Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"Forgive me, Zexion... This was a fight I should not have started."}}
** Zexion. Possibly the most brutal death of all the Organization members. Everyone else just died (some were more vicious than others; here's looking at you, Vexen). Zexion? He was strangled to ''death'', his life force ''slowly sucked out of his body'' as he lost consciousness. What makes this sad is that Zexion showed himself to be [[Undying Loyalty|highly devoted to the Organization's cause]], even up to his final moments, where he's absolutely ''mortified'' by the prospect of his death. That doesn't excuse his actions, mind you, but when you put him in comparison to the behind-the-scenes backstabbing game of hot potato that approximately half of the remaining members played, it's a bit depressing.
** Marluxia. Not played as sadly as Larxene's, but the way he tries to struggle against fading away is still somewhat depressing.
** Larxene.
{{quote|"I'm...fading? No, this isn't the way I...I won't ALLOW..!" (Especially sad when delivered by [[Yuko Miyamura]].)}}
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** Attack Bracer and Overdrive.
** Dark Firaga on Riku. It's just a firaga that's blue... but it can ''really'' hurt some enemies, ''especially'' Lexaeus.
* [[Complete Monster]]: [[Mad Scientist|Vexen]].
* [[Game Breaker]]: The duel system in Re:Chain of Memories, especially Barrage. This attack always hit and always do 1 bar damage. It's possible to beat {{spoiler|Ansem}} easily without dark mode because of this.
** Certain sleights can be this too, if you build your deck right. With enough 0s, you can't be canceled, and a ton of Sonic Rush + Elixir = Win.