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* In Chaosium's ''Stormbringer'' supplement ''Demon Magic'', the adventure "Sorcerer's Isle" had a [[Megalodon]] that could sink ships by biting through their hulls and a giant whale-like demon named Lvthn.
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' has a few, though they're rather obscure. The Space Wolf homeworld has a ''massive'' kraken (said to be a [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Tyranid offshoot]]) and sea serpents straight out of Norse myth, appropriate given the Space Wolves' Viking theme, and a sea monster is said to live on the planet Armageddon, where it attacked Ork ships. Given the nature of the setting, it's a safe bet that most world with any oceans have at least one.
** Though a couple references that aren't obscure by any stretch of the imagination are the Tyranids of the hive fleets named, you guessed it, Kraken and Leviathan. The third canonic hive fleet ([[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity|ignoring Naga, Jormungadr, and Gorgon]]) is Behemoth, the first fleet to appear in the chronology.
* The ''[[New World of Darkness]]'' has the Leviathan as the Kerberos of the Ocean of Fragments. It dwarfs nearly everything else on this list, and pretty much qualifies for [[Eldritch Abomination]] status on size alone, even disregarding that it's an unstoppable force of nature that literally the entire human race has nightmares about. To give some idea of the scale, no-one has any idea what it actually looks like or what it is -- it's so massive that the most anyone's ever seen of it is a vast, seemingly-infinite wall of flesh that gives no hints to its form. The best guess anyone has is that it's some sort of impossibly gigantic cephalopod, but that's just because it has tentacles.
** There's also a fan-brew game on, ''[[Leviathan: The Tempest]]'', which is all about playing the [[Fish People]] in human form descended from primordial gods of the ocean. They have the ability to assume ungodly large forms, but don't do it except for dire circumstances as it tends to rend the [[Masquerade]] in two and drives humans into a state of holy terror.
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== Videogames ==
* ''[[City of Heroes]]'' features Lusca, one of the biggest [[Attack of the 50 -Foot Whatever|Giant Monster]] class enemies in the form of a colossal octopus that menaces Independence Port, and takes over a dozen players to systematically defeat. Oddly, the Kraken in that game is less aquatic, but [[That's No Moon|you don't want to know about the Leviathan]]...
** The thing called Kraken is a giant alien from another dimension. During a mission in [[Ancient Rome|Cimerora]] you must fight off tentacles of the actual Kraken.
** Cap'n Krak'n Jumbo Seafood sign in Independence Port. Complete with octopus holding a spoon and fork and wearing a bib.