Kiwaguro no Brynhildr: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anime Hair]]: Kikako's hair is impossibly spiky.
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: Ryouta can't believe Kuroha's powers are magical, despite believing in aliens. He tries to argue aliens can be real, but it seems to disregard the fact that even if aliens existed, the probability of them being on Earth for some reason are very, very low.
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Ryouta grabbed Kuroha's boobs once by accident.
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* [[Technopathy]]: Kazumi magical power is to...operate computers with her mind
* [[The Ace]]: At least intellectually. Ryouta is the best student in his school and third-best in Japan.
* [[The Dreaded]]: Kikako is an AA+ magician who sets the other magicians in fear just by hearing her name.
* [[The Masquerade]]: Enforced to such a point that heroes can benefit from it because the mysterious organization that creates magicians don't would dare to make a move who could risk the masquerade's existence.
* [[The Needs of the Many]]: Kuroha says to Ryouta to not leave the observatory after he decides to not miss the bus because if he did ride the bus, a lot of more people would die from a failing boulder that if he just walked to his destiny.