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See also [[Dead Line News]] when this happens on the other side of a TV screen (though not necessarily in the middle of a sentence).
If a character is killed mid-''word'', there's a good chance of it being a [[Curse Cut Short]]. The [[Almost -Dead Guy]] will invariably die mid-sentence, and there's a good chance of the sentence beginning "[[His Name Is]]--"
If this is a sci-fi story and the scientist figures out how to destroy the alien monster, expect him to die halfway through his explanation, just as he's about to say that it can only be destroyed by--
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* The ''[[Portal 2 (Video Game)|Portal 2]]'' fanfiction ''[[Test of Humanity (Fanfic)|Test of Humanity]]'' has {{spoiler|1=GLaDOS}} doing this. She tries to call {{spoiler|Wheatley a "stupid moron" for getting stuck in an exhaust pipe and causing too much pressure to build up}} but the lab explodes before she can.
{{quote| {{spoiler|"You stupid mor-"}}}}
* The ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''/''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' crossover ''[[Time Lords and Terror (Fanfic)|Time Lords and Terror]]'' has this done to {{spoiler|'''the Doctor''' of all people}}.
{{quote| "Oh, that's not fair."}}
* In the [[Lucky Star]]/[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]] crossover ''[[Stars Above (Fanfic)|Stars Above]]'', {{spoiler|this happens to Tsukasa in the 2013 timeline, setting up Kagami's [[Start of Darkness]], and then to [[Puella Magi Kazumi Magica|Kazumi]], to reinforce the fact that [[Anyone Can Die]]... [[Everybody's Dead, Dave|and most eventually do.]]}}
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* In a funny subversion, in ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]'', this is how Brother Maynard dies, but his death scream completes the sentence.
{{quote| "It's the Legendary Black Beast of -- ''(is eaten)'' -- AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!"}}
* In one scene from ''[[American Gangster (Film)|American Gangster]]'', [[Villain Protagonist|Frank Lucas]] is in the middle of breakfast telling his brothers, (newly recruited into the drug trade) the most important things about business, (honesty, integrity, hard work, family, etc.) when he spots a rival across the way, standing on a busy street in front of plenty of people. Frank politely excuses himself, walks up to [[The Rival]], and puts a gun to the guy's head. [[The Rival]] laughs, says "Get the fuck out of here, Frank. What you gonna do? Come on, Frank. You gonna shoot me here, in front of everyone? [[Boom! Headshot!|Come o...]]" Frank then walks away and goes back to eating breakfast with the family. [ See it here.]
* ''[[Star Wars]]'':
** In ''[[Attack of the Clones]]'', Shmi Skywalker's last words to Anakin are "I love--"
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* Emmett on ''[[Chuck]]'' is killed in the middle of [[Mugging the Monster|calling someone a pussy.]]
** In another episode, John Casey kills off a bad guy right in the middle of said baddie giving off [[Evil Gloating|a gloating speech]].
* This appears several times on ''[[Twenty Four24 (TV)|Twenty Four]]''. The most recent example coming from a private security goon holding a key witness at gunpoint. Jack simply dispatches him with a single shot mid-threat.
* {{spoiler|Stringer Bell}} from ''[[The Wire]]''.
{{quote| "Get on with it motherfu..."}}
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* Happens in the ''[[Breakout Kings]]'' episode "There Are Rules", when the white-collar criminal who masterminded the [[Once an Episode|prison break of the week]] pulls a gun on his relatively violence-oriented accomplice, and the latter tries to [[Hannibal Lecture]] him:
{{quote| " got a problem, Ronald. You got nobody to pull that trigger for you. This is a job you can't delegate. You gotta actually dirty your hands for once, and we both know that--" BLAM}}
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "World War Three", one of the Slitheen gets one, getting out half of [[Precision F-Strike|"Oh, bollocks."]] before getting blown up.
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* The player character in ''[[Alpha Protocol]]'' can do this to a ''lot'' of people during the game, depending on dialogue choices. They vary between extremely awesome, or incredibly chilling depending on your relationship with the person in question.
* In one of the later missions of ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]], we see a guard reporting to the [[Big Bad]] that "Everything is going according to pla-" {{spoiler|before being killed by Ezio, who had secretly replaced one of the others guards}}.
* In the ''[[Call of Duty (Video Game)|Call of Duty]]: World at War'' mission "Little Resistance", the landing craft the player character is in gets caught on something. A [[Non -Player Character|NPC]] then shouts "It's the coral! We're stuck on the cor--" * [[Pink Mist|Cue]] [[Boom! Headshot!|headshot]]* (A rather gory one at that.)
** Again, in ''[[Call of Duty Black Ops (Video Game)|Call of Duty Black Ops]]'':
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|[[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate|Dr. Clarke]]}}:''' Ah, yes, {{spoiler|the numbers.}} They're the key to-- ''(headshot)''}}
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* The intro cutscene of ''[[Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds (Video Game)]]'' has a Martian commander blasted mid-sentence while reporting on the poor state of the invasion. The elders change plans accordingly.
* Happens quite regularly in games in the ''[[Wing Commander (Video Game)|Wing Commander]]'' series that have speech, with taunts being cut off by the speaker's ship becoming rapidly expanding ball of plasma, courtesy of your guns.
* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', this is how the leader of the freed slaves in the Pit of Saron bites it. After you've killed the final boss he gives a very flowery speech of gratitude to the players. Right behind him is Sindragosa, Arthas' pet dragon, [[Surprisingly -Sudden Death|who kills him and 3/4 of the freed slaves with an Iceball to the face!]]
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda a Link To The Past]]'': "Zelda is your..."
* ''[[Mechwarrior]]'' 2: "It's got a lock on me! It's got a lock on..."
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** Comparatively, the last transmission from ''Challenger'' was, apparently, "[[Oh Crap|Uh-oh.]]"
* Peter the Great of Russia had decided in advance to name his heir on his deathbed. Unfortunately, his last words were "I leave everything to..."
* [http://en.[ International Airlines Flight 655|Texas International Airlines Flight 655]] was cruising at around 2500 feet, at night in near zero visibility, when the copilot became concerned about terrain (they had diverted from their normal course in the hope of avoiding a storm). He consulted the charts, and was startled at what he saw. He started to tell the captain that "Minimum en route altitude here is forty-four hun--" when they hit a mountain.
* According to [ Karla Homolka's] testimony, Paul Bernardo began strangling Kristen French while she was in the middle of a sentence.
* Kevin Cosgrove, while on the phone with 911 dispatchers, is cut off when the North Tower collapses, along with a scream.
* The last words from the American submarine USS Thresher, in communication with a surface ship just before sinking, were "...exceeding test depth...".
* Frederick III of Germany was dying of throat cancer and could not speak in his last days. He started writing, "Victoria, me, the children..." before lapsing into unconsciousness and dying.
* [http://en.[ Flight 781|BOAC Flight 781]] broke up in flight while the captain was in the middle of a radio transmission.
* [http[wikipedia:// |SOS SOS CQD CQD SOS SOS CQD CQD SOS SOS CQD CQ-]]
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