League of Legends: Difference between revisions

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* '''Dominion:''' A capture-and-hold gamemode with five control points. Controlling more points than the enemy team damages their nexus. Champions start off at level 3 and gain gold and experience much faster for quick and fun matches. Crystal Scar is the only map available for this mode.
The [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Characters|Characters page]] lists every commercially-released champion, and a few others to boot. The numerous [[Memetic Mutation|memes]] spawned by the community can be found [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Memes|here]]. The numerous [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to other medias can be found [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Shout Out|here]].
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** Volibear, in response to fan demand for [[Everything's Worse With Bears|a giant armored bear]].
** [[Playboy Bunny|Battle Bunny Riven]] was released in response to [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1239078 the biggest thread in the history of the LoL forums].
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: If you do this, your teammates will hate you.
** Killing enemy minions as hard as possible is a bad idea, at least early on. It brings you closer to the objective, but also closer to the enemy tower, leaving him with a trivial escape route while you have to run all the way back under a barrage of attacks when you inevitably get ganked. And because you only get gold for ''killing'' minions as opposed to damaging them, and your own minions are attacking theirs, auto attacking will often leave you with very little gold.
*** The trick is to 'last-hit', waiting until the last possible millisecond to hit them, thus minimizing minion advancement and maximizing revenue in early game.
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* [[Fan Service]]: See Stripperific.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The Rakkor are definitely meant to invoke the idea of the Spartans, right down to their armor and weapons. The tribe's name was originally Stanpar, an anagram of the word Spartan, but this was [[Retcon|Retconned]] when Leona was added to the game.
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]: Shen, Kennen and Akali, the three ninjas, are a tank, a fast medium-range nuker, and fragile speedster, respectively.
** The three champions available in the Battle Training tutorial -- Garen (front-line fighter), Ryze (mage), and Ashe (ranged damage dealer).
* [[Filk Song]]: The Songs of the Summoned competition inevitably brings a lot of them to the field.
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* [[Glowing Eyes]]: Common for a number of champion's portraits for the English version of game. A [[Watsonian Versus Doylist|Doylist]] explanation is that eyes are very hard to draw.
* [[A Good Name for A Rock Band]]: "Pentakill" (the [[Announcer Chatter]] when one player kills 5 enemies in a very short space of time). It's been officially recognized, with Sona (on keyboard), Yorick (on bass guitar/[[Shovel Strike|shovel]]), and Mordekaiser (on guitar/[[Stealth Pun|axe]]), and Karthus (lead singer) getting Pentakill skins and an article on them in the Journal of Justice.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Demacia is the moral opposite of the [[Chaotic Evil]] Noxus... which [[All Crimes Are Equal|punishes all crimes equally]], has universal three-year conscription for all citizens, and does not allow its soldiers to [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|surrender, flee, or make excuses]].
* [[Guide Dang It]]: If you have never played a game like this, you'll probably need to ask for help from more experienced players to get your head around it.
** Needless to say, due to the negative effect of just [[The Load|one single newbie]] on your team, if you actually ask for help during a match you are more likely to get bombarded with insults and reported for intentionally helping the enemy than to receive advice.
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** For April Fool's 2012, Fizz was given a skin where his ultimate had Urf coming out of the "water".
** Lee Sin was this at first. A cancelled character from the very beginning of the game's Beta, the April Fools of 2011 showcased him with a joke Champion spotlight that featured him doing things like killing the Baron Nashor by looking at it and dive-bombing the entire enemy team from across the map. Two days later he was released for real, with an actual champion spotlight.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: Youmuu's Ghostblade, whose icon is a katana inside purple ripples with some cherry blossoms floating around it, is a Legendary item to buy that provides attack damage, increased critical chance, armor penetration, cooldown reduction, and has an activatable ability that gives faster attacking and moving for up to 8 seconds. The item is also a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[Touhou]]''.
** The character Shen uses two shorter katanas.
** Master Yi's blade is as close to a katana as you could get without actually being one. He actaully does use a katana in his Samurai Skin.
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** Wukong is a very fast and tricky character, with his decoy and leap (Nimbus Strike) being a very easy way to gain an advantage. He also becomes a very hard hitter later as well.
** Renekton's playstyle involves bumrushing enemies and constantly spamming his abilities; having a double dash fits right in with this.
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]]: Zigzagged. Both mages and fighters scale with items. A caster with average scaling will have around the same damage output as a fighter with equally expensive builds, although mages' damage is delivered in short bursts, while fighters' is constant. Played straight with mages with good scaling, inverted with hard carries.
** While all characters are different, this is generally inverted for the DPS classes. Casters tend to have very powerful base damage for their spells, but become less useful later in the game due items that give resistance to magical damage, or outright negate spells. Meanwhile physical damage characters like Tryndamere can become unstoppable simply if the game lasts long enough for them to get a full item build.
** It depends. ''DotA'' tradition indicates that mages are very powerful early on and weapon users become very powerful in the end game. This is true for traditional mages (Annie) and carries respectively. However, there are also weapon users that dominate the early game but scale poorly, like most bruisers (tanky dps); assassins are heavily based around the early game; and there are even some mage carries (notably Veigar) that are expected to farm the first 30 minutes and then rock the house. Of course this delicate balance is offset by the efforts of the developers to reduce average game length and time spent farming, so a few balance changes will be needed.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]: Most champions are human with Yordles as the most common after them. The rest are a wide assortment of monsters and humanoids that range from animal-like humanoids to [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]], with a few "classic" creatures like trolls and minotaurs thrown in.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: Whenever a deal to unlock a skin for free with a champion is offered, if you don't have that champion but take advantage of the offer, you can get the champion ''and'' the skin, sometimes for free. In November 2011, a code was published in PCGamer magazines that would unlock unlock Caitlyn and a skin. As you guessed it; a lot of people have reported not getting codes because [[Face Palm|people have been going into stores, writing down or snapping pictures of magazines with the codes in them and using those]].
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: For most public matches, you don't get to choose who your teammates are.
** Aside from players, chance manipulation is made key in-game through every champ having a chance to critical attacks. (Which can be increased) Dodge used to be part of the game but was removed because it was too random; and one character (Jax) was too overly-dependent on it.
** Gangplank's ultimate ability used to cause cannonballs to strike randomly in a target area, damaging and slowing anything hit by the cannonballs. The area used to be so large that every cannonball could miss hitting anything entirely ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|which is when YOU used it]]), or have every cannonball smash your face into the dirt. ([[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|Which was typically when you were playing against Gangplank.]]) It was changed to be much more reliable with a smaller ability area that the cannonballs drop on, and having the slow being applied constantly from standing in the ability's area rather than happening from being hit by a cannonball.
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* [[Metagame]]: Changes ''all the time'' with new patches and characters. They're seperate between the North American and European regions, even. Champions can be considered useless on one of the servers and overpowered on the other.
* [[The Millstone]]: Any [[Leeroy Jenkins]] or player who believes [[It's Up to You|It's Up To Him]]. To a lesser extent, [[The Load|feeders]].
* [[Min -Maxing]]: This is what Runepages (and, to a lesser extent, Masteries) are for. Made a little easier by the addition of purchaseable runepages and free Mastery pages; now you can have one per character, instead of having two "generic" rune pages and one Mastery page that have to multi-purpose.
* [[Morality Kitchen Sink]]: Very close to [[Grey and Gray Morality]]. Demacia, Noxus and Zaun [[Word of God|are all neutral]]. Demacia is a fascist state, Noxus is full of murderous assassins and cutthroat individuals who believe power goes to the ones who do what it takes to get it, and Zaun of insane mages, chemists, and bureaucrats. Zaun's total lack of lawful regulation may have turned the city into an industrial hellhole, but its respect for the freedom of all sentient creatures led it to grant Blitzcrank autonomy when golems were still considered mere property everywhere else. And in Noxus, where all '''are''' protected under the law <ref> Some, admittedly, significantly so more than others</ref>, the sort of rhetoric common to [[Mighty Whitey|Imperialist Europe]] is used to justify invading and "civilizing" other nations. Demacia is a citystate that, despite being militaristic and nationalistic, is really supposed to be trying to extol and display the values of justice and benevolence to the people of Valoran. Bandle City, Ionia, Freljord are either neutral or good with Piltover being one of completely pure intentions, and there are also unaffiliated purely evil creatures from the Void, and purely good creatures, like Soraka and Kayle.
* [[More Dakka]]: Tristana's rapid fire quickly approaches this.
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** Kassadin has a number of flaws on Summoner's Rift that lead to him being more of a niche pick (bad laning phase, vulnerable to zoning, etc,) but on Dominion he's widely considered to be a complete [[Game Breaker]]. due to his absurd mobility (his ultimate is essentially a spammable, damaging Flash that costs increasing amounts of mana...on a map that has a very large number of walls,) great crowd control, ability to build either AP or mana (the latter to abuse his ultimate's stacking damage), and no longer relying on minion kills to get the gold he needs to be effective.
* [[Practical Taunt]]: Rammus, Shen and Galio have useful taunt abilities; see the trope page for details. Tryndamere is a special case in that his Mocking Shout reduces nearby enemy champions' attack damage and slows them if their backs are turned, letting him more easily catch up with you.
* [[Precision -Guided Boomerang]]: Sivir's main gimmick. She has a blade similar to that of the Huntresses from Warcraft 3, and she can gain the ability to both toss it a long distance and have it return, dealing damage along the way, as well as the ability to make it bounce off of enemies she targets onto other, nearby enemies when she uses a normal attack.
** Lux can throw her wand like a boomerang, casting a shield on herself and every allied player it touches.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]:
** The players themselves need to maintain vigilance at all times. When an enemy hero is visible, their icon shows up on the minimap... but there's [[Fog of War]] to consider.
** Some champions have [[Invisibility Cloak|Invisibility Cloaks]], like Teemo, Evelynn, Shaco and Twitch: they are ''always'' missing, and you have no idea why. Some players get annoyed if you spam them with numerous warnings; others get annoyed if you ''don't''.
** When there is a [[Scary Scarecrows|Fiddlesticks]] in the game, and he just hit [[Disc One Nuke|level 6]] and walked into a patch of tall grass, you may want to call mia and keep your dist[[Herd -Hitting Attack|CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW]]
** Even worse, Nocturne, whose ultimate (aptly named "Paranoia") decreases all opponents' sight radius and removes shared vision, so that nobody knows who's getting ambushed until the announcer pipes up. He then has a homing teleport he can use on any character in range he sees. The range for lower levels of the ultimate is fairly small, but at level 3 he can hop across about 1/4th the map to get to you.
** Most players won't even try to engage Baron Nashor (a huge, strong, neutral monster that gives multiple buffs when defeated) unless at least a couple of the enemy's players are dead. It generally only takes one time for players to get ganked while at Baron for them to never make that mistake again.
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* [[Rule 34]]: Compared to every MOBA Game out there, League Of Legends is well known for it's rule 34 and a doujin dedicated to it...god help us when Japan properly gets League of Legends with their own seiyuus voicing the game.
* [[Running Gag]]: Tamat, Lead Community Manager at Riot Games, is well-known for his favourite champion being Pantheon. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se2_mp3hX3g This patch preview featured him looking slightly unhappy hearing about upcoming changes that would reduce Pantheon's power]. A later patch preview had him say he took a break from Pantheon to play Nocturne, and asked how he would be buffed. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkdP-Xp0N6o Morello holds in laughter and tells him Nocturne would be nerfed]. Tamat is again, displeased.
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: Despite being a fairly magic heavy fantasy world, the Lore journals reveal that Runeterra is actually pretty technologically advanced above and beyond their magical capabilities. For instance, the Journal of Justice reveals that there have been dirigible races for the last 16 years with ships, at the smallest, being 27 meters. Such ships are worked on by both mages and engineers as one ship was modified by a chrono mage to be faster.
* [[Shout -Out]]: See [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Shout Out|this page]] for the exhaustive list.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: League Judgements, depending on how well Champions had studied the League beforehand.
* [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains]]: No, really.
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** Vayne's original aversion of this trope didn't hold true with [[Monster Hunter (Video Game)|Dragonslayer Vayne]], which bares a midriff and cleavage.
** Ashe and her basic outfit which is similar to Sivir with slightly more clothing (and she lives in the coldest part of Runeterra). Woad and Sherwood Ashe justs amps up the fanservice.
** Akali anyone? Epic [[Side BoobSideboob]].
** There's even [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=363215&d=1326615594 a tier list] now.
* [[Teeth -Clenched Teamwork]]: When you really really hate your teammates during a match for some reason, but are close to winning your team becomes this.
** This also happens if you get in a team whose strategy is to faceroll the opponents' team so hard they surrender, and the other team is ''very'' stubborn and refuses to surrender. And if you're doing this in a bot game? This will ascend beyond [[Teeth -Clenched Teamwork]] and go into [[And I Must Scream]]. Unlike players, bots don't surrender and get items for free, so really, you shouldn't just decide "I'll farm kills cause it's a bot game" Because they ''will'' outgear you if you let the game go on too long. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though; if the players who turtled the game decide enough is enough they can always turn 'em around and fight Baron or backdoor them.
* [[Teasing Creator]]: Riot gets all over this on April Fool's Day. They released [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Lee Sin, the Blind Monk]] AND [[April Fools' Day|an Urf the Manatee Corki Skin]] at once. Not ONLY that, but in the following [[All There in the Manual|Journal of Justice]], there were two articles that talk about both. One mentions how [[Back From the Dead|Urf could be revived]], and the other was a talk with Lee Sin. Not too bad, but the name of the article about Lee Sin? ''[[Just for Pun|Trolling with a Monk]]'' ( {{spoiler|[[Don't Explain the Joke|Trolling is a type of fishing, which Lee Sin was doing in the article]]}}).
** Riot then released [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrSihRXTrq4 this "spotlight"]. Game Breaking... no DESTROYING power, a "blurry" screen debuff, and the ability to kill members of ''your own team'' who defect to the other side. They released an actual spotlight video shortly after.
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** There's also Master Yi. If you're building to troll, dunk or just be a distraction, Boots of Mobility and five Phantom Dancers coupled with the might of Highlander might just buy your team the time it needs to take that vital turret/inhibitor down. And you can rest assured that your teammate is likely laughing his ass off.
** [[Justified Trope|There's a good reason most people don't chase Teemo into the forest or through the river.]] [[What an Idiot!|Some people do it anyway]].
* [[Why Am I Ticking?]]: [[Time Master|Zilean]] can plant [[A Worldwide Punomenon|time bombs]] onto units, including enemy champions. It's very possible to get one of these on you while you're running away and accidentally [[Idiot Ball|get a teammate killed]] if you don't keep your distance.
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9DtuE0QIW8/ And then there's this.] [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[World War Three]]: A sort of parallel -- according to the August 3 entry to the Journal of Justice, there were 5 horrific Rune Wars. To avoid another, where [[Real Life]] has the [[United Nations]], Runeterra has the [[Combat By Champion|League of Legends]].
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* [[Wretched Hive]]: Zaun and Noxus both qualify. Especially Zaun: sure, they may respect sentience of every type (as evidenced by Blitzcrank's freedom), but it's an industrial cesspool that values science above everything else, including morality, and is loaded with complete sociopaths who are given a free run of the place.
* [[The X of Y]]: Most champion's subtitles are this if not simply [[The X]].
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: Instead of randomly-spawning runes in ''DotA'', there are certain neutral creeps scattered about the map which give temporary [[Status Buff|Status Buffs]]. If you get killed while wearing one, they pass to your killer, with the sole exception being [[King Mook|King Mooks]] like Baron Nashor; their buffs just disappear if you die.