Knight Templar School: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Teacher]]: Almost every teacher in the blasted school. If they aren't a [[Sadist Teacher]] or [[Dean Bitterman]], they're this. A list, for those who can't remember: Mr. Allen, Mr. Banner, Mr. Curry, Mr. Dean, Mr. Drayton, Mr. Fury, Mr. Grimm, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Howlett, Mr. Kent, Mr. Kovar, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Lensherr, Mr. Marko, Mr. McCoy, Mr. Minoru, Mr. Osbourne, Mr. Queen, Mr. Rasputin, Mr. Richards, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark, Mr. Steele, Mr. Stein, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Storm, Mr. T'Challa, Mr. Trainor, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wilder, both Mr. Wilsons, Mr. Yorkes, Mr. Xavier, Ms. Adler, Mrs. Curry, Ms. Darkholme, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Drayton-Farr, Ms. Frost, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Hol-Stewart, Mrs. Lane-Kent, Mrs. Mendez-Kovar, Mrs. Minoru, Ms. Morlock, Ms. Munroe, Mrs. Richards-Storm, Mrs. Stein, Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. Yorkes
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: All of the [[Girl Posse]] members.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Part I: Pietro can and will face down John when he feels that John is playing with his sister's feelings. {{spoiler|John isn't even aware that Wanda has a crush on him, so when Pietro does this, his first reaction is "What the hell are yah on about, mate?"}} Mr. Marko also invokes this trope with Mr. Xavier when necessary {{spoiler|for example, when Drake, on a drug high, starts shooting up the school. Mr. Marko does not find the perp, but he does ensure his half-brother’s safety before pursuit}}. Chase {{spoiler|pummels Troy when he tries to force drugs on Klara and Molly}}. And only one guy tries to bully Jamie after Lance takes him on as a surrogate little brother. {{spoiler|Lance wipes the floor with him.}} Inverted with Elliot, the younger half-brother, over-protecting Rachel at times, {{spoiler|going to the lengths of telling a known [[Knight Templar Parent]] about Drake's drug dealing in vengeance for him breaking Rachel's heart, knowing full well that he is giving Drake a death sentence}}.
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: Lance, to Jamie. Warren, to Bobby. Victor Stone for a lot of people. Chase to Molly.
* [[Big Eater]]: Freddy, Pietro, Wally, Jamie (the latter three have really fast metabolisms), Victor Stone, Baron
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* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Jean whenever Scott or Duncan pisses her off. She is a {Tsundere}...
* [[Food Fight]]: Lance needs to find Kitty and avoid Riley after the latter stuffs the former in a locker before the mandatory lunchtime assembly. Todd has the perfect solution: {{spoiler|BURRITO FIGHT!}}
* [[Girls' Night Out Episode]]: Well, mini-arc, that's actually plot-relevant. {{spoiler|After Rachel discovers that Drake was playing her, a lot of the other girls drag her out for a girl's night. This is when they see the [[Knight Templar Parent]] group invoke [[Karmic Death]].}}
* [[Girl Posse]]: There are two (and that causes a lot of catfights). One is Belladonna, Taryn, and Riley. The other is Kitten, Mandy, Mika, Megan, and Karlee. The first one has the advantage of having two members with brains in their heads; the second has the advantage of having more members, though they’re all as bright as a brick.
* [[Hot Teacher]]: A surprising majority, seeing as most of them are middle-aged.
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* [[Stern Teacher]]: Mr. Howlett, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Drayton, Mr. Fury, and Ms. Morlock.
* [[Stuffed Into a Locker]]: Riley does this to Kitty to get her in trouble. Lance gets pissed.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Todd uses Grover's distraction from Book 3 in [[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]].
** Riley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus. NOT A COINCIDENCE.
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Drake was playing Rachel the whole time. Also the identities of the [[Knight Templar Parents]]. And Alex and Pietro knowing the whole time.}}