Karma Houdini/Anime: Difference between revisions

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** [[Alpha Bitch|Otome Katou]]'s [[Girl Posse|so-called "friends"]] (Natsumi, Minami and Kumi) who cruelly bully Kotonoha, {{spoiler|bring [[Bokukko|Sekai's friend Nanami]] to tears and ruin her reputation at school by showing a tape featuring her sex scene with her boyfriend/sempai}} ''and'' {{spoiler|have sex with Makoto just [[For the Lulz]], despite knowing their "friend" Otome is also sleeping with him}} get clean away too. Though with {{spoiler|Kotonoha's mind snapping like a twig, one can only imagine the [[School Days]] version of what happened to those bullies in [[Elfen Lied]]}}
** It looks like Taisuke is, if anything, even ''worse'' in the PS2 game extension. {{spoiler|In the extended version of Sekai's Yandere ending (the one where she's pregnant and kills Makoto), Kotonoha strongly hints that Sekai's child (born few after the murder, taken care of by Sekai's mother [[Promotion to Parent|and Kotonoha herself]] since [[Missing Mom|the traumatised Sekai has disappeared]]) is not only Taisuke's child, but may have been conceived through rape as well.}}
* In the manga of ''[[The Prince of Tennis]],'' [[Tyke Bomb|Akaya Kirihara]] is never directly punished for his highly violent play. In the TV series, {{spoiler|he ''does'' get chastisement from An and Ryoma, ''does'' say he wants to change and gets [[Hoist by His Own Petard|a taste of his own medicine]] (sorta) via playing ''another'' Tykebomb, Kevin Smith}}, but the developments in the OAV have rendered that [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity|void]]. {{spoiler|The only punishment Kirihara received was indirect: Rikkaidai loses in the finals... but he wins ''his'' doubles match, injuring one of his rivals and almost inducing a similar [[Unstoppable Rage]] on the other.}} What have we said about [[Broken Aesop|"violence isn't allowed in-courts and those who use it are always punished"]], huh?
** The Higa team. The coach is a [[Jerkass]], and doesn't receive any more comeuppance than being hit with a tennis ball by the captain of the team when he tries to leave. Half the team itself is comprised of unsportsmanlike [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]] who attack other teams' coaches, and the other half is just ''slightly'' less unsportsmanlike than that. Once they're beaten by Seigaku, it's as if all grievances disappear. They even show up in a comedic [[Breather Episode]], and no mention is made of their earlier conduct.
* Akito of ''[[Fruits Basket]]'', in spite of spending most of the manga series being nigh-on [[Ax Crazy]] and making the lives of every member of the Zodiac as miserable as possible at every opportunity, {{spoiler|gets a last-minute redemption story via Tohru and ends up ''friends'' with her, Uotani and Hanajima, with Shigure as her lover}}.
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* Cain from the ''[[Trinity Blood]]'' anime, was pulling the strings behind all those events and...he gets away at the end.
** This is mostly due to [[Author Existence Failure]]. Sunao Yoshida, the author of the novels that Trinity Blood was based on, died before he finished the series.
* Any of the abusers from ''[[Mai Chans Daily Life|Mai-chan's Daily Life]]''. (This is not a manga for the weak at heart. Seriously.) Because Mai and Kizuna can regenerate from anything short of total cellular destruction, they are constantly being mutilated throughout their lives as slaves, with nary a shred of payback in sight. The sole exception is the American-looking president of country "A", either because he crossed the line with baby mutilation or because he pissed off the proprietress. Kaede-san is NOT to be messed with.
* At the end of ''[[Code Geass]]'', Most notably Ohgi, who not only receives no punishment for his actions but is rewarded for it {{spoiler|as he became Prime Minister of Japan}}. Villetta, too, to a lesser extent, and various surviving Britannian soldiers, including [[Lady of War|Princess Cornelia li Britannia]], who in the real world would no doubt be tried for their war crimes. Not to mention that Ohgi and Villetta, who were responsible for the betrayal for somewhat unfounded, and a few hypocritical reasons, got the happiest ending. (To add to this, Villetta herself was no stranger to screwing over Lelouch for her own ignoble reasons, to which effect she used a traumatized Shirley to capture him.) Compare and contrast to the {{spoiler|self-sacrifices of Lelouch and Suzaku, who alienated from and made themselves dead to the world, [[Thanatos Gambit|literally in the case of the former]] and [[Fate Worse Than Death|figuratively in the case of the latter, who also became the new Zero as per the Zero Requiem]], which made the new peace possible for everyone else.}} Consider also that {{spoiler|the two may not have went with such a plan, which also had a high degree of inferred destruction,}} if not for the aforementioned betrayal, and it only looks even worse.
* Ryuk from ''[[Death Note]]'' was the catalyst for several years' worth of murders, simply because he was "bored." At the end, {{spoiler|he just goes back to the Shinigami world from whence he came, with nothing to stop him from returning to the human world and causing another murderous streak. It doesn't help that the only way a Shinigami can die is by using a Death Note to save the life of a human,}} something Ryuk would never do.
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* ''[[Doubt]]'' has a massive one in {{spoiler|Rei. Who orchestrated the entire event, is shown to have done it at least once before, and comes out from it all with everyone who knows the truth dead and the only survivor hypnotized, psychotic, and ripe to take all the blame while she dances of scott free to do it again gloating all the way.}}
* Sae from ''[[Peach Girl]]''. She does do some make-goods, and she encounters some serious setbacks and heartache, particularly in the manga sequel/spinoff, Sae's Story. But the pain she puts Momo through - at one point threatening to disgrace her on an international level, just so Toji will break up with her, and making Momo believe she's been raped - means that she should have had some kind of beatdown. Note that the classmates she tricks early in the series to hate Momo are ready to hold Momo down and maybe hit her, but no such brutality is even mentioned when Sae is majorly exposed. She doesn't do a complete Houdini, except when the level of her actions is taken into account. Her pain with Ryo was largely self-inflicted, so it really doesn't balance the scales.
* Nabiki Tendo from ''[[Ranma One Half½|Ranma 1/2]]''. She runs small scams and petty blackmail schemes all over the place but was only called out once.
* Almost all of the villains in ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' do not die or suffer any permanent injury. Some are never even defeated or fought. Only one member of the Apostle of the Star dies. Some undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]]. Creed is defeated but spared and actually saved by Train, in spite of the things he had done. Even the [[Man Behind the Man|leaders of Chronos]] who turn out to be pulling the strings are never defeated.
** This is also true in the manga. Letting Creed go may actually be excusable (as his mind is more or less broken) but [[Pyromaniac|Kyoko]]? [[The Dragon|Shiki]]? ''[[Complete Monster|The Doctor]]''?!