League of Legends/Characters/Five: Difference between revisions

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** /joke -- ''Ugh, I've lost another blade. I wonder who it's in this time?''
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Like Jax, he has a poor early game, but give him enough items and he becomes a monster.
** Depending on the runes you give him; with armour and magic resistance runes he'll die in four or five hits rather than two or three. Plus; minions don't harass him as much.
* [[Precision-Guided Boomerang]]: His Rake ability describes it as a volley of daggers that return to him, but the animation for the "daggers" much more resemble bladed boomerangs.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: It'd seem so initially since Talon agreeing to work for Noxus was the only way for him to survive at the moment, but after Du Couteau's disappearance and the deal he made being impossible to continue now, he still searches for Du Couteau as he feels he has no purpose now without killing under Du Couteau's orders.
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: [[Word of Gay]] claims this was the intention.
** [[All Gays Love Theater]]: According to the Journal of Justice, he was the lead designer for an incredibly colorful and frilly musical called [[Shout-Out|The Sound]] [[The Sound of Music|of Magic]].
* [[The Cape (trope)]]
* [[Combat Medic]]: Even if he can heal people, then the very term 'knight' would logically imply this. He can take a ''lot'' of punishment, especially for a healer, and attacking in melee both restores his mana and reduces the cooldown on his heal substantially, meaning that he's actually a ''better'' medic when he's attacking something. He's still a supporting damage dealer, though.
* [[Computers Are Fast]]: Taric bot is annoying to fight because he'll ''always'' manage to pull his stun off at the ''worst'' possible time, and manage to do it from max range almost ''every time''. If you dink around and let them farm or receive all their items on a timer, it gets worse.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: It's rather big, alongside of his shield, and seems to be made out of gemstones.
* [[Green Eyes]]: And the forums will tell you all about how outrageous/fabulous he is.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: His /joke says "Size doesn't mean everything." He's right.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: YMMV, as there are different ways to play Teemo. Some play him as more of a ranged carry where he pumps people full of darts and gets kills either from them or from his poison. Others play him more defensively and set up Minefields or put traps in locations to reveal people on the map. Unlike Caitlyn and Nidalee's traps, his shrooms stealth and reveal a part of the [[Fog of War]].
* [[Crazy Prepared]]
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: The attempt to make him seem scary in his new lore.
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* [[Blown Across the Room]]: Tristana's buster shot knockbacks.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Like many ranged carries, Tristana is easily killed if focused. Thankfully one of her abilities can be used as an escape.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Her passive makes her very good for harassing people later in the game because she gains more range as she levels up, and when one builds her right she can easily become a critical-machine. Like Sivir, she can also be good for ruining turrets at max range since her "Rapid Fire" ability at higher levels pushes her attack speed over 2 per second. She's also very good at farming creeps, like Sivir.
* [[More Dakka]]
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* [[Bare-Fisted Monk]]: "Weapons are for the weak."
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Udyr means abomination in Danish and Norwegian
* [[Everything Is Worse With Bears]]: Bear stance is not something most opponents will like to see.
* [[The Four Gods]]: Alluded to in his different stances.
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* [[The Corruption]]: The Pit could qualify.
* [[Deadly Upgrade]]: His judgment made it clear that whatever that thing is, it's both very powerful, and progressively eating away and replacing him.
** "I'm on borrowed time."
* [[Geo Effects]]: His E ability leaves behind a circle of desecrated ground that slows and reduces enemy healing.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: As is par for the course with any ranged carry not named Graves.
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* [[Badass Adorable]]: He's so evil, it wraps around to cute. And is also focused on dealing pure damage. His old passive involved leeching AP from opponents.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Of Black Mage from ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Veigar's moves deal with the element of darkness ''and'' space. Baleful Strike is "a sinister attack", Dark Matter is... well... [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Dark Matter]], Event Horizon twists the edges of space, and Primordial Burst refers to the Big Bang.
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** He was accepted as a honorary member of the Black Rose according to some sources. Seeing his potential to grow exponentially stronger in dark magic.
* [[Mage Killer]]: Somewhat. Did we mention his [[Limit Break]] also does damage proportionate to the target's Ability Power?
* [[Magikarp Power]]: The best thing to do when fighting Veigar is ''DO NOT LET HIM GET FED''. Do not let him farm too much because, like Nasus, he has an ability that becomes more powerful if he gets the last hit in. The problem is that like Nasus, he must must must ''MUUUUUST'' spend the early game farming, and this can turn against him becuase he can be harassed but can't harass back or else he'll lose time farming or get focus-fired.
** Veigar is an even better example than Nasus. Nasus's Siphoning Strike only powers up that ability on last hits. Veigar's Baleful Strike powers up ''all'' of his abilities, as it increases AP on last hits. He also has extremely high AP-to-damage ratios. Obviously, this means he has even more to lose when it doesn't work out for him.
* [[Right Hand of Doom]]: He wears a (relatively) massive gauntlet seemingly made for hand to hand combat. This is probably because it looks more evil.
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* [[Bloody Murder]] / [[The Power of Blood]]: His abilities utilize blood to inflict damage, slow enemies and other effects.
* [[Cast From Hit Points]]: Like Mordekaiser or Mundo, he possesses no mana, instead using his health to power most of his abilities.
* [[Crutch Character]]: His ult is very good for harassment and kills early in the game but later on is best used during team fights when people are throwing abilities around since people are more likely to survive it.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: His legendary Blood Lord skin is very much this, wearing intimidating black armour, having a new set of violent casting animations and dropping all the [[Pungeon Master|lame blood puns]] for threatening new voiceovers.
{{quote|"Witness the depths of despair..."
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* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Averted HARD. The more ability power he gets, the larger his health pool becomes, and vice versa. Pre-nerfs Vlad could easily achieve the highest health pool in the whole game, not impairing his damage output much.
** Then played straight, as most of that health winds up fueling his spells.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Although his hair in the art looks like ''red''.
** Subverted with his [[Looks Like Orlok|Nosferatu]] skin, which is a Bald Headed Ugly Boy.
* [[Your Vampires Suck]]: In Vladimir's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiUgrEWRx6M Champion Spotlight] video it was recommended you get a Sunfire Cape, because "[[Twilight (novel)|real vampires sparkle]]."
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* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Any champion described as an Initiator is meant to do this: throw themselves into a crowd of enemies, drop their disables, lay some smackdown, and hope their team can capitalize on the resultant chaos. Basically, they're a human nuke, and Xin Zhao performs this role very well. Xin Zhao, as an assassin, has an ability that of course puts him ''right'' in the fray.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: His battle cry ability increases his attack speed, can increase it even ''more'' if he uses it, and it's often considered a good idea to give him attack speed to take advantage of his abilities and passive so he winds up getting about as much attacks per second as Master Yi. If you see a Xin building this and attacking a turret, then get him off. ''QUICK''.
* [[One-Man Army]]: He didn't get a chance to fight 300 opponents at once, but apparently survived numbers that were likely still very impressive.
** His ultimate ability grants him defensive stats based on the number of enemies that are surrounding him. He may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against him.
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* [[A God Am I]]: More in terms of knowledge than power.
* [[Ascended Meme]]/ [[Development Gag]]: Zilean's hatred of Volibear comes from Riot Games' design director Tom 'Zileas' Cadwell, who was strongly (though jokingly) against the inclusion of an armored bear champion in the game.
* [[Auto Revive]]: Chronoshift, his ult, gives allies a permanent example if it's timed right.
* [[Bullet Time]]: Can give this to his allies.
* [[Difficult but Awesome]]: [[Auto Revive|Chronoshift]] is surprisingly hard to land, as dying players often instinctively run away and a badly timed ult just makes enemies kill an ally again. A well timed Chronoshift can pretty much turn teamfights into 6v5s.
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* [[Mental Time Travel]]: He's doing this constantly and ''cannot stop''.
* [[The Red Mage]]: Two of his skills define him: one is a spell that deals high AOE damage upon exploding with a four second delay and has nice scaling, another one revives the target and heals it for an amount of health, and the scaling on that is just absurdly high -- technically a healing spell, but used mostly to give the carry a second life.
* [[Shoot the Medic First]]: Averted; he actually doesn't heal. He instead plants bombs and revives carries.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Shurima Desert Zilean looks a bit like [[The Legend of Zelda CDI Games|Gwonam]].
* [[Time Abyss]]