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The action is organized into arcs. The first arc deals with the gang's attempt to graduate; the second arc deals with their struggles against the evil dMp; the third arc focuses on their battles against the new graduates of the Hercules Factory; and the final and longest arc deals with the [[Tournament Arc|Chojin Tournament]], a gigantic battle between the world's greatest wrestlers.
There are two manga series--one that is running in "Weekly Shonen Playboy" in Japan and is being sold in volumes in the US, and another that appeared in V-Jump in Japan, follows a different continuity.
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* [[Discard and Draw]] - {{spoiler|When Brocken Jr.'s arm has been cut off by Lightning and Thunder, Jade no longer knows how to do the Red Rain of Berlin because memories of learning the move in the past from Brocken was altered. Fortunately, it is replaced with a new technique from Brocken back then who had a hook arm due to the altered past called "Brocken's Repatriation " which turns Jade's left leg into a sickle!}}
* [[Ditto Fighter]] - Bloxx/Legocs is capable of shaping himself into a mold of any opponent, copying not only their appearance but their abilities and tactics. After doing so to Kevin Mask, their fight quickly turned to a merry-go-round of [[Cross Counter|Cross Counters]]
* [[Do Not Call Me Paul]] - Mantarou originally hated his name because he found out [[Ultraman|why]] he was named as such. Subverted in the fact that he either got over or stopped caring about how he was named.
* [[Enjo Kosai]] - One shot villain The Rigany manages to force this on a minor female character in the manga.
* [[Expy]] - Kevin Mask is an Expy of [[Real Life]] professional wrestler Kevin Nash. Not only is this evident in Mask's name, but also in that Mask's body build and "screw tradition" philosophy are extremely similar to Nash's.
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* [[Give Him a Normal Life]] - Kinnikuman decided to try this with Mantarou and thus had his fight records annuled so that his son wouldn't know of his evil-fighting career. It kinda backfired in that Mantarou became incredibly lazy and cowardly.
** It does pay off during Mantaro's fight against [[Tel Tel]] Boy. [[Tel Tel]] channels Suguru, hoping to instill some 'fear of the father' in the son, but since Mantaro's grown up thinking his dad as nothing more than a bumbling idiot, it backfires. Completely.
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]:After finding out that his father used to be a particularly nasty villain,{{spoiler|Ashuraman's son, Shiva}} totally snaps and ''kills'' his mother, which results in his father having to perform a [[Mercy Kill]].
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]] - Kevin Mask was going through this phase when the series began, but now seems to be on the Face side. Scarface is pretty much stuck in this trope for now.
* [[Heel Face Turn]] - Well, this is the sequel of [[Kinnikuman]] after all.
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* [[Joke Character]] - Both this and its predecessor are full of such characters. For instance, two of the Chojins who make it to the wrestling part of the Chojin Crown are a Lego--err, ''building block'' man and a high-tech toilet man named "Wash Ass" in the Japanese version (his mentor was a character from the original series who was ''a urinal from the Inca Empire'').
** In the dubbed version, at least, the latter character is also a successful actor on the side (he's called the Hollywood Bowl).
* [[Kick the Dog]] - Dial Bolic/Tel Tel Boy killing famous wrestlers ''just'' to get an audience's attention.
*** His fellow dMp member Maxman is no better; when Dial Bolic/Tel Tel Boy fails to beat Mantarou, Maxman ''kills'' him (yes, by ''kicking'' him).
** {{spoiler|Neptuneman, after Wally/Seiuchin regains his humanity, teams up with Mammothman, and they proceed to literally rip his face off.}}
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* [[Like Father, Like Son]] - Terry the Kid is so much like his father Terryman that he's built up a nice little complex about it. Mantarou also shares a number of similarities with his father, but is also incredibly different in just as many ways.
* [[Love Interest]] - Rinko (Roxanne) and Jacqueline are supposed to be this for Mantarou, but unlike his father's [[Love Interest|interests]] back in [[Kinnikuman]], Mantarou's are obviously not as interested on him as his father's, whom had their eyes for him not long after their introduction. Actually in Mantarou's case is implied at best because later in the series both girls hang around with him just for hell of it; Suguru at least had a few chapters deticated to him and his interests developing some romance; poor Mantarou has none.
** Adding insult to Mantarou's injury, Suguru's triangle with Bibimba and Mari ''still'' gets some attention in the Ultimate Choujin Tag Team arc just because is ''conveniently'' set in the past, something that was wrapped up in ''canon'' decades before is more important than the new ''implied'' [[Love Triangle]], yep.
* [[Mask Power]] - As in [[Kinnikuman]], Mantarou will be forced to commit suicide should his mask be removed, the Kinnikuman Great mask makes a return to create a Third [[Charlie Brown From Outta Town]]. Mars/Scarface takes this to an extreme with his "Madness Mask" that gives him a drastic power boost whenever he puts it on.
* [[Mega Manning]] - Scarface's most oft-used ability is that of analysis, which he uses to create improved versions of several techniques that get used against him.
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* [[Psycho for Hire]] - Bone Cold.
* [[Phenotype Stereotype]] - Terry the Kid, Kevin Mask, and Jade all fall under this.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]] - {{spoiler|Seiuchin/Wally during the Ultimate Choujin Tag Team Arc. After being turned into a truly horrifying psychotic Perfect Choujin by Neptuneman, to the pont of killing Checkmate, Barrierfreeman, Comrade Turbinski/Iloukhine and Scarface, plus breaking Jade's neck, he is finally snapped out of it during the match against Warsman and Mammothman. He dies shortly there after, pushing Warsman out of the way of the new team of Neptuneman and Mammothman's Optical Fiber Cross Bomber--''which strips all the skin off of his face''.}}
* [[The Remnant]] - Remnants of the dMp have a habit of showing up in most story arcs after their organization's collapse in the first.
** For that matter, Scarface sought to revive the dMp using the trophy for the Ultimate Tag Tournament.
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** {{spoiler|Chaos can also do this with the same type of mouthpiece Lightning has from his belt buckle to save Neptuneman.}}
* [[Time Travel]] - The current [[Tournament Arc]] in the manga is entirely based around this, with Mantarou and company facing off against heroes and villains of the past.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] - Both the Hercules Factory (for Faces) and the Demon Making Plant (for Heels) specialize in this.
* [[Troubled but Cute]] - Kevin Mask is prime [[Mr. Fanservice]], especially since he recently had his mask removed for a few panels and was revealed to be ''incredibly'' good-looking.
* [[Uncancelled]] - The anime was cancelled in Japan after its first [[Tournament Arc]]. Thanks to the effect of [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]], [[4Kids! Entertainment]] funded a second season, which was brought over to Japan as ''Kinnikuman Nisei: Ultimate Muscle''. It still wasn't very popular and had to be cancelled and [[Uncancelled]] ''again'' before the entirety of the 4Kids-produced season was shown.
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