Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* The ''theme tune'' has one when Po forgets the lyrics near the end.
* The result of Po trying to keep everyone out of the kwoon in ''Sticky Situation''.
{{quote| '''Tigress:''' You thought I wouldn't ''find'' you?<br />
'''Monkey:''' You're not "sensitive" about your ''butt!''<br />
'''Viper:''' Giant sponges ''aren't heavy!''<br />
'''Crane:''' You've been acting strange ''all day!''<br />
'''Mantis:''' '''''[[Comically Missing the Point|ARE YOU DATING MY GIRLFRIEND?!?]]''''' }}
* Tigress attempting to pose as princess Mei Li. Keep in mind that the princess is a 5-10 year old pig and Tigress is a 25-30 year old South China tiger.
{{quote| '''Temutai:''' Bring me the princess.<br />
'''Po:''' *While carrying the princess in his arm* Umm, here she is! *Shoves Tigress forward.*<br />
'''Tigress:''' What? Um, I mean yes! [[Blatant Lies|I am the princess.]] *Curtsies pathetically*<br />
'''Temutai:''' *[[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Seeing through the ruse]]* Well, well, princess. Won't you perform the ceremonial Princess Dancing Song for me?<br />
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'''Po:''' [[Sincerity Mode|A little]]. }}
* Shifu, reasoning why he wouldn't let Po fight Taotie, who has just made the training hall into a [[Humongous Mecha|Humongous Mech]].
{{quote| Shifu: Po, [[It Makes Sense in Context|I gave you a]] ''[[It Makes Sense in Context|broom]]'' [[It Makes Sense in Context|and]] '''[[It Makes Sense in Context|this]]''' [[It Makes Sense in Context|happened!]]}}
* The [[Don't Explain the Joke]] moment in "Chain Reaction":
{{quote| '''Tigress''': My friends are the twins...Discipline..and Sacrifice.<br />
'''Po''': Heh..I don't think they'll like me.<br />
'''Tigress''': *dryly* That's okay, you'll never meet them.<br />
'''Po''': OH-HOH! You made a funny!<br />
'''Tigress''': *proud* That was funny, wasn't it? It has meaning on two levels: You can't meet them because they're an abstract idea and you WON'T because you're laz-<br />
'''Po''': *unamused* Yeah..okay, now you're just wrecking it.<br />
'''Tigress''': Right... }}
* Once Good!Po recognizes his [[Synchronization]] with "Bad Po", he goes... rather overboard in exploiting it.
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** And when Song gets her head eaten while trying a [[Spaghetti Kiss]].
** Po's idea of wooing a lady by showing off his butt in the shape of a heart...and it working.
{{quote| '''Po''': I showed you how my butt looked like a heart!<br />
'''Song''': Something I will always treasure! }}
** ''Twice.''
{{quote| '''Po''': I, uh, have a little something for you... ''*hands Song the sketch of a heart with a cross through it*''<br />
'''Song''': I will always treasure it.<br />
'''Po''': It's my butt.<br />
'''Song''': I know. *kisses his cheek* }}
* When Po brings Bian Zao's last cake to Tao Tie.
{{quote| '''Po:''' ... Is this awkward?<br />
'''Tao Tie:''' Not at all! I have ''loads'' of archenemies who bring me baked goods! }}
* In "Owl Be Back", Po's shocked to learn there were previous generations of the Furious Five, despite the group having protected the Valley for ages:
{{quote| '''Shifu:''' How old did you think Tigress was?<br />
'''Po:''' Iunno, like forty-ish? }}
* "Ladies of the Shade" has this exchange.
{{quote| '''Tigress''': I don't trust them.<br />
'''Monkey''': You don't trust anyone! Not even the mailman, and he's been coming here for thirty years.<br />
'''Tigress''': ''Planning'' something for thirty years. }}
* In "Challenge Day", Shifu has decided to send the Five off to a spa for rest and relaxation. Tigress asks what that is, Shifu starts to explain, and then...
{{quote| '''Tigress''', ''with utter seriousness'': No, what is "relaxation"?<br />
'''Crane''', ''gently taking her by the shoulders and leading her away'': I'll explain on the way... }}
::(Later, returning home)
{{quote| '''Tigress''': Well, that was a complete waste of time.<br />
'''Mantis''': It would have been a lot more fun if we could have stayed longer, instead of getting kicked out.<br />
'''Tigress''': He came at me with a weapon, I was only defending myself.<br />
'''Crane''': It's called a ''towel''. }}
* Po's incompetency when he and Shifu were trapped in stockades in 'Bad Po'. To elaborate, not only was the key in easy reaching distance {{spoiler|but his stockade wasn't even locked}}.
* The entirety of "My Favorite Yao", from Po calling Shifu on his messing up, to Shifu having to do things Po's way, to all of Yao's [[Sensory Overload]] experiences. The absolute crowning moments, though, would have to be Po catching Shifu playing with his action figures of himself and Yao and Shifu's fan dance, complete with coquettish flirting.
* This exchange:
{{quote| '''Tigress:''' [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|Romantic intanglements disturb one's chi. That's why I avoid them.]]<br />
'''Monkey:''' [[Sarcasm Mode|Yeah, that's the reason.]]<br />
''(Tigress stops eating)'' }}
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* The series running gag of Tigress being mistaken for a man.
** "The Princess and the Po"
{{quote| '''Mei Li:''' I never have any friends. Not real friends like you have. Like the cricket and that ''mean man with the stripes''.}}
** "Big Bro Po" has this:
{{quote| '''Tigress:''' Hey there, you. Um...settling in ok?<br />
'''Bian Zao:''' Yes ''sir''! }}
** "Father Crime"
{{quote| '''Croc Bandit:''' We caught that tiger dude.<br />
'''Tigress:''' Tiger ''lady''! }}