Kneel Before Zod/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Whether or not you will bow to me is not open to debate. The question is, will I ever let you rise? |''Fridius, telemin master'', '''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'''}}
{{quote|'''C3PO''': ''His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably, but should any of you wish to beg for mercy, His Excellency will gladly listen to your pleas.''<br />
'''Han Solo:''' ''Threepio, you tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us!...<small>Right?</small>''|''[[Star Wars|Return of the Jedi]]''}}
{{quote|'''Jafar''': Finally! ''You'' will bow to ''me''!<br />
'''Jasmine''': We will never bow to you!<br />
'''Jafar''': If you won't bow before a Sultan, then you will cower before a sorcerer!|''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]''}}
{{quote|"[[Affectionate Parody|KNEEL BEFORE TODD!!!]]"|''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' ("Wishful Thinking")}}
{{quote|''It brings a ray of sunshine to my unhappy life''<br />
''To make him kneel before me and slowly twist the knife.''|'''[[The Simpsons|Mr. Burns]]''', ''[[Villain Song|Look At All Those Idiots]]''}}
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'''Balalaika:''' I said '''''KNEEL!'''''|[[Black Lagoon]]}}
{{quote|'''Axicor:''' So you know.<br />
'''[[Magnificent Bastard|Scorpius]]:''' Did you think that [[Powered Armor|armour]] would fool me? I know what you are!<br />
'''Axicor:''' Then you should bow down!<br />