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A [[Franco Belgian Comics|French comic-book]] written by Serge Lehman and Fabrice Colin, drawn by Gess and colored by Céline Bessonneau. The book takes place [[Massive Multiplayer Crossover|in a world where most fictional characters are actual weel-known figures]] (their creators are now their [[Literary Agent Hypothesis|biographers]]). It's 1939, and by now Europe is rife with [[Superhero|superheroes]] and [[Super Villain|supervillains]] whose destinies are tightly interwined with politics, parties and governments. Most of them were born/created during the [[World War OneI|First World War]], when dubious scientific experiments took place in order to create new superweapons. In these Trenchs roamed a famous physicist named Marie Curie, who found these mutants, cared for them, cured them and, in most cases, encouraged them to pursue superheroism. By 1938, Marie's dead and her Institute is now closed ; her daughter Irène (with her husband Frédéric) try one last desperate move to get the gang together, so they can unravel a conspiracy led by fascist supervillains. She's looking in particular for the [[Title Drop|Chimeric Brigade]], a mysterious group of super-heroes that worked for Marie Curie and disappeared with no explanation.
It's basically the french answer to [[Alan Moore|Alan Moore's]] [[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen|Extraordinary Gentlemen]] and [[Watchmen]]. Its inspiration comes from the idea that the superhero concept has actually its roots in European [[Pulp Magazine|Pulp Litterature]], whose codes and tropes the [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|modern american comic books]] modernized. The work is filled with [[Viewers Are Geniuses|obscure references]] to now-forgotten novels, films and pulp comics ; needless to say, it makes for an interesting reading.
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