LEGO Rock Raiders: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hyperspeed Escape]]: Away from Planet U in the 100% endings (and supposedly this is the true ending)
* [[Interplanetary Voyage]]
* [[ISO Standard Human Spaceship]] : The L.M.S. Explorer is basically a blocky thing with a hyperdrive at one end.
* [[Magma Man]]: Lava Monsters.
** [[Playing with Fire]]: In ''High Adventure, Deep Underground'' they can shoot fire beams.
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* [[Space Is Slow Motion]]
* [[Space Western]] : Though one combined with the [[Asteroid Miners]] trope. The clothing accesories of the rock raiders have several clear allusions to the genre (in fact, a lot of them come from previous LEGO Wild West sets), the planet is a desert wasteland full of unexplored and potentially dangerous territory, the rock raiders themselves are the hard-working [[Genius Bruiser]]s of space-themed LEGO sets and the rush for the energy crystals is basically a gold rush <small>[[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE !]]</small>!
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To Lego Power Miners in 2009.
* [[Standard Establishing Spaceship Shot]]: Several in both the games and two of the books.
* [[Subspace or Hyperspace]]
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=== The PC game provided examples of: ===
* [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]]: The levels ''Frozen Frenzy'', ''Water Works'' and ''Lava Laughter'', and the Support Station building.
* [[Almost Out of Oxygen]]: Most of the later caverns have a limited oxygen supply, and Sparks will continually warn: "Your air supply is running out!" until you build enough Support Stations to maintain the oxygen levels. The actual [[Almost Out of Oxygen]] point is when he starts saying, "Your air supply is running low." and you can hear a heartbeat over the background music.
* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: Oh, where to begin?
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** [[Continuity Nod]]: Early concepts for mission objectives refered to things from previous levels.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: Laser beam powercells look more like bolts of plasma. Then there are the big "lasers", which can even blow up walls (also they are worthless).
* [[Game Breaking Bug|Game Breaking Oversight]]: It is impossible to get over 50% on Run the Gauntlet. Research has discovered that the reason is becuase the rewards section for that level is programed to need 40 Energy Crystals. [[Fridge Logic|Despite the fact that that level doesn't even have a crystal/ore map]]. Because of this, it is impossible to get the [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]] ending (not that some of the insane level requirements for that score didn't make it impossible already).
* [[Game Mod]]: A nice little overhaul called Baz's Mod has been released. It makes all the levels MUCH HARDER. [ Many other overhauls] are in progress as well. That aside, this game has been modded more than any other LEGO game.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: The third-to-last mission, Back to Basics, has Slimy Slugs respawn endlessly until you either complete or fail the level, which of course makes your mission of collecting forty-five energy crystal nigh-impossible. What the game ''doesn't'' tell you is that the slugs don't start spawning until you've collected about eleven crystals, which means all you have to do is disable the "collect crystals" priority before you get too many, wait until you find a large collection of crystals in one area, build a Tool Store next to them and turning the crystal collectiong back on.
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** There's also the level ''[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Fire & Water]]''...
* [[Hammerspace]]: Sandwiches, shovels and drills can apparently fit in Rock Raiders' pockets.
* [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]]: To get to the last level, you have to play through only the levels on the left side. So to beat the game, you only need to play 13 of the 25 missions. If you ''do'' beat all 25 missions, a special outro movie is played where the L.M.S. Explorer warps back home...except that you need to get 100% scoring on ''every level'', which is impossible.
* [[I Fell for Hours]]: Docs and Axle in a cutscene, after getting on the wrong end of a lava flow.
* [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals]]: The standard Rock Raiders: orange uniform, bald head, and a happy smile.
* [[Informed Ability]]: An unintentional case. In one of the training levels, the chief claims that "your Rock Raiders are ''very'' clever". But see [[Artificial Stupidity]] above...
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* [[Non-Lethal KO]]: Rock Raiders never die; they are safely teleported to the L.M.S. Explorer.
** Also, monsters always split into smaller ones that run away.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: The impossible requirements for [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]] makes people wonder: did ''anybody'' playtest this thing before release?
* [[Oxygen Meter]]: The game starts off with unlimited air, but as levels go on you run into this danger more and more. Appears on the fourth level and then again on the eigth and ninth. Then it re-appears on the eleventh and stays until the last level (exept for level 16, ''Split Down the Middle'', just to be nice). And despite the level named ''Air Raiders'', the last level has the worse air suppply. And a pre-built base so you hardly notice.
* [[Phlebotinum Muncher]]: Rock/Ice/Lava Monsters eat Energy Crystals, and will destroy your buildings to get at them. If destroyed the crystals they have eaten can be recovered. Slimy slugs are similar, except they suck the energy out of them instead.
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** There are also some green scorpions that shoot plasma balls out of somewhere on their front. You will grow to hate them, except when their aim deteriorates as it usually does.
* [[Hailfire Peaks]]: In the NTSC game, the ice levels actually have more lava in them than the lava levels, which are full of...water.
* [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]]: Getting Gold on all 18 missions. In the PAL version, you then get [[What Could Have Been|3 bonus levels]].
* [[Never Trust a Trailer]]: The trailer for the [[PlayStation]] game showed [ blue Energy Crystals, unused teleport pads, and other things not in the game]. To add insult to injury, it also contained modified versions of the clips in the PC game as well as parts of the Rock Raiders clip from ''[[LEGOLAND]]''.
* [[Regional Bonus]]: More like Regional Different Game. The PAL version has eighteen ''completely different'' levels with much more creative (and difficult) objectives, as well as no respawning tools and nasty Lava Monsters. Also, three bonus levels are unlocked when gold medals are gotten for every level, and there are eighteen two-player levels instead of six (though only six are new, the other twelve are recycled one-player levels).