Kimi no Na Iowa: Difference between revisions

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** A small town in the middle of nowhere with less than a percentage point of its country's population just isn't going to be missed by the world at large, no matter how exotic the cause of its disappearance or affected the former inhabitants are.
** Some of the difficulty conventional forces have combating abyssals arises from the fact that normal antiship weapons aren't meant to hit human-sized targets whose [[Super Toughness]] means direct hits are needed.
** Shipgirls don't just take [[Clothing Damage]], but also real injury that needs medical or mechanical treatment.
** Ayaka doesn't magically become a stone-cold [[Badass]] just because her true nature has been activated. Having had less than two months of admittedly intensive training by the time of her first mission and no prior experience with fighting., Sheshe takes quite badly the suffering of what would have been serious wounds for a normal human.
** Averting [[Rock Beats Laser]], anti-abyssal guerillas are not having a good time; unlike normal human invaders, even the weakest PT Imp is [[Immune to Bullets]] and retaliates with heavy weapons that will tear a tree in half, never mind a man. Anything that does work, the abyssals have the numbers to push through, and their not having a civilian populace to be [[Slave to PR]] to means that they have no rules of engagement forcing them to play nice with humanity.
** William D Porter being a clumsy, fratricidal [[The Jinx]] is not [[Played for Laughs]] like in most other ''[[Kantai Collection]]'' stories, but instead results in her being [[The Millstone]], [[The Friend Nobody Likes]], and developing suicidal ideation from the guilt of her repeated wrongs however accidental.
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* [[Steel Ear Drums]]: In Chapter Three, Ayaka wonders how her eardrums are still intact after firing naval artillery.
* [[Take That]]: Chapter Nine mentions "[[Tumblr|Dumblr]] idiots of the late 2010s".
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Mentioned to not be the case in Chapter Four with a mid-battle conversation only possible because of [[Time Master]]y. Several other times that extended conversations take place are either explicitly during lulls or there are intercuts to show the battle still continuing around the talkers.
* [[Technology Marches On]]: Chapter Two mentions that Ayaka uses an iPhone 9. It was written before Apple announced that they were skipping 9 and jumping straight to X.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: