Language of Love: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Seinfeld]]'': In "The Old Man," George was attracted to a woman specifically for this reason. Quote, "I would like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body."
* There's a bit of humor about this in ''[[Coupling]]''. In one episode, Jeff (a character constantly falling victim to [[Digging Yourself Deeper]], which actually occurs in that episode) flirts with an Israeli woman who speaks no English, and the other characters actually suggest that this is a good pairing since she wouldn't realize the stupid things he was saying. [[Fun With Foreign Languages|Things still go wrong.]] To this end, the [[Word of God]] regarding the [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] has Jeff in Israel, pretending he speaks only Hebrew and thereby avoiding embarrassing conversations with anyone.
* ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'' episode [[<!-- 28The_Twilight_Zone29%28The_Twilight_Zone%29 "Two"]] involves [[AdamAndEvePlotAdam and Eve Plot|lone male and female survivors]] from opposing armies falling in love in a post-apocalyptic town. -->
** "Probe 7, Over and Out" featured a man who'd crash-landed on an alien planet and a woman who was stranded there. They didn't speak the same language, but they fall in love. To make the above plot even more [[Anvilicious]], their names are Adam and Eve. Guess what the planet gets called? (Hint: Irth.)
* An episode of ''[[Night Court]]'' had Bull trying to make time (in his own gently loopy way) with a comely,if skeptical, female Swede. She finally comes around, and as the episode ends, starts hitting on him in Swedish. Bull's cheerful comment: "Aw, shuddup."
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