Leather Goddesses of Phobos: Difference between revisions

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A sequel, ''Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!'', was released in 1992.
=== This game provides examples of: ===
* [[Aliens in Cardiff]]: The game opens in Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
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* [[Copy Protection]]: The [[Feelies]] for the game included a comic book and a map, both of which contained information vital for getting through the game.
* [[Disney Death]] / [[Death Is Cheap]]: Played for laughs. Your faithful sidekick would occasionally get killed in the course of trying to solve some puzzle, with you mourning their loss. They'd show up again with some ridiculous [[Deus Ex Machina]] explanation within a few turns.
* [[Door StopStep Baby]]: Leaving a baby on the doorstep of an orphanage lets you sneak inside the opened door to loot the place.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Monkeys]]: At one point in the game, your character gets mindswapped with a monkey. In a cage. With an amorous monkey of the other sex.
* [[Feelies]]: The feelies for the game included a [[Three D Comic Book]] (with glasses), a scratch-and-sniff card, and a map.
* [[Heel Realization]]: {{spoiler|Disarming Thorbast/Thorbala then returning his/her sword causes him/her to realize that he/she is the bad guy.}}
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: The Naughtiness level, although strictly speaking it didn't actually affect the difficulty of the game at all, just the details of how certain events played out.
* [[MacGyvering]]: The climax of the game revolves around [[MacGyvering]] a device out of [[Noodle Implements]] to save the day.
* [[Man -Eating Plant]]: A large, mobile Venus Fly Trap is one of the hazards on... wait for it... the planet Venus.
* [[The Maze]]: A particularly nasty one requiring you to hop, clap, or say "Kweepa" every so many moves, and pretty much impossible to navigate without the bundled map. Players found this so annoying that a later version of the game included a cheat code allowing you to skip the maze entirely.
* [[Moon Logic Puzzle]]: The player is captured by aliens and thrown into a cell. The way to escape is {{spoiler|simply to open the door -- it's not locked}}. Many players were stuck for weeks on this point. Lampshaded in-game as well -- the other prisoner admits he never thought to try it.
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* [[Noodle Implements]]: The components of the day-saving device include: A common household blender, six feet of rubber hose, a pair of cotton balls, an eighty-two degree angle, a headlight from a 1933 Ford, a white mouse, a photo of [[Jean Harlow]] (or Douglas Fairbanks), and a Cleveland phone book.
* [[Pit Trap]]: Constructed to deal with the mobile Venus Fly Trap.
* [[SchrodingersSchrodinger's Gun]]: The player character's sex is indeterminate for the first few moves of the game, then the player has to make a decision about whether to go to the ladies' room or the men's room. Whichever the player chooses retroactively becomes the correct answer.
* [[Speak Friend and Enter]]: The player is captured by aliens and thrown into a cell. The way to escape is {{spoiler|simply to open the door -- it's not locked}}.
* [[Strapped to An Operating Table]]: At one point, the player is strapped to an exam table by a mad scientist and turned into a Gorilla. It's also possible to observe other experiments of the Leather Goddesses, but the game won't tell you what they are. Whether that is a [[Sexy Discretion Shot]] or a [[Gory Discretion Shot]] is entirely up to the player's imagination.