect of [[Visual Effects of Awesome|two men beating the shit out of each other while surrounded by a ring of fire]].
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|They Changed Him, Now He Sucks]] / [[Badass Decay]]: How people felt about Kane after his unmasking.
** He was suffering from severe [[Badass Decay]] even prior to his unmasking. One needs only refer to any incidents that could be classified as Crowning Moments of either Funny or Heartwarming that occurred while he was masked. For example: the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQAYSgkZuj0 'Kane-o-roonie']. The friendship with X-Pac. [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife|The relationship with Tori.]] (Both turned on him and lived to tell about it.) His first words being "Suck it" - the [[D Generation X]] catchphrase. Tag teaming with the Hurricane and saying "Freaks are cool!" Many feel when he started talking (i.e. acting more and more human), he lost his threat level.
*** Worth nothing that it was Kane's decision to lose the mask, as he said it was becoming more difficult to wrestle with it on and that he felt limited with the character since he had to convey emotion with just his body. According to reports, only [[Vince McMahon]] was fully on-board with the change, but if there's one guy you need to sign off an idea...
*** Also worth noting is that while even though it was incredibly unpopular even at the time, the unmasking did a lot to undo his [[Badass Decay]]; it wasn't until the Royal Rumble the following year where they started building up the return of the Undertaker, who Kane would eventually job to at Wrestlemania XX, that the decay began to set in again. For several months before that, Kane was nothing but an unstoppable monster.