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* In the ''[[Sandman]]'' issue about the serial killers convention, one of the convention attendees tells another that he got his start by cutting off the heads off of kittens. Notably, the guy was the most sympathetic person in the convention. He clearly understood he was sick, but lacked courage to turn himself in. It's implied that he was looking for peer support for just that.
** Also in ''Sandman'', Desire does a unique kick the dog moment that doubles as a demonstration of what a [[Magnificent Bastard]] he/she is: Desire tells a random party-goer how she can win and cruelly break another woman's heart. Apparently, he/she can figure such things out just by looking at people.
* DC's Maxwell Lord. He shot the [[Blue Beetle|second Blue Beetle]], Ted Kord, in the head. He made [[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|Guy Gardner]] flip out at his [[Back From the Dead|revived]] girlfriend, fellow superhero [[An Ice Person|Ice]], for apparently [[Blackest Night|trying to kill him]] (it wasn't really her, but Maxwell "pushed" Guy into thinking it was). If that wasn't dickish enough, he mind controls two police officers into shoooting each other. Their dialogue makes it clear that they don't know what's going on. What makes it even worse is that he could have just mindwiped the police officers instead of killing them.
* Not that Jody from ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'' needed any further proof of his unredeemable bastardry, but in a feat fitting for the trope, he went beyond kicking Jesse Custer's pet dog Duke when it made the mistake of humping his leg: ''he nailed it by the head on a fence''.
** Ironically, in their final fight, Jesse would nail Jody in the head with a piece of the fence. In both terms. The fact Jody no-sells it gives one last demonstration of [[The Determinator|how inhuman he is]].
* In a story from the 1940s newspaper comic strip of ''[[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]]'', a giant thug is shown caring for a kitten. After attacking Batman and Robin when they show up (and hence causing the his boss undue suspicion) the thug's boss breaks the kitten's neck as punishment. While the crime boss ultimately ends up [[Karmic Death|drowning in a swamp]] while his thug stands by, the revenge is soured by the crime boss being able to shoot the thug to death before he's pulled under.
* Nothing demonstrates one's evil properties quite like [ attempting to destroy an entire city of orphans].
* Colonel Boris/Jorgen is generally considered ''[[Tintin (Comic Book)]]'''s most unpopular villain. Why? He kicks Snowy down the rocket chute in ''Explorers on the Moon'', breaking the poor thing's leg. To quote the Captain: "Monster! Vivisectionist!"
** One of the villains in ''Flight 714'' orders his men to open fire on Snowy (who escapes).
* [[Superman (Comic Book)|Doomsday]] has several, including crushing a small bird and beating up a little boy and his cat. To be entirely fair, though, it's not like he can help it, as he was raised to see anything and everything as a threat that must be destroyed.
* The first appearance of the DCU villains the Reach (evil super-advanced alien race, enemies of the third [[Blue Beetle]]) has the Reach negotiator stress how they're there to 'save the earth' and that the Reach 'come in peace'. The very next page introduces the Reach Negotiator's adorable minions... and he crushes one of their heads with his bare hand. Just so the audience wouldn't believe the whole 'we come in peace' thing.
* Various villains [[Kick the Dog]] throughout ''[[Kingdom Come]]'', but Vandal Savage [[Neck Snap|snapping the neck of a secretary]] for putting the wrong amount of sugar in his coffee kinda takes the cake.
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* [[Norman Osborn]] is master of this. The list of his dog kicking moments he's done to [[Spider-Man]] alone is very long, and contains thing like {{spoiler|having sex with Peter's girlfriend Gwen, making her pregnant and killing her after she gave birth to his children; making those children believe that Peter's their father who abandoned them; killing Peter's unborn child and stealing its body; kidnapping Peter's aunt May and replacing her with an actress, and revealing it after that actress died. All this so Peter could suffer.}} Oh, and he started the infamous Clone Saga too!
** In [[Dark Reign]] he adds some new ones like: {{spoiler|shooting two kids because one of them's wearing a Spider-Man mask, impregnating his son's ex-girlfriend (he must really enjoy stealing younger guys' girls) and making his son believe it's his baby, so Norman could manipulate him and kill him in the near future for the biggest benefits (HIS OWN SON!). There's also the possibility that the guy he's using as a guinea pig in his laboratory is his other son, Gabriel Stacy.}}
* [[Memetic Mutation|When no-one was looking]], [[Lex Luthor]] [[Memetic Mutation|stole forty cakes. That's as many as four tens.]] [[And That's Terrible|And that's terrible]].
* In ''Superpatriot'' a [[Those Wacky Nazis|Nazi]] kicks one while in a good mood. You can see it [[media:the_most_evil_man_alive.jpg|here]]/
* In ''[[BPRD]] 1946'', cute little girl (and head of the Soviet counterpart to the BPRD) Varvara shows her [[True Colors]] when she {{spoiler|brutally murders Audo, a disfigured and mentally unwell little boy.}}