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* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|Let's just say that all characters are subject to this.]]
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: You'd think that the complete eradication of all kids under the age of ten would be a bit depressing, but people seem to take it in stride.
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]: Kirk Cameron's "Way of the Master" listing in the second movie in the series.
* [[Complete Monster]]: It does NOT matter what is your faith (Christian or not) you have to admit that Carpathia ''killed his own mother''!
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*** Why is this important for the authors to know? For one thing, Rayford is a candidate to be hired as the pilot of Air Force One despite being a commercial airline pilot rather than a military pilot. If this came about as a result of Nicolae changing the rules after taking over the world then it might have made sense, but one of Rayford's colleagues at the airline tells Rayford that he has been applying for the same position every time a new president was elected, despite being a civilian and long before Carpathia came along. Also, the President of the United States complains that Nicolae "...weasel[ed] me out of Air Force One...", seeming to forget that he voluntarily gave up this ''Air Force'' plane when he agreed to destroy 90% of his military arsenal and donate the remaining 10% to Nicolae's new Global Community.
*** On top of that, Air Force One isn't really a single, specific plane. It's a shorthand for "Air Force plane that the President is currently using or about to use". Strictly speaking, there can no longer ''be'' an Air Force One, since the term only makes sense in a strictly American Air Force context.
* [[Darkness -Induced Audience Apathy]]: Both 'sides' in the series have exactly the same goals and use pretty much the same methods, [[Because Destiny Says So|everything that happens is part of God's plan]] and, as such, the characters have no free will and [[You Can't Fight Fate|nothing they do at any point in the series makes any difference whatsoever]], so it's really rather difficult to root for them.
* [[Designated Hero]]: Buck and Rayford. Most of their behaviour goes beyond even the standards of a [[Sociopathic Hero]]. One could argue they're supposed to be newly-converted Antiheroes, but this doesn't hold up since they never do anything for anybody.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: The cookies