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=== The Black Knight ===
The Black Knight often starts out as a White Knight, but under a Dark Lady's influence, that doesn't last long. [[Undying Loyalty|So devoted]] to his Lady is he that he will sacrifice anything, including his honor, pride and values, to serve her as she sees fit. He may be just as [[Psycho Supporter|unfettered]] as she is, eager to fulfill his duty to her, or he might feel uneasy with what she asks him to do, but his main feelings on it are usually [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]. If she is the [[Villain]], he is her [[The Dragon|Dragon]]. There is no need for the Lady to ever be suspicious of him, she trusts him implicitly though occasionally, [[The Starscream|she probably shouldn't have]]. Still, it's rare that he would defy her orders, even to protect her, if she insisted hard enough. As much as the Lady values him, it's not unheard of for a Dark Lady to orchestrate her Knight's death [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|if he displeases her enough]].
The Black Knight and his Lady are very often [[Bodyguard Crush|involved romantically]], or one of the two wants to be. In fact it's not uncommon for the Black Knight to come to pledge himself to his Lady because of [[Femme Fatale|her active seduction]]. Neither is it uncommon for her to keep him by her side through blackmail, tricks, spells or other underhanded means, and in fact he may be the [[Reforged Into a Minion|Brainwashed]] White Knight of a Bright Lady, usually the protagonist. That isn't to say that there are never instances of [[Unholy Matrimony|the two sharing true love]], though, it's just less common. Usually he is a ranking Knight, Nobleman or other well-renowned individual of great skill, and almost never someone of low rank. The Dark Lady will only accept the best.