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* [[Bad Humor Truck]]: In an episode, Robert gets a job as an ice cream truck driver. The first person he meets is a young girl. He sticks his head out the side window, drooling and with ice cream in his whole face, and offers her a Popsicle. The girl's mother screams and draws her away.
** The [[Lost in Translation]] pun here is that a Popsicle is called "ispind" (ice cream stick) in Danish. Turning that around, it becomes "pindis" (stick ice cream) which sounds very similar to "penis".
* [[Bad News in Aa Good Way]]: Buckingham tends to do this when he fires his employees.
* [[Bad News, Irrelevant News]]: Also done by Buckingham at times.
* [[Beach Bury]]: The former Jump Start employee Wulff has a [[Flash Back]] where his little brother buries his body in the sand and covers his body with a bucket. Wulff's little brother just doesn't care to dig Wulff up again, and as his parents are deaf, they can neither see ''nor'' hear Wulff.
* [[Bedmate Reveal]]: When Casper wakes up with Liva's mother at his side. Nothing sexual happened though.
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: Lisa is beauty, Liva is brains and Kim is brawn - usually. [[Depending Onon the Writer]] they might switch positions.
* [[The Blind Leading the Blind]]: The series makes regular use of this trope, especially with Kim or Buckingham or sometimes Kenny as the "leader".
* [[Born Unlucky]]: Kenny.
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* [[Brutal Honesty]]: Niels Buckingham.
* [[Career Versus Man]]: Liva is quite a career woman, but seems to have room for both things in her life. However, in an episode she is offered a big job in New York, and she doesn't know whether to thank no to the job and stay in Denmark with Casper, bring Casper with her or travel to New York on her own for a year.
* [[Caught Withwith Your Pants Down]]: Happens to Casper in the episode appropriately titled "Masturbation".
* [[Celeb Crush]]: A few minor cases of this, since Casper ''is'' a Danish celebrity after all.
* [[The Chief's Daughter]]: Buckingham apparently had sex with the daughter of a chief in some African country once, and when an embassy of Africans move in next to Jump Start, Robert says "the black people are coming". Niels' reaction is panicking, hiding behind a potted plant and screaming: "Oh no! Please explain them I didn't know she was the chief's daughter".
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* [[Cut Himself Shaving]]: Subverted in the episode where Casper meets Liva's parents.
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Liva most of the time, probably because of them sharing the same temperament.
* [[Death Asas Comedy]]: The episode "''Bedste det er bare mig''" ("Granny, it's me") is essentially about this.
* [[Did They or Didn't They?]]: When Casper sleeps in the same bed as his mother-in-law.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: When Lisa says to Buckingham that there isn't any more mineral water (in the reservoir), Buckingham abruptly asks: "In your vagina?" When he realises his misunderstanding, he stutters: "Oh well, sorry... It was only to show care... Ehm... Why do you look at me accusingly?"
* [[Don't Explain the Joke]]: Quite a common trope in the series when Casper tries to be funny. A good example is when Liva is moving in at Casper's, and Kenny asks how they are doing. Casper sarcastically replies: "Like Ike and Tina Turner". Kenny, apparently not getting the sarcasm or knowing about Ike and Tina Turner, merrily says "that's good to hear". Casper is quite annoyed of having to explain the joke.
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: Played with. When Casper finds a picture of a beautiful woman at Kenny's desk, he instantly falls in love. Then Kenny tells him it's actually a guy. Casper gets shocked, but later he gets to know that the guy is due for a gender change and the picture was a computer simulation on how he'd look after the change. Casper falls in love again.
* [[Drunk Withwith Power]]: The boss Niels Buckingham constantly tries to fire his employees for the weirdest reasons and he prohibits even more weird thing.
* [[Easy Come Easy Go]]: Robert's "magical" football shirt in the third episode.
* [[Embarrassing Nickname]]: Kenny "Bøs Bøs" Nikkelmann, "bøs bøs" meaning "gay gay". Not quite a preferrable nickname for an extreme homophobe.
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* [[Embarrassing Slide]]: In the second-last episode, Casper gets to take some erotic photos of Liva, promising her that he never did that with anybody before. However he actually did take the same photos of his ex-girlfriend Anne, and these photos were on the same camera. Then the whole episode is about Casper trying to prevent Liva from having the photos developed. He doesn't succeed, and Liva is ''not'' happy of seeing naked Anne.
* [[The European Carry All]]: Kenny when he mentions the female period. It should be noted that Danish people generally are very straightforward about calling it "menstruation".
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Chickens]]: The "Beatles bird".
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]]: When the Jump Start employees are made [[Animal Motifs|draw each other as animals]], everyone draws Kim as a monkey. Kim personally averts it in being very dissatisfied about that.
* [[Failed Attempt At Drama]]: A quirk of several characters, though Kenny probably would be the token boy with Robert and Buckingham as minor examples.
* [[Fairytale Wedding Dress]]: Kim wears one at her wedding with Casper. It becomes a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] because Casper wasn't expecting them to dress up so he is just wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
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* [[Guys Are Slobs]]: Robert. The other guys aren't especially messy, though, but most female characters seem quite tidy.
* [[Hand Off]]: Casper refuses to shake the hand of a gallery owner in season 5. It is due to him having painting on Liva's painting so he doesn't want to reveal the paint on his hands.
* [[Haven't You Seen X Before?]]: Too many examples to count.
* [[Helium Speech]]: Wulff does this in order to [[Cloudcuckoolander|impress]] the owner of Jump Start.
* [[House Amnesia]]: Played with in an episode where Kenny pretends to be Casper and Casper pretends to be Kenny. Casper constantly shoves Kenny out of his apartment in order to score with Kenny's female cousin, however both the cousin lampshades that it is actually Casper's (who is played by Kenny) apartment.
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* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Robert's "does the bear crap in the forest" reply when someone asks him a rhetorical question. Probably should be seen by someone understanding Danish to get the joke.
* [[I See London]]: An episode had Casper pull down his pants and sing "Cherish the Love" when he tried to charm a girl.
* [[ItsIt's the Best Whatever Ever!]]: After Jump Start's ski holiday, Buckingham exclaims: "It was the best skiing vacation ever! Actually the best vacation ever!"
* [[I Was Just Joking]]: Oh, so much between Casper and the touchy jew Samuel Goldstein.
* [[I Will Tear Your Arms Off]]: When Casper is asked to tell what he would do if he met Liva again after their breakup, this is the most family-friendly thing he comes up with.
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* [[The Jailbait Wait]]: Episode 2 is essentially about this. Casper meets Kim's niece who is 14 years old but turns 15 years old the next Friday. His flirting with her is so obvious that it is like being hit by a hammer. However, he waits to she turns 15 before he wants to have sex with her. He doesn't succeed.
* [[Jewish Complaining]]: The before-mentioned Samuel Goldstein.
* [[Just Like Making Love]]: Robert makes a comparison with [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|masturbation]] and archery. "First you grab your arrow firmly, then you pull it back, and then you shoot".
* [[Kent Brockman News]]: Though it isn't a show ''within'' a show, but a ''part'' of the show, Niels Buckingham isn't always the most competent news reader.
* [[Lame Excuse]]: Behold Casper who has spent his entire life on mastering this to perfection.
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* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]: Mia Hundvin, at least in the portrayal of her in the series, but to varying degrees in [[Real Life]]. In real life, she isn't a declared lesbian anymore though, having married a man and had a child.
* [[Literal Ass-Kicking]]: When Kenny tries to train Robert to a pole sitting contest, he repeatedly hits Robert's buttocks to "harden" them. At some point he hits Kim by accident with "interesting" results.
* [[Living in Aa Furniture Store]]: Casper's apartment.
* [[Mafia Princess]]: Anne in the episode where she gets a biker boyfriend. Anne keeps the "gifts" in Casper's apartment, essentially making it a stolen goods central.
* [[Men Are Uncultured]]: Most male characters to some degree, with a possible exception of Buckingham who at least ''appears'' cultured.
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* [[My Biological Clock Is Ticking]]: Kim, oh so much. She is especially desperate because she is only 30. At some point the clock is ticking so loudly that she has sex with a 16-year-old boy and gets pregnant afterwards.
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: Robert is often the target of this.
* [[Naughty Byby Night]]: Kim likes to believe she is this, especially in season 1, where she is the boss and dresses more formally.
* [[Nonverbal Miscommunication]]: Robert at times. For example, when Buckingham says to Kenny "if you do not pull yourself together..." and makes a throat slash gesture at him. Robert then exclaims: "Does Kenny get a scarf if he doesn't pull himself together? That's unfair!"
* [[Noodle Incident]]: All of Buckingham's anecdotes that he doesn't go in [[Squick|Squicky]] details with, can be said to be [[Noodle Incident|noodle incidents]].
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* [[Porky Pig Pronunciation]]: Robert often fails Danish grammar, resulting in this.
* [[Potty Failure]]: Robert from time to time.
* [[Priceless Ming Vase]]: Kim's vase in episode 5. Though it isn't that expensive after all, unless [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|you miss your right hand]]...
* [[Produce Pelting]]: Against Casper when he speaks against children.
* [[Proportional Article Importance]]: Happens in episode 11 when Anne makes Casper read a newspaper article about elderly people hating children..
* [[Refuge in Vulgarity]]: In some episodes.
* [[Running Gag]]: Lots and lots of them. Kenny's homophobia would probably be the best example outside of Robert's and Buckingham's quirks.
* [[Saw Star Wars 27 Times]]: Casper just loves ''[[Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Film)|Ferris Buellers Day Off]]'' and watches it four times in the episode "DVD Nights".
* [[Sexy Secretary]]: Lisa is this with shades of [[Sassy Secretary]].
* [[Signed Up for Thethe Dental]]: Robert joins the Home Guard in order to eat field rations. When some of the girls of his team are forced to change clothes in the open, he decides to stay in order to look at breasts. However, he leaves after being ordered to do nothing but digging in the forest all day. [[Refuge in Audacity|Then he joins a Neo-Nazi organization in order to relax and eat cake all day]]...
* [[Soapbox Sadie]]: Lisa. Mostly quite subtle, but from time to time she comes with statements like: "Why do you want to have a hunting license? Why do you believe you have more right be alive than, say, a hare?" or "You used the term left-hand work to describe bad work. That's so discriminating to left-handed people. Man, woman, black, white, left-handed, right-handed - all people are equal".
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: Buckingham at times.
* [[Stage Whisper]]: Done very much in season 1 when Casper tries to hide an unpopular visitor in his apartment from Anne. Usually Casper will freak out and shout to the visitor "hide in the closet/bedroom", and Anne will just ask "are you alone" to which Casper will reply "yes" and Anne will believe him. Otherwise it's rarely seen in the series.
* [[Straight Man and Wise Guy]]: Lisa often acts as the Straight Man and Kim as the Wise Guy.
* [[Stuck Onon a Ski Lift]]: Mentioned, not seen in season 1. The Jump Start employees were on ski holiday, and Kenny and Lisa experiences this for an hour. It doubles as one of the very, very few times Kenny actually gets laid - because they had to spend the time in some way...
* [[Stupid Crooks]]: Robert is not a criminal, so he can't be expected to have experience, but when Casper asks Robert to steal Liva's handbag, Robert starts with forgetting it and being 20 minutes too late on acting. Then he drives down to the shop where Liva is, wearing a knitted tassel hat, on a moped which can only back - and misses the shop.
* [[Suicide Asas Comedy]]: In an episode, Robert is taking his hunting license and brings a rifle with him to Jump Start. When Buckingham immediately takes it as Robert wants to commit suicide because that he stole Robert's desk. In the whole episode, Buckingham tries to cheer Robert up but ironically refuses to give Robert his desk back. When he finds out Robert is not depressed, Niels is [[Berserk Button|NOT]] pleased.
* [[Super Zeroes]]: The super hero "Sonny Boy" in one of the earlier episodes. As your everyday life superhero, he actually does pretty well, but it is later revealed that he is actually [[Cloudcuckoolander]] Wulff who is allergic to perming liquid, so every time he is about to have his hair permed, he gets high, wears a hair net and acts heroic without knowing it.
* [[Surreal Humor]]: Some of the guests Casper are interviewing in season 1. The best example is probably Stig Lise Rittenhouse (for a start it's a guy, but his middle name is a girl's name for no reason) who is a sobbing nerd who just lost all of his 50 pets in one night. They all died of each their natural cause, and he couldn't save any of them because each of them had a separate vet. There's also Zindy Krads who won a running marathon by being the passenger of a rickshaw.
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* [[That's an Order]]: When Robert believes he can make the girls amongst the editorial team show him their breasts, he shouts, "Show me your boobs, bitches! That's an order!"
* [[Throw It In]]: In a sports advertisement in the series where Kenny stars, he is wearing very short shorts, and when he lifts his right leg, you can just make out his right testicle. It was apparently an accident, but as it fitted to awkward Kenny who has no taste in clothing, it was left in.
* [[Toilet Humor]]: Robert is the series' main source of this, though it also happens at other times. For example, episode 3 was about Casper dating a Gasshole named Birla who misinterprets "let's do it in the nature" as "let's poop together in the nature" and whose most intimate experience with a guy was lighting her [[Farts Onon Fire]]. The episode is appropriately titled "Danish Dynamite".
* [[Tomboyish Name]]: Kim. In Denmark, it technically is a multi-gender name like in English-speaking countries, but practically it is a boy's name, with very few females having the name. It's not mentioned, though, except for in the episode where Casper meets a girl named Kimmie. Kim asks for the name again, and Kenny jokes "it's the feminine version of Kim".
* [[Too Fast to Stop]]: Robert's backing moped.