Knight Pokémon University: Difference between revisions

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… is probably what was intended. [[Mysterious Past|Maybe]]. But in actuality [[Wacky College|KPU is filled to brim with students that come from disturbed, depressing, and downright weird backgrounds]]. And the professors are hardly any better. Clones, robots, aliens, secret order leaders, inventors, former thieves, heartbroken maids, singers, and the occasional normal person all call [[Dysfunction Junction|this place a kind of home]]. Somehow, they manage to find some sort of common understanding amongst their fellow traumatized students as they all try to work out their various flaws and psychosis in everyday life. [[Rule of Drama|Or dramatically clash in a soup of drama and angst]]. (It’s like, you know, 50/50.)
And learning of some sort happens occasionally. [[Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?|We presume]].
But it appears that the University is more than simply a place for learning and unofficial therapy. Dark forces are at work behind the scenes and will (probably) draw the mentally unsuited students into their machinations. ([[Adventure -Friendly World|Because, I mean… come on.]])
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* [[Put On a Bus]]: Roleplayers who break the rules excessively were usually punished by having their characters disappear without much explanation.
* [[Recycled: The Series]]: An animated [[YouTube]] adaptation is underway.
* [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]]: Two of them. The better example was one of the teachers, while the other was a student who was getting used to the "human" part.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Joanie's [[Little Shop of Horrors|talking, singing Bellsprout, Audrey II]].
** This being an internet game, that was merely the most present one. In game shoutouts ranged from [[CSI: Miami]] to [[Castlevania]].
* [[Spared By the Adaptation]]: Alexia Ravenwood, originally banned from the game due to a combined negative response to her strange powers and her creator's lip, is set to become a regular in the [[YouTube]] adaptation.