Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better: Difference between revisions

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** In fact this trope is enshrined within the ''GURPS'' rules. The developers calculate weapon damage based on the square root of energy for kinetic weapons and the cube root of energy for beam weapons.
* In the discontinued ''[[Babylon 5]] Wars'' tabletop game, kinetic weapons ignored armor and did standard damage, which means that you could deal the attack's full damage to the component you hit. It's main downside was that if you hit a less-than-vital component (like one forward gun out of thirty), then the damage would not transfer to the hull like the other weapon types.
* The classic ''[[Car Wars]]'' did have lasers, but as a rather expensive weapon. Most combat was with bullets, shells, and rockets. One [[Splat BookSplatbook]] calls out lasers as being not used in the military except for things like range finding and detecting.
* In ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' most energy weapons are designed to be "less-than-lethal", so with the exception of the [[BFG|plasma rifle]] they tend to do less damage and are less effective at penetrating armor than kinetics (especially railguns).
** Considering that killing people isn't actually that useful since everyone just wakes up in a new body, debilitating and capturing them is often much much more useful in preventing them doing something. Robots and the like are pretty good at dealing with energy weapons while physically breaking them up works better to hurt them.