Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Difference between revisions

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* [[Title Drop]]: You'll have to wait until [[One Hundred Percent Completion]], though.
* [[Title Theme Drop]]: What is probably the most poignant arrangement of "Dearly Beloved" yet plays during the scene detailed under "[[Say My Name]]".
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: A major subplot is King Mickey going from rookie Keyblader to the [[Memetic Badass]] we all know and love.
** ''All three'' of the main characters.
*** Terra: After accepting the darkness in his heart, he gains great strength {{spoiler|but ultimately weakens his heart to the point that Master Xehanort can possess his body. Xehanort thinks that he's won, but Terra [[Determinator|refuses to submit]], [[Heroic Willpower|his mind and soul re-animating his suit of armor]] [[Unstoppable Rage|through hate and anger]]. Terra ([[Animated Armor|as the Lingering Will]]) then proceeds to ''kick his own ass'' (at this point, Xehanort was theoretically at his ''prime''), and--to this day--is still fighting Master Xehanort for control of his body. His response to when MX [[Hannibal Lecture|triumphantly boasts that]] [[Crazy Prepared|his grand scheme could take one of several routes]]?. [[Shut UP, Hannibal|A confident smirk.]]}}
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: The one time Master Xehanort loses his cool, {{spoiler|by all appearances, he's already won, having taken Terra's body. But then a force-field surrounds them, Terra's ''armor'' rises up to face him, and he snaps. "Your body submits, your heart succumbs--''so why does your mind resist?!''"}}
* [[Voices Are Mental]]: A variation; see this game's section on the "[[Fridge Brilliance]]" page.
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: Vanitas for both Ven and Aqua's stories. In comparison, Terra faces Braig, who while [[Get Back Here Boss|annoying]], is not nearly as tough to tackle.
** If you never played ''[[No Export for You|The Final Mix]]'' (or defeated [[Bonus Boss|Sephiroth]]) in the prior games, ''Birth by Sleep'' is a Wake Up Call ''[[Nintendo Hard|Game.]]'' To wit: [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome|No, you can't]] [[Button Mashing|bash X to win.]] Yes, [[Mooks]] ''can'' kill you. Yes, bosses can [[Genre Savvy|blink out of your stunlock combos]] and [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|stun-lock YOU instead]]. No, you cannot simply MAX out your shotlock to get free hits in, [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|the computer will simply dodge it]]. Yes, your [[Limit Break|finisher]] ''can'' [[Hoist by His Own Petard|become a liability.]] [[Overly Long Gag|No, you can't just use Aeroga to incapacitate]] {{spoiler|Eraqus}} without waiting for him to finish his attack...
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Once he realizes Ven's importance to Xehanort's scheme, Eraqus tries to kill Ven to save the universe.}}