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{{quote| '''''Welcome to Troper's Rift! Thirty seconds until tropes spawn!'''''}}
''[http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ League of Legends]'' is a free-to-play [[Multiplayer Online Battle Arena]] game, based on [[Defense of the Ancients]], a [[War CraftWarcraft]] 3 fan-mod, published as a standalone game developed by original ''DotA'' programmers.
Like ''DotA'', League of Legends uses a [[Real Time Strategy]] framework, but has a much narrower focus. You pick one champion, who has unique attacks and abilities, and that's it: no base, no armies, no nothing. With your champion you kill enemy [[Mook|Mooks]] and champions to earn experience points and gold, and attempt to destroy the enemy's base while preventing them from doing the same to you.
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* '''Dominion:''' A capture-and-hold gamemode with five control points. Controlling more points than the enemy team damages their nexus. Champions start off at level 3 and gain gold and experience much faster for quick and fun matches. Crystal Scar is the only map available for this mode.
The [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Characters|Characters page]] lists every commercially-released champion, and a few others to boot. The numerous [[Memetic Mutation|memes]] spawned by the community can be found [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Memes|here]]. The numerous [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] to other medias can be found [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Shout Out|here]].
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** The item "The Brutalizer" costs [[Leet Lingo|1337 gold]]
** Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, released on the game's second birthday on October 27, 2011.
** Volibear, in response to fan demand for [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears|a giant armored bear]].
** [[Playboy Bunny|Battle Bunny Riven]] was released in response to [http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1239078 the biggest thread in the history of the LoL forums].
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: If you do this, your teammates will hate you.
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** A number of champions use this kind of weapon, especially Tryndamere, whose sword is so big he drags it on the ground behind him.
** Slightly Subverted with Mordekaiser and Jarvan, who have a B.F.Mace and a B.F.Spear respectively.
** A purchasable item in the game is actually called the [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|B. F. Sword]].
* [[Bash Brothers]]: Jax and Gragas. They go drinking and get in [[Bar Brawl|Bar Brawls]] together. [[All in The Manual|In the lore, anyway]].
* [[Battle Cry]]: Lux, Jarvan, and Garen all shout DEMACIA!
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* [[Clothes Make the Superman]]: Champions can be a [[One-Man Army]] later in the game, but you need items to do that. You will lose the game if you can't get them. See [[Level Grinding]].
** Depends on the champion in question. Carries need expensive and specific items, casters and tanks are less reliant on them, supports are the least reliant. Janna, Alistar and Blitzcrank can be fine with just boots and lots of wards, as they mostly provide crowd control, which doesn't scale. This is in fact the reasoning behind a strategy for grouping a support in a laine with a carry. The carry gets as much gold as possible from the enemy minions in the lane to make use of their high potential, while the support remains a useful member of the team without that gold.
* [[Combat Byby Champion]]: The purpose of the League -- because actual wars and the dangerous potential of magic is unpreferably terrible.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: CPU Champions receive items on a timer, so if the match goes on long enough, they already have their completed build when the players are still farming gold to finish ''their'' builds. Sometimes if a game goes on long enough, bots may have ''less'' minion kills and team kills than you yet still somehow wind up at level 18 ''before'' the players do.
* [[Conscription]]: Demacia requires at least three years of military service for all citizens, and Noxus has a mandatory service of six years, requiring being in active military reserves until too old, and a compulsory draft that may affect any citizen, regardless of age and sex, when the Noxian High Command sees it necessary.
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* [[Cute and Psycho]]: The database asserts that Teemo is slowly cracking under his prolonged isolation from others of his kind. He's doing a bit better now, though, now that he has Tristana as a friend.
** This is also what drove Veigar insane.
* [[Cutscene Power to Thethe Max]]: Used to an extent in the Season One CG trailer, but just as often averted -- Ryze gets to do a lot of cool stuff that isn't possible in the game, but most of the characters use their actual ingame abilities (and in Ryze's case, his summoner uses the Ghost spell to let him run through the wreckage of the collapsing tower).
** Lampshaded in the [http://youtu.be/WPDtBsQsxV4 League of Legends Season 1 Commentary], with Phreak treating the trailer like a real "600 ELO" match (which is very, very low on the ranked ladder).
* [[Death Is Cheap]]: When you die, you can't participate in the game for up to a minute and a half. You miss out on some gold and experience, you give your buffs if you have any to your enemy (not counting Baron buff which you just lose), you waste some valuable time of battle Elixirs and instantly lose Oracle's Elixir. You will still inevitably die in pretty much every game, and your number of deaths is only ''very'' weakly correlated to whether you win or not.
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* [[Eldritch Location]]: The Void.
* [[Elemental Crafting]]: Referred to in the basic armor items: Cloth Armor grants some armor, while Chain Vest grants a lot of it.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Brand and Annie use [[Kill It Withwith Fire|fire spells]], Ryze and Kennen cast [[Shock and Awe|electricity]], Anivia uses [[An Ice Person|ice]], Malphite uses [[Dishing Out Dirt|rocks]], Janna is a spirit of [[Blow You Away|wind]], Fizz and Nautilus use [[Making a Splash|water]], Lux's spells involve bursts of [[Light'Em Up|light]], Nocturne uses [[Casting a Shadow|DAAARRKNEESSSSSS]]... yeah, the whole spectrum gets represented in this game.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: The Cloak and Dagger item... is made from the Cloak of Agility and Dagger items.
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: You can be promised from the start of the game that only your team will have disconnects, only your team will have a support that doesn't know how important wards are, and only your team will have the Jax that does bad. It's positive that THEIR team will have the Akali that gets 12 kills by 10 minutes, their team will know how to communicate, and their team will always have the better jungler.
* [[Evil Twin]]: A confusing instance on Riot's forums. There is an Associate Game Designer, Shurelia. There is also an apparently official Riot account posting on the forums called DarkShurelia. Who is comparatively ruder and [[Deadpan Snarker|snarkier]] while posting. One other Riot poster seemed to indicate this was because people made fun of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxGQ3gWdrM her voice].
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: Spinning attacks are so common in this game that there's a term for it: "spin to win."
** Garen is the king of this Trope. If you walk into a brush and there is a Garen on the enemy team, expect it.
** Hilariously parodied with Wukong's ultimate. He spins and knocks up enemies, but the kicker is that in the code for the game, the trigger for Wukong's ultimate is actually called "spintowin"
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*** [[The Chick]]: Ashe
* [[Fog of War]]: You can only see areas within the immediate vision of your team's units. There are special Sight Wards that allow you to lift the fog over a certain area for a few minutes, as well as a Summoner Spell that allows you to take a peak at any section of the map you want for a few seconds.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Do you honestly think it was an accident that a name was chosen that could be shortened to "LOL"?
* [[Game Breaking Bug]]: Whatever you do, ''do not disconnect from the internet mid-match''. Lagging out is fine, but actually losing modem connectivity will screw you up. For instance, if an enemy champion was respawning at the time, your client will insist that champion is still dead and cannot be interacted with. ''His'' client is under no such compunctions. Congratulations: you've just made an enemy invincible.
** Though rare, there is a bug where Nocturne can slow your FPS to a crawl. Understandable, since he is somewhat resource intensive.
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* [[Glass Cannon]]: Some champions (unofficially known as "nukes") are designed to deal tons of damage very very quickly. Their defensive stats and abilities are usually quite low. An interesting case is Karthus who, thanks to his passive that lets him continue casting spells for seven seconds after he's killed and his ultimate that damages every player on the enemy team, actually has the potential to deal ''more'' damage once he's killed, allowing him to focus entirely on offense and ignore defense for the most part.
* [[Glowing Eyes]]: Common for a number of champion's portraits for the English version of game. A [[Watsonian Versus Doylist|Doylist]] explanation is that eyes are very hard to draw.
* [[A Good Name for Aa Rock Band]]: "Pentakill" (the [[Announcer Chatter]] when one player kills 5 enemies in a very short space of time). It's been officially recognized, with Sona (on keyboard), Yorick (on bass guitar/[[Shovel Strike|shovel]]), and Mordekaiser (on guitar/[[Stealth Pun|axe]]), and Karthus (lead singer) getting Pentakill skins and an article on them in the Journal of Justice.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Demacia is the moral opposite of the [[Chaotic Evil]] Noxus... which [[All Crimes Are Equal|punishes all crimes equally]], has universal three-year conscription for all citizens, and does not allow its soldiers to [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|surrender, flee, or make excuses]].
* [[Guide Dang It]]: If you have never played a game like this, you'll probably need to ask for help from more experienced players to get your head around it.
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** Possibly hand waved with the idea that the champions themselves don't get the item, but the summoner backing them does and merely channels the artifact's power to increase their champion's abilities.
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: Tryndamere's Undying Rage. For the duration of the buff, his HP cannot be reduced below one, allowing him to tank the combined attack of an entire team and laugh in their faces.
** Alistar's [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Unbreakable Will]].
** Olaf's Ragnarok.
** Poppy's Diplomatic immunity. The text states that she focuses SO INTENTLY on her target that the rest of the enemies attacks and abilities do nothing to her.
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** Technically, Twitch the Plague Rat is the first of his kind, as are Blitzcrank the Steam Golem and Rammus the Armordillo.
* [[Large Ham]]: Some champions fall in this category, most notably Demacian ones. The way they scream [[Battle Cry|"DEMACIA!"]] has reached [[Ascended Meme]] status.
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]:
** All champions talk to their summoner in the game. Since the players act as summoners, this can lead to some playing with this trope as some champions remark about things that don't always make sense in-universe.
{{quote| '''Mordekaiser:''' You only need to click once, fool.<br />
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** Mundo is so mad he ended up creating the monstrosity you see as a champion now from experimenting on himself.
** The "prevailing scholar" of Zaun, Professor Stanwick Pididly, who enabled Urgot to come back as an undead warrior, by essentially building him a new body with mechanical crab legs, a plasma cannon and pneumatic claw for hands.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: any champion described as a "carry," and especially, a "[[Up to Eleven|hypercarry]]" falls into this category. The point of a "carry" is to, well, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|carry their team to victory]], and they have above-average stat growth to aid this; to compensate, their ''starting'' stats are crappy. The result is a [[Difficult but Awesome]] [[Future Badass]]. There are other champions not labelled as a carry that nonetheless follow a similar effectiveness curve too.
** The trope isn't exactly as positive here as it is in other games, due to the nature of MOBA's to reset character levels at the start of every match. At first glance, having a team full of [[Magikarp Power|carries]] is an excellent idea, but the enemy may capitalize on top of this and grab an early victory by merit of stopping you from reaching your peak in strength and scoring an early victory. See [[Crutch Character]] up above.
** Nasus and Veigar recieve special note here. Most carries scale into the late game by getting better items. Veigar and Nasus, however, can scale without items. Veigars basic energy blast skill will give him extra ability power whenever he kills an enemy with it, including minions. Nasus basic special attack skill does more damage for each target it's killed. While fairly weak early game, a well fed Veigar or Nasus is capable of absurd amounts of damage late game, as their power scales off of more than just items or levels.
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** This is actually an [[Averted Trope]] comparing the champions together. Even champions who could later kill the entire enemy team alone if they all just used auto-attack require help from other champions because there's a lot more to the game then just those statistics. Players who think they can [[One-Man Army|win the game alone]] just end up feeding and eventually losing.
* [[Our Elves Are Different]]: Runeterra has all sorts of supernatural creatures, monsters and gnomes, but what it does not have is elves. The two pointy-eared characters are explicitly ''not'' elves.
* [[Overdrive]]: Blitzcrank [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|has a move called this]]. It allows him to run at high speed and significantly boosts his attack speed while it's active.
* [[Perpetual Beta]]: Sort of. The game is in its official release, but it's patched roughly every two weeks. This will probably only end if the game's plug was pulled entirely. Being a PC-multiplayer game (As well as Riot's sole product), this was probably expected.
* [[Play Every Day]]: You get an extra 150 IP from winning once every 22 hours.
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** The lore entries of several champions have changed over the years, some in slight details, others in major character overhauls. Teemo and Nunu have probably been hit the hardest with the Retcon Hammer; Teemo's lore took a big step towards [[Darker and Edgier]] and then a slightly smaller step back towards [[Lighter and Softer]]. Nunu's lore changed him from a boy to a girl and then ''back'' to a boy, causing much [[Viewer Gender Confusion]].
** The name of the tribe of warrior mountain-dwellers to which champions Pantheon and Leona changed from the Stanpar to the Rakkor, most likely to make the [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|parallels to the Greek Spartans]] a little less obvious.
* [[Rocket Jump]]: Tristana's Rocket Jump skill. [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]].
** Ziggs can use his Satchel Charge to leap over map geometry.
* [[Rule of Three]]: [http://blog.leagueoflegends.com/?p=215 Explicitly played straight] with the three ninja champions of Kinkou.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Tamat, Lead Community Manager at Riot Games, is well-known for his favourite champion being Pantheon. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se2_mp3hX3g This patch preview featured him looking slightly unhappy hearing about upcoming changes that would reduce Pantheon's power]. A later patch preview had him say he took a break from Pantheon to play Nocturne, and asked how he would be buffed. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkdP-Xp0N6o Morello holds in laughter and tells him Nocturne would be nerfed]. Tamat is again, displeased.
* [[Schizo-Tech]]: Despite being a fairly magic heavy fantasy world, the Lore journals reveal that Runeterra is actually pretty technologically advanced above and beyond their magical capabilities. For instance, the Journal of Justice reveals that there have been dirigible races for the last 16 years with ships, at the smallest, being 27 meters. Such ships are worked on by both mages and engineers as one ship was modified by a chrono mage to be faster.
* [[Shout-Out]]: See [[League of Legends (Video Game)/Shout Out|this page]] for the exhaustive list.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: League Judgements, depending on how well Champions had studied the League beforehand.
* [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains]]: No, really.
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** Miss Fortune's pistol barrels are thicker than her arms.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Highly averted, in comparison to other games in the genre- at least a third of the roster is female. This is exceptional compared to its competitors. Although notably, although there are female champions with heavy survivability, none of the female characters was a dedicated tank (until Leona, anyways). There also wasn't a melee female carry until Fiora.
* [[Songs in Thethe Key of Panic]]: In Dominion, when a team's nexus drops below 50% health, the music gets a little more intense.
* [[Spin Attack]]: Katarina's Death Lotus. Rammus' Powerball. Renekton's Cull the Meek. Tryndamere's [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Spinning Slash]]. Wukong's Cyclone. Now who could I be forgetting...
** [http://lol-turkiye.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Garen_4.jpg DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA!]
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[Defense of the Ancients]]'', but at the same time, it tries to be different and even diversifies the MOBA Genre with adding a Capture-and-Hold mode.
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** Sona is another aversion... except for her [[Impossibly Low Neckline]].
** Miss Fourtune's in-game sprite is practically topless, and almost all of her quotes are a double entandre.
** Vayne's original aversion of this trope didn't hold true with [[Monster Hunter (Video Game)|Dragonslayer Vayne]], which bares a midriff and cleavage.
** Ashe and her basic outfit which is similar to Sivir with slightly more clothing (and she lives in the coldest part of Runeterra). Woad and Sherwood Ashe justs amps up the fanservice.
** Akali anyone? Epic [[Sideboob]].
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** Irelia The Will of Blades
* [[Total Party Kill]]: Also known as ACED by the announcer.
* [[Two Guys and Aa Girl]]: The three Ninja champions of Kinkou are two males and a female; Shen, Kennen and Akali, respectively. Their actual relationship between each other aside from working together is unknown, and probably nothing bad will come up out of it, since the plot of the game is an [[Excuse Plot]].
* [[Unstable Equilibrium]]: this game, like most MOBA titles, features this quality, particularly via gank loops. If we're laning opposite each other and I kill you, I get a Gold and EXP advantage, not only from ganking you but because you then have to spend upwards of 75 seconds out of the fight (dead, respawning, traveling back up the lane). This G and EXP advantage lets me gain new equipment and abilities with which to repeat the process. When the page refers to a Champion getting "fed", it means that s/he was the beneficiary of this vicious cycle... and because it only has to happen two or three times for the advantage to become insurmountable, the match can be all but over within ten minutes.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]:
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* [[Why Am I Ticking?]]: [[Time Master|Zilean]] can plant [[A Worldwide Punomenon|time bombs]] onto units, including enemy champions. It's very possible to get one of these on you while you're running away and accidentally [[Idiot Ball|get a teammate killed]] if you don't keep your distance.
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9DtuE0QIW8/ And then there's this.] [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[World War Three]]: A sort of parallel -- according to the August 3 entry to the Journal of Justice, there were 5 horrific Rune Wars. To avoid another, where [[Real Life]] has the [[United Nations]], Runeterra has the [[Combat Byby Champion|League of Legends]].
* [[World of Badass]]: League requirement for joining: be a [[Badass]].
* [[World of Buxom]]
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