Knowing/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* You're telling me that these aliens or angels (what have you) have the power to save a bunch of little kids who have "the power" yet they dont have the ability to you know save the entire planet from a solar flare?
** More like won't. But hey, it's their spaceships. Humanity doesn't owe them anything. They could just as well have let humanity all die off without help. Let he who has the rescue means decide who gets saved with them.
** Why does having the ability to travel between planets mean they have the power to stop solar flares? Hey, humanity has the power to fly between continents, how come we can't turn deserts into rainforests overnight, huh?
* Rabbits, god-damn rabbits. Clearly the aliens-angels never heard of the concept of invasive species. If there ever was a species you would * not* want introduced into an alien eco-system, rabbits would make the top 5 easily. Unless the idea was they trasnplantess would have something to eat. However children tend to get all ikky below a certain age about actually, you know eating rabbits. And somewhat related to that, do the aliens not understand that human children do not typcially fare well when seperated from there parents?, much less go on to establish a viable civilization. Maybe the aliens should have rented Lord of the flies and watched that first before comeing up with their plan. Now it could be that aliens pumped them all full of dont worry be happy thoughts, along with knowledge about metallurgy, agriculture, medicine, literacy etc etc, but without all of the excess baggage and prejidices we cart around as adults, who can say?
** Maybe they wanted a planet full of hippies.