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* [[The Archer]]: Moirin. No tricks, just a nice bow and a lot of practice.
* [[Ars Goetia]] - The spirits summoned in Naamah's Kiss all come from here.
* [[As You Wish]] - In ''Kushiel's Mercy'', {{spoiler|even though Sidonie's under the influence of [[Fake Memories]] wiping out the memory of her boyfriend Imriel, and Imriel himself is a [[Manchurian Agent]], the use of the word "always" when it comes up in conversation always (har) triggers something for them, which they eventually figure out.}}
* [[Anguished Declaration of Love]] - Joscelin has a hard time admitting his love for Phèdre. It takes him two full books to finally decide he'll put up with her no matter what.
* [[Author Appeal]]- Terre D'Ange is a society who worships love and believes that prostitution is a sacred calling. [[Everyone Is Bi]] and the books feature a lot of BDSM. Oddly, this seems to be the only real fetish as such that anyone practises - there's vanilla sex and bondage, but no foot fetishism or cross-dressing.
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*** Confirmed with the newest trilogy. Moirin is just as sexually active as Phèdre and Imriel, but she has yet to show interest in BDSM and is thoroughly baffled that it exists.
**** [[It Makes Sense in Context]]. Fetishes occur when something that isn't "supposed" to be sexualized is. Feet aren't "supposed" to be sexy, but they are for foot fetishists, [[All Psychology Is Freudian|for some reason or another]], and the taboo associated with that enhances its sexiness. The only taboo thing, sexually, at least, in Terre d'Ange, is pain: that which isn't "supposed" to be pleasant is. Hence, sadism and masochism are the only recognizable kinks.
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]] - "You will stand at the crossroads, time and time again, and make the choice."
* [[Babies Ever After]] - Eventually, after Imriel and Moirin [[Earn Your Happy Ending|earn their happy endings.]]
** Subverted, however, with Phèdre and Joscelin, who never do have biological children.
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* [[Bawdy Song]] - "Phèdre's Boys" have made up a few songs about her. An example? "Man or Women/We don't care/Give us Twins/We'll take the pair!"
* [[The Beard]] - Allegra Stregazza for her husband Ricciardo
* [[The Beautiful Elite]] - Almost everyone in Terre d'Ange is supposed to be beautiful, though some are exceptionally so. This is somewhat justified as the people of Terre D'Ange are distantly descended from fallen angels who intermarried with humans.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]] - A Cassiline technique called ''Terminus'' is built around this trope. If things are looking particularly grim for a Cassiline and their charge the Cassiline will use their daggers to kill both of them.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The biggest [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment in the series is when {{spoiler|Barquiel L'Envers charges out of Troyes-le-Mont to rescue Phèdre and Joscelin, just as Joscelin is about to perform a [[Mercy Kill]] on himself and Phèdre to save them from Waldemar Selig.}}
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**** Actually in Imriel's case, {{spoiler|he eventually heals to the point where he can enjoy sex without being mentally tortured. He learns he enjoys kissing men, but decides that he's a bisexual who prefers women.}}
** There was also the case of {{spoiler|the current D'Angeline queen and former adept of the night court, Jehanne, who took Moirin as a lover and confidante in ''Kiss'', but did not survive the birth of her child. Her death occurred off the page and Moirin does not find out until almost a year after the fact.}}
*** A review somewhere that bemoaned the fact that female characters (including heroines) are allowed to have sex with other women, but can only find true love and long-term partnership with ''men''. Are there ''any'' examples of long term [[Girls Love]] partnerships in the series?
* [[Camp Follower]] - It's mentioned in ''Kiss'' that there are plenty of women on board the great ship the Ch'in Emperor sent to fetch Master Lo Feng. Who are only along to keep the sailors and soldiers from being too lonely.
* [[Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them]] - Joscelin towards Phèdre. Really, what do you expect from a celibate warrior-priest paired with a courtesan who enjoys her job?
* [[Cast From Hit Points]] - What Moirin does if she uses her powers for something other than their original purpose.
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* [[Chekhov's Skill]] - Surprisingly enough Joscelin's ability to ''fish'' becomes important in ''Avatar''.
** There's also Phedre's Cruithne and Skaldic language lessons, which come in handy in ''Dart.''
** In the Naamah trilogy, ''the language of ants.'' Oh dear god.
* [[The Chessmaster]] - Melisande and, to a lesser extent, Anafiel. Phèdre inherits this from the both of them, and is incredibly clever when ''god-ordained'' lust isn't turning her brain to mush around Melisande.
* [[City of Canals]] - La Serenissima.
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* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]? - Alais can receive dreams of the future. But she doesn't always interpret them correctly.
** Moirin gets this, in a way, when she {{spoiler|talks to the spirit of Jehanne in her dreams.}}
* [[Dungeon Bypass]] - In ''Scion'' the Duke of Valpetra eventually got fed up trying to siege Lucca the traditional way that he {{spoiler|dammed a river and diverted it to knock down a wall and flood the city}}.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]] - Imriel. Poor guy.
** This pretty much applies for any main character in the series. Joscelin and Phèdre, Imriel, Moirin and Bao...
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* [[Evil Uncle]]: At first, {{spoiler|Barquiel L'Envers appears to be this. Phèdre is very suspicious of him in ''Chosen'', and easily believes the real traitors' attempts to frame him for Melisande's escape. However, he is in fact staunchly loyal to his niece Ysandre and works to secure her throne, making him a subversion.}}
** Played straight with {{spoiler|Benedicte de la Courcel, Ysandre's great-uncle.}}
* [[The Fair Folk]] - The second '''Kushiel's Legacy''' trilogy introduces a human tribe of the [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Fantasy Counterpart Cultures]] Alba and Eire, who are described ''very'' like the Fair Folk: an old people who live in the wild, untamed areas, powerfully magical, and not malicious but adhering to a different moral standard. Some characters fear them and refuse to [[Word Power|speak of them]], while others welcome bargaining with them. Their [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]] and sympathetic magic play a vital role in the plot.
* [[Fallen Angel]] - Elua's Companions, Rahab from the first trilogy, and the spirits in Naamah's Kiss.
* [[Famed in Story]] - Pretty much every major character.
* [[Fantastic Fighting Style]]: Joscelin's "two daggers and vambraces" fighting style probably qualifies.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] - Terre d'Ange is France down to the language, and various other parallels - in one particularly egregious example, the Venice-counterpart is named "La Serenissima", a nickname by which the real city is sometimes called.
** Basically every single location is some version of this.
* [[Fantasy World Map]] - Each book in the series has them, even though they're renamed versions of Europe and North Africa whose names that make the [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] even more obvious.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]] - {{spoiler|Hyacinthe}}, poor guy.
* [[Fertile Feet]] - Blessed Elua according to legends. This is similar to the [[Real Life]] story of Buddha.
* [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: Phèdre.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]- {{spoiler|Isidore d'Aiglemort's death after dueling and killing Selig.}}
* [[Hero of Another Story]] - A few examples, but most prominently Micah Ben Ximon and the Yeshuite pilgrims from ''Kushiel's Chosen'', who later reappear in ''Kushiel's Justice.'' Not to mention the result in "Naamah's Curse"...
* [[High -Class Call Girl]] - Phèdre definitely qualifies at this through the first book and first half of the second book.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Joscelin does this a lot, especially where his Cassiline vows are concerned--however, Phèdre knocks this out of him eventually.
** Though, admittedly, Phèdre has shades of this as well, given that she's willing to give herself up to a madman's seraglio because of an oath she gave her greatest enemy.
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{{quote|'''Jehanne''': Elua bids us to love as we will. And I do. Why isn't that enough? Why does it have to be so damned complicated.
'''Moirin''': We're the ones who make it that way. Blessed Elua cared naught for crowns or thrones. }}
* [[Mentor Occupational Hazard]] - Damn you, Jaqueline Carey! Why does such a [[Magnificent Bastard]] like {{spoiler|Delaunay have to die?}} At least write a prequel about him, please?
** She's going to.
** Also, {{spoiler|Lo Feng}}
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* [[No Periods, Period]] - In Terre D'Ange women can only become pregnant if they [[Fantasy Contraception|pray to Eisheth, a fertility goddess to open their wombs]], and then the Goddess may or may not grant this wish. So essentially no one has a menstrual cycle until then, and no one has to worry about unwanted pregnancy unless they change their mind. [[Be Careful What You Wish For]].
* [[Not Hyperbole]] - The Mahrkagir's iron rod is, in fact, just that.
** Iron and ''spiked'', and covered with the dried blood of the women he's raped with it.
* [[Not Worth Killing]] - Inverted. Instead of killing Phèdre, Melisande continuously deals her more merciful punishments, {{spoiler|like selling her to slavery, trapping her in the worst prison in the world, etc.}} because legend has it that a descendent of Kushiel who kills a bearer of Kushiel's Dart suffers [[And I Must Scream|ten-thousand years of torment]] in the afterlife. This is a smart decision in a world where gods and angels are proven to exist. Rather than not being worth killing, Phèdre is ''too valuable'' to kill. That, and the fact that Melisande just finds her [[Brutal Honesty|too much fun as a sex slave.]]
* [[Omniglot]]: Phèdre picks up 13 languages over the first three books, most of which she learned while traveling. Imriel can speak almost that many.
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** It does get twisted from time to time. For example the source of the Aka Magi's powers over death comes from them {{spoiler|[[Powered by a Forsaken Child|sacrificing and eating the heart of a person they truly love]]}}
*** This is also the key to why the Mahrkagir is vulnerable to Phèdre. {{spoiler|He loves her, and if he performs the ritual sacrifice, he will unleash the full furry of his God. The fact he wants to do this is the only thing that allows Phèdre to get him alone long enough to kill him.}}
* [[Proud Warrior Race]] - This defines no less than three of the nations that are not Terre d'Ange: The Eiran, the Albans, and the Skaldi.
** In Terre D'Ange, the Camaelines are credited with only being to think with their swords {{spoiler|before one of their leaders turns out to be Melisande's traitor}}. The Skaldi, meanwhile, are ''never'' credited with thinking, swords or otherwise. {{spoiler|Then, their leader also turns out to be working with Melisande.}} Hmm, notice a pattern here?
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] - Drustan and Eammon fit this trope although both are very clever and thoughful men. It's more about how other people preceive them as being couth or uncultured.
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* [[Sex God]]: Any of Terre D'Ange's courtesan, due to the glorification of prostitution as sacred. Special mention goes to Phedre.
** Taken very literally in the case of Naamah, though she's more of a Sex Angel than a [[Sex God]].
* [[Sexy Backless Outfit]] - All courtesans from the Night Blooming flowers must earn their marque, a tattoo covering the entire back, in order to complete their debt of servitude towards their House. It's considered unseemly for an adept to bare her back in public before her marque is complete.
* [[School of Seduction]]: The Court of Night Blooming Flowers.
* [[Screw Destiny]] - Phèdre's reaction to Hyacinthe's fate in the first trilogy. {{spoiler|Succeeds, of course.}} Joscelin after deciding he can't live without Phèdre in ''Chosen''.
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* [[So Happy Together]] - Melisande and Phèdre towards the middle of ''Dart''.
* [[Someday This Will Come in Handy]] - Or as Delaunay and Phèdre like to say, "All knowledge is worth having".
* [[Stalker with a Test Tube]]: Imriel gets stalked/harassed in various ways by a Maghuin Dhonn witch, who at one point thinks she can [[Screw Destiny]] by getting pregnant with Imriel's child. Boy, does he not want to.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]] - Joscelin and Phèdre are presented as this at first, as are Sidonie and Imriel. {{spoiler|Moirin and Bao seem to be setting up for this as well}}
* [[Taking You with Me]] - {{spoiler|Galladus}}, not to another person but to a ''flood'' when he returns to the underworld after protecting Lucca.
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* [[Time Skip]] - The books mainly continue where the last one left off, but there's a ten year jump between Chosen and Avatar and a hundred year jump before the third trilogy. There's also little time skips during the books when the characters are traveling or nothing important is happening.
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]] - Phèdre. Early on in ''Dart'' she is burned with a red hot poker. She states that "There was no pleasure in it, at least not one who was not an anguissette would understand." Of course, there are lines even for ''that'' - she derives no pleasure from being skinned, for example. Still, she says late in the first book that she cannot be forced to tell secrets through torture. This appears to be true.
** She also pretty much hits her limit in Darsanga with "the rod."
* [[Troubled but Cute]] - Imriel, according to others in the book. Sometimes when reading, it's far too easy to imagine him in a James Dean type get up.
* [[Trust Password]] - Used during the siege in Scion.
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* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]] - The ability to speak the language of ants was originally given as a prank by an irritated spirit. In Terre D'Ange, it's this. In the Amazon Rain forest, [[Lethal Harmless Powers|it's]] [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|a little]] different.
* [[We Could Have Avoided All This]] - Almost as soon as he sets foot on Alba in ''Justice'' Imriel is stalked and harassed by the Maghuin Dhonn. They keep mentioning they are trying to prevent a future disaster, but instead of just talking to Imriel they stalk and bind him with magic. When they eventually reveal that the disaster would be {{spoiler|Imriel's son killing off the Mahguin Dhonn and becoming a conqueror due to his and his father's hatred for them}}. Imriel was understandably not impressed and immediately called them out as idiots for not just ''talking'' to him.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Melisande is arguably simply following the precept of "Love as thou wilt" as concerns her passion for intrigue and backstabbery.
* [[When the Planets Align]] - used by the Carthaginians in ''Mercy'' to put a spell on the entire city.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] - Alcuin. Although he's a good guy and is only Phèdre's rival in terms of vying for Delunay's affections.